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It is actually weird that Colonel Sanders hated what they'd done to his Kentucky Fried Chicken and moved to Canada so he could control rhe product, loved Canada, so he built Hospitals. AND ALSO, that A&W split in two, a growing good food version for Canada, and a cheap imitation that no one wants in the US.

I mean, fast food. Fast food.

Col. Sander's white suits and charities were Canadian.

Here's Harlan, Parade Grand Marshal, Brampton, Ontario

Visit Mississauga · Chapter 11: Colonel SandersThe suits were bespoke and the coleslaw was free for the Kentucky Colonel living west of Dixie.

Dear Governments of BC and Canada. We are in an economic moment. This is a time of huge upheaval and potentially generational change.

Education should never have a cost. It is education that staves off inequality and ignorance. It is education that underpins innovation, advancement, freedom, and democracy.

BC should partner with Canada and make all Post-Secondary Education Free.

#CanPoli #CdnPoli #Education #University #USA #Harvard

CNBCHarvard announces free tuition for families making under $200K annuallyHarvard will also be completely free for students with family incomes of $100,000 or less, covering tuition, food, housing, health insurance and travel costs.

There it is again, the 'be grateful' schtick. This time on WWII.

"“My advice to that unnamed low-level French politician would be to remind them that it’s only because of the United States of America that the French are not speaking German right now. So they should be very grateful to our great country,” she told reporters.”

This is getting EXTREMELY old and I can tell you right now WWII veterans in Canada, the UK, Commonwealth, France and all over the world and probably a whole bunch of US veterans as well, would turn their backs on these self-aggrandizing baffoons in the US Administration.

#WWII #Canada #CanPoli #USA #Europe #France #EU

Global News · ‘Give us back the Statue of Liberty,’ French politician tells U.S.Rachel Goodman poolt
Vastatud lõimes


Scientists, MOVE to Canada.

Move to Canada, move your family. Move your business, move your career, move your research to Canada. Move, to Canada.

Apply today, stay in touch with Immigration. Rules will be changing, watch for rhe changes. Apply.

Science will be respected.

Move to Canada, or maybe Europe.

Vastatud lõimes


Uhh, no, thank you very much.

You might see _your neighbours rolling over to become slaves.

You might like drawing parallelograms around German racist thug history, but Canada is Vietnam not Austria.

Only Russia is bigger.
Russia's economy is smaller than 🇨🇦

Canada has loyal allies, Russia has North Korea.

Canada already beat one US invasion. Do not think politeness and decency masks weakness.

"French nuclear attack sub docks in Nova Scotia"

midilibre.frPourquoi un sous-marin nucléaire français "Barracuda" a-t-il fait surface au large du Canada juste après les menaces de Trump ?Le sous-marin français FS Tourville a fait escale à Halifax, au Canada, le 10 mars 2025, dans le cadre de sa première traversée atlantique, en testant ses capacités en vue du renouvellement de la flotte sous-marine...

I'm more motivated to finish PM Carney's book, "Value(s): Building a better world for all", and came across this section:

❝An advantage of the subjective approach to value is that it is neutral. Everything that is priced can be compared by means of a common, widely available standard, the market price. But from the perspective of welfare, it creates several issues.

First, whereas economic infrastructure and economic capital are usually priced, social infrastructure, social capital and natural capital generally are not. This can lead to underinvestment in what matters for wellbeing. In standard GDP accounting, government contributes no value added beyond public sector salaries. Measurement of (unpriced) outputs would better reflect both living standards and economic per-formance. What captures performance during the crisis? A healthcare worker's salary or their heroic efforts at saving lives?❞

So we know he at least understands the problem. #CanPoli #CdnPoli