US President ==> Elected Absolute Monarch
I probably get hung up on this too much, but under the #US #Constitution and various interpretations (eg. Federalist Papers #70), the US President has more power and fewer restraints upon that power than George III, Henry VIII, King Charles of Spain, Hapsburg Emperors, or Kaiser Wilhelm.
This is best exemplified by the fact that there is no practical way to remove a treasonous or corrupt sitting president. There is a method, but it is virtually unachievable.
That the limit to these powers is also ultimately interpreted by a Supreme Court that is itself, unimpeachable, is another indication of how this system works
The current operative interpretation of executive is not based primarily on the text of the Constitution, but on the Federalist Paper written by the arch-monarchist, Hamilton, and summarized below.
NB - when SCOTUS originalists refer to intent of the founders, they refer mainly to these papers, not to the text of the Constitution