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Second-guessing 2020's #orgroam function as 'similar' to org-roam-db-sync did C-u M-x, it processed my notes and so far so good!

The fragility of tech does not bode well. One hour and five minutes ago I sat down to add one line to a report; my 'fix' was a guess born of experience with #Emacs things. What would reg'lar folk do? Take the day off?

I spend 10x the time (re)configuring-configuring computers to be functional than what I can spend using it to get things done.

I'll add that line now

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OMG it is WORSE! Not only did #Emacs #orgroam refuse to save my work, but on a restart it now ceases to allow me write access to my NOTES!!! I can't update invoices, reports, nothing, everything is now BLOCKED:

Company: backend company-capf user-error: The Org-roam database was created with a newer Org-roam version. You need to update the Org-roam package
finalizer failed: (wrong-type-argument sqlitep nil) [3 times]

this was all caused by updating the Org-roam package.

#Emacs #Orgmode: does anybody know of an interactive function that asks for a file name and then provides an interactive drill-down search (helm?) for a heading.

When confirmed, it inserts an org-link like [[id:the-id-property][the heading title]]

I was using helm-org-contacts which is now unmaintained and ChatGPT was not able to deliver such a function at all.

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I think you have to look more specifically for the task or interest. Search #linux with said interest.

A lot of apps have been around forever so maybe don't get talked about much.
Like #calibre or lilypond, kicad, open scad.

I tend to just use #emacs for everything because I don't like lots of buttons and icons everywhere.
I don't use a mouse
That limits the things that solve my niches.

I use Mpd for my music player, it has so many front ends, including emacs. I even use emacs for my browser, or #nyxtbrowser or qute browser.
So I'm off in the woods with my outlier self and nobody wants to hear about that.

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@cstross @RefurioAnachro @Quixoticgeek

I once joked about systemd-emacsd. There would be an emacsctl tool to go with it, of course. And no more LISP when simple declarative .INI files are superior and friendlier to modern developers whose laptops might not have a close round bracket key, you know. /usr/lib/systemd/emacsd.conf and /usr/lib/systemd/emacsd.conf.d/ are the future.

But then I once joked about putting an XML parser into process #1; and someone then did that.

#orgmode is amazing but we really need better unordered list depths as markup (not spacing) like we do for headlines.

- pizza toppings (top level)
-- sauce (second)
-- cheese (second)
--- fontina (third level)
--- mozzarella (third level)
- pizza crust (top level)

#emacs (boosts welcome)

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