"Earth's water might predate our solar system, tracing back to early galaxies. A cosmic connection that reshapes our understanding of life's origins. #Science #Cosmos https://phys.org/weekly-news/"
"Earth's water might predate our solar system, tracing back to early galaxies. A cosmic connection that reshapes our understanding of life's origins. #Science #Cosmos https://phys.org/weekly-news/"
Space has become very, very cluttered.
Satellite Tracker 3D is a premier platform for real-time, 3D tracking of over 24,000 satellites directly in your browser.
Starlink satellites are noticeably closer to Earth.
Source: https://satellitetracker3d.com/
“It’s incredible, right?” #neutrino physicist Paschal Coyle, a member of the #KM3Net team that did the research, said. “There are these objects in the #universe that can accelerate particles to such extreme energies. How that’s done, we don’t completely understand yet. So every piece of information that gives us a clue of the processes involved in achieving such high #energy — this is one of the main goals of #astronomy.”
Some scientific discoveries shake up my brain. https://www.esa.int/Science_Exploration/Space_Science/Euclid/Euclid_discovers_a_stunning_Einstein_ring
On the one hand, it almost blows my mind when I think about it further. On the other hand, it's wonderfully reassuring to realise that there are a lot more important and fascinating things in this cosmos than some evil guys on two small legs.
Nearby Habitable-Zone Exoplanet May Be a World of Fire and Ice
A newly confirmed exoplanet around a nearby sunlike star might be astronomers’ best chance yet to look for life beyond the solar system—but it’s still no place like home
The M33 Triangulum Galaxy
About half the size of our Milky Way galaxy, M33 is the third-largest member of our Local Group of galaxies following the Andromeda galaxy (M31) and the Milky Way. The galaxy lies about 2.7 million light years away.
William Optics 61mm APO refractor
ZWO183MC camera
25x4 min exposures
https://www.europesays.com/1803204/ des avions français, de l’OTAN, italien et américain se sont relayés pendant une journée #ActualitésAéronautique #aeronautique #air #AviationCivile #AviationMagazine #avion #cosmos #défense #espace #Europa #europe #MagazineAéronautique #nato #OTAN #RevueAviation
The fantasy world of flowers and light will soothe your soul.
#Who or #What is a #Quantum #Observer? [1st in a #series]
The #KrononautMoon Project promotes #experimentations, #observations & #celebrations of #TimeTravel. #Observing one's #world or #cosmos is just part of #CommonSense — right? Maybe not at the #QuantumLevel. 3-min. #video
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rqh6CH1Hlvo 2024 Jun 17
https://Wikipedia.org/wiki/Observer_effect_(physics) … #Physics
https://Wikipedia.org/wiki/Observer_(quantum_physics) … #QuantumPhysics
#FollowFriday #Astrophotographers
Truth be told, at @KronoMoonPhotos, what makes us happy is sharing, retooting & boosting everybody's personal #MoonShots, from their #bedroom #windows or their #backyard #gardens. Professional credentials are not required here, although an occasional #hashtag is nice: #MoonOverMastodon.
But there's a special love for our dedicated #deepspace #photogs, for their sharply etched #lunar #mountains & #craters, silent witnesses in the ethereal glow of #MotherEarth. #Astrophotography is a challenging, costly, and sometimes lonely pursuit, its #techies & #artisans gifting us with glimpses of the #wonders of the #cosmos. Here are a few fine practitioners, with our gratitude.
@webcubus @sharongascoigne
@96sk @w_susukigawa
@tars_server @WhiteJack
@raphastronome @hausderastronomie
@kreegan99 @UniversoMagico
@mchesner @world_beauty
@apod_random @space
@youcantoo @macmade
novalunosis - noun. the state of wander and relaxation ment exp. while gazing upon the stars
yutori - savour 'N slowing-down in conscious act around us, refusal to rush. nonverbal. just absorbing its visuals spaciousness.
Dark #energy: the dominant form of energy in our #cosmos, is causing our #Universe’s expansion to accelerate.
Many have tried to concoct valternatives, with David Wiltshire’s Timescape cosmology claiming it can successfully explain observations without dark energy at all.
Despite the popularity of such alternatives, they fail spectacularly when confronted with the full suite of evidence about the Universe.
But dark energy cannot be eliminated so easily.
"The Cosmos is all that is, or ever was, or ever will be."