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#amazon and the other #broligarchs are so vile

I don't actually believe this report because I suspect all the smart speakers have been smart mic's all along, constantly recording people despite whatever agreements the company asserted.

Like, #tesla's surveillance tech has meant the company has been doing its own constant societal surveillance for years. Data says with the car, sure, but duhhhh I suspect corporate takes it too.

surprise, surprise: Trump gave #DavidSacks (pro #Putin, anti-#Ukraine All In Podcast broligarch and America's "crypto & AI czar") a waiver on any and all financial conflicts of interest that could result from Sacks using taxpayer money to enrich himself by investing in his crypto & AI scams.

(i will note that Sacks claims to have divested himself of his crypto investments but i find it impossible to believe he isn't at least indirectly financially exposed to the crypto market)

Remember, it was Sacks who helped propose the #StrategicCryptoReserve which proposed that US taxpayers invest in the same 5 cryptocurrencies held by Sacks's company #Bitwise.

The Lever · Trump Issues Ethics Waiver For His AI/Crypto CzarThe White House granted the waiver to David Sacks a month after Trump fired the director of the independent agency charged with enforcing federal ethics statutes.

No less than 76 #Democrats just voted with Republicans to overturn the #IRS's "defi broker rule" which would have required crypto firms like #MarcAndreessen's #Uniswap to collect information on their users and in so doing discourage the use of these platforms for #moneylaundering by criminals and rogue nuclear states (#NorthKorea *loves* Uniswap) and by the very wealthy to avoid paying #taxes.

The new wave of #memecoin scams like #TrumpCoin are also all facilitated/perpetrated by these decentralized trading platforms.

If any of these people are your representative you should do what you can to make sure they are primaried because they are not representing your interests. At a minimum call them and yell at them (this works better than most people think!)

The corruption of the US government by #crypto bros is extremely bipartisan.

* Full roll call of vote:


New paper from #Yale and the #FederalReserve blames the 2023 banking crisis on (you guessed it) #crypto and Nerd Reich #VCs.

> "A clearer commonality between the six banks [that failed], the paper argues, is their exposure to risky depositor bases that other banks shied away from: #crypto firms and [tech] venture capitalists."

* American Banker:
* Paper:


Dow, down 2% today, 5.5% in the last month, it was 8.8% lower a year ago. Another month+ at this rate: #BigHands will wipe out a year of #Dow growth.

Will #capitalists & #oligarchs (not the #broligarchs ) step in?

#nasdaq down 4% today alone, 11% over the last month, now only up 9 points in the last year. Less than a month more will wipe that.

#sp500 2.7%, 7.2%, now up only 9.7% over 12 months.

American capitalists: end that #fascism! Don't be a idiot.

tfw #SteveBannon keeps making great points:

> "Remember, #Zuckerberg and all these guys came out of graduate schools [and] they didn't have any money. The people that invest - it's all pension fund money. So it's Oregon State Pension Fund, it's #CalPERS, it's Alabama Teachers Fund. All of their money: this is the Greek tragedy part of this. The American working class and middle class have essentially, through their hard work and savings, paid for their own destruction. Your greatest strength was turned against you. Your ability to be a good householder, your ability to actually have something, your ability to pay your taxes on a regular basis and have a little something put away, that's what the venture capitalists and the hedge funds use to ship the jobs overseas and destroy, not only your own economics and your personal life but to make sure that your children and grandchildren essentially live like serfs"

#Broligarchs and other #billionaires bought the #UnitedStates Presidency for #DonaldTheDeplorable in order to ensure that their #ROI returns to the high they enjoyed during #COVID #pandemic.

The #infrastructure and #BuildBackBetter priorities of #JoeBiden left them absolutely famished!

After the DOGE heist and #TrumpTax #tariffs (paid by consumers) juice their ROI *this year*, they’ll need an even *bigger fix* next year!

Colonizing #Greenland , #Canada , #Ukraine would do it, for a few years.