Rooster Extends Partnership with J/70 UK Class for 2025 #boat #boating #GreatBritain #lake #News #photographs #photos #racing #reports #results #sail #sailing #Sea #UnitedKingdom #yacht #yachting
Rooster Extends Partnership with J/70 UK Class for 2025 #boat #boating #GreatBritain #lake #News #photographs #photos #racing #reports #results #sail #sailing #Sea #UnitedKingdom #yacht #yachting
Well, that took longer than I expected — but I also wrote more than I expected: nearly 4 hours to write a 4185-word article about solo cruising for Dockwa’s blog. After lunch I'll proofread it and cook up a 2-part version, which I hope they use instead. #boating
If anyone is interested in joining me and just one other student (so far) for a 5-day powerboat "Learn and Cruise" around the San Juan Islands, you can learn more here:
The class I'm teaching starts May 15. It'll cover all the basics of boat handling, navigation, trip planning, etc. What a great way to learn about boating while cruising the amazing San Juan Islands! #boating #SanJuanIslands
How do you move a 10,500 pound boat off one trailer and onto another? With a crane. #boating
I did some more work on the book. I brought today's word count total up to 6200. I know that seems like a lot, but it was mostly importing the text of existing blog posts and trimming them down a little. I think I'll be able to do a lot more trimming in the morning. Here's the photo I finished up with: Sunset at Peoria IL on October 24, 2022. I don't think this photo will work well in the B&W print version of the book, but it'll be in the ebook. #writing #boating
Washing out the storage lockers under my boat's aft deck has reminded me:
-Metal cans rust
- Drips from oil bottle caps get sticky
- My dogs shed
I took a break for lunch, but will get bad to it shortly. When I'm done I hope I have enough steam left to wash the aft deck.
Calling it quits for now. I got about 2200 words written, but that doesn't count the previous day's work that I edited down by a few hundred words. The #writing is going smoothly again. So fun to remember each day of my trip in detail.
Here's a photo from where I left off in Henry, IL. I had a wicked bad cold when I arrived there.
While using the Internet to determine whether lockmaster -- the person who controls a lock on a waterway -- is one word or two (it's one), I stumbled upon this great info piece about going through inland waterway locks (which happens to be what I'm writing about now):
This will be interesting for boaters: the section of the navigable channel next to the American Airlines Flight 5342 and Black Hawk crash site has been permanently marked "no wake."
Undoubtedly, many boaters will not be accustomed to slower travel in this section of the river.
I'm watching the 2-hr Safety Video that San Juan Sailing/Yachting requires all charter guests and instructors to watch. It focuses on basic boat handling skills, as well as area-specific info. If you are interested in #boating the #PNW and time to spare, why not give it a watch? You can find it here:
What cracks me up about this video is the reliance they place on crew members. I'm a mostly solo cruiser and have learned not to rely on assistance for anything.
Indeed! I well remember the days of rolls of #blackandwhite #film loaded into a #Kodak #Brownie #camera.
That gave you 8 pictures which you had to choose carefully as the whole roll would have to last a week, and you wouldn't see the results, grainy 3" x 2" prints, till after you got home and had taken the film to be developed at the local chemists shop.
Typical examples from my early teenage years at:
Yesterday's fallow canal section was a 10-minute walk. Half already has the water restored. The weir (in the previous post) is in good shape because volunteers worked on it. The dry canal bed still looks bad. See the photo ALT text.
What's involved to undo a 1950s decision to stop maintaining a canal, sell off adjacent land, fill it in, and build roads on it? You can read about the challenges on the work-crew blog:
1700s canal engineers tried various weir designs. This one's circular. Excess water flowed down the channel and over the perfectly horizontal ring of bricks, to drain away.
Sadly, this is part of an orphaned section of canal that is now fallow.
Happily, there's a group of Lichfield volunteers rebuilding this canal and its locks, to reconnect it to the Birmingham Canal Network. It'll take years because two roads were built across the land.