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Didn't really get any good photos (they're awfully timid and I didn't want to spook them), but here are some nativehens (locals call them "turbo chooks") foraging with a pair of chicks. I enjoy how far up/back they raise their legs when walking/running
#photography #birds

A Veritable Aviary of Birds and Pollinators by The Paper Ark Are Small Enough to Perch on the Tip of a Finger via Colossal [Shared]

Nayan Shrimali and Venus Bird, of The Paper Ark, approach conservation and environmental activism on a tiny scale. The artists (previously) create miniature renditions of flora and fauna that harness the textured, buildable potentials of paper to showcase the beauty and singularity of threatened and endangered species.

#art #artwork #paper #birds #pollinators #small #make #artist #endangered #threatened #shared
