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Some important acronyms to know. Feel free to add some of your own.

Logic In Symbolic Paradigms
Lisp Inspires Strange People
Lisp Is Secretly Perfect

Pseudocode You’d Teach Hordes Of Newbies
Probably You'll Try Harder On Next-lang
Python: You'd Think Hardware's Optional Now

Editor Maintained As Community Shrine
Ecosystem Mainly Acquired by Cult Sysadmins
Emacs Means Always Configuring Something

Vaguely Interactive Misery
Very Irritating Macros
Vim Isn't Modern

Legendary Interface, Notoriously Unforgiving eXperience
Loyal In Nature, Unmatched eXtensibility
Linux Is Natural Under X


#Emacs #Orgmode: does anybody know of an interactive function that asks for a file name and then provides an interactive drill-down search (helm?) for a heading.

When confirmed, it inserts an org-link like [[id:the-id-property][the heading title]]

I was using helm-org-contacts which is now unmaintained and ChatGPT was not able to deliver such a function at all.

The #Emacs #elisp manual claims 'CDR is pronounced "could-er".'

I always pronounced it "cad-er".

Then I tried youtube to find a definitive pronunciation guide, but searching for things involving lisp and pronunciation means I find videos about lisp the speech impairment, not lisp the programming language.

So, what is it?

Just moved to Fosstodon! #introduction

Dad and husband in #Pennsylvania. I teach #biochemistry, #molecularbiology, and #microbiology (and #humanities) in #highered.

Daily #Emacs user since the late 80s, #GNU #Linux on and off since the 90s. Strictly #FreeSoftware since 2010s. #Debian, #GrapheneOS, #OrgMode and #Emacs for teaching and research.

#Japanese #日本語, #francais, y #espanol roto. #DnD and #books. Love #camping #hiking #walking #cycling #coding #elisp

Hey everyone. I must admit, I don't believe I have ever seen someone enter #utf8 #unicode characters on a #computer in a natural way. Which seems weird, because a bunch of languages use them.

I wrote a #commonLisp #asdf package that just looks up a list of symbols in a file that has every non-surrogate unicode codepoint in it, and an #emacs #elisp function that just calls the #lisp one.

Multilingual people, what can you tell me about doing this at all?

Lisp (elisp) nerds. Halp! What does adding a star after a variable mean in lisp/elisp?

See `cmd*` below

I've tried searching for it but I get no hits. I don't like the elisp docs.

Recorded live #interview with @corwin
January 8 #2025 0UTC Wednesday: Archive backup of the episode.

#FSF #sysops #emacs #pedagogy #gamedev #ttrpg #elisp #lisp #programming #lambdaMOO #dungeon

I was personally out-of-it this episode, but Corwin really shines!

From Corwin:
The FSF link for the fund-raiser is

There's a page about dungeon here:

Here's the project on Savannah:

Jätkatud lõim

#emacs #elisp #commonLisp people, how are you using #ed ?

I have (ed 'x) re-open or create a heading & named src block named x in whatever emacs buffer is named at the moment. Then I have #+PROPERTY head-arg:lisp :tangle scratch.lisp tangle to an asdf package-inferred system so I can load-system it as well.

It took me quite a long time to come to writing this.

@kentpitman @limneticvillains @etherdiver @prahou

Codeberg.orgslimeclimorg/ at mainslimeclimorg - org for starting ecl with clim to slime-connect