Big shipment of azaleas dropped at the nursery this week! #spring #flowers #BloomScrolling
Art 365/079: Spring
I used one of my photos of the plum tree in bloom from earlier this month as a reference. As I'd only had about two hours of sleep and had a number of things I had to do yesterday, I did the one quickly. It's intentionally looser and more abstract than my typical style.
Same street. Two days later. From snow and cold to tenacious crocuses springing forth from the soil — nothing is permanent. Everything is temporary. Focus on beauty. You are always in a state of renewal.
#bloomscrolling #flowers #gardening #SchönesGegenDoofes
Hunderte von Duftveilchen im "Rasen", und ich liebe alles daran.
Unser Aprikosenbäumlein, welches ich im letzten Jahr ja unbedingt besitzen musste, blüht!
I swear I don't even like daffodils, they are just hardy as fuck and somehow keep sticking around. And what can I do when the light hits that one *just so*
The San Diego Bird Alliance is advocating for a new (native) city flower. Bird people care about flowers too!
More information here: and elimination voting is already underway. I voted!
Nach der Seerosentulpe ist die zweite Wildtulpenart erblüht.
Die Turkestan-Tulpe (Tulipa turkestanica) ist etwas kleiner als die erstere, hat dafür aber mehrere Blüten an einem Stiel. Auch diese Tulpenart ist seit dem Jahr 1880 in Mitteleuropa in Kultur. Sie ist wunderbar zum Verwildern geeignet, und das macht sie auch.
Guten Morgen!
Das Schöne am Frühling ist, dass er immer dann kommt, wenn man ihn am dringendsten braucht.
Jean Paul (1763–1825)
Our hillside is covered in primroses and violets on the first day of Spring.
#photography #PhotoOfTheDay #darktable #umbria #italy
#italia #nature #spring #photo #bloomscrolling #wildflowers