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Today in Labor History March 20, 1985: The Bolivian authorities sent in the army to crush a General Strike. Workers had launched the strike in response to austerity measures by the Siles Zuazo administration. They demanded higher wages, stable food supplies, price controls and the president’s resignation. At the time, inflation was 3,400%. 10,000 miners filled the streets of La Paz each day. The General Strike lasted 16 days and spread to Santa Cruz and Chuquisaca. On March 24, the miners accepted a government offer to quadruple the minimum wage. They eventually forced Zuazo to resign.

Does our heart and circulatory #health necessarily decline with age? Not if we live like the #Tsimane

'Horus Group scientists who had found heart disease in mummies would join with the Tsimane Project and analyse CT scans of the hearts of the Tsimane, an Indigenous tribe of about 17,000 people living in the lowland Bolivian jungle. They would find almost no heart disease. What’s more, continuing research with the Tsimane shows rates of dementia among the lowest ever observed, and they have only minimal cognitive impairment with ageing.'

#anthropology #amazon #ageing #Bolivia #foragerfarmers

<p>An aerial view of the Bolivian Amazonian jungle, home of the Tsimane. Photo by <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Matthieu Paley</a></p>
AeonWhat Amazonian lives tell us about heart health and longevity | Aeon EssaysHumans always end up with clogged arteries, right? That’s not what the lives of the Tsimane in the Amazon basin tell us