A pair of Ravens is always patrolling "their" remote road when we walk there.
You just never know what these humans are up to.
A Red-winged Blackbird (possibly a Bicolored California subspecies) was calling from the cattails at Battle Creek this first Day of spring.
Didn't really get any good photos (they're awfully timid and I didn't want to spook them), but here are some nativehens (locals call them "turbo chooks") foraging with a pair of chicks. I enjoy how far up/back they raise their legs when walking/running
#photography #birds
Birding has been pretty normal in eastern NC so far this March. The weirdest thing I've seen is a crow giving another crow a few strands of pine straw.
Feeder Stop, Peanut Grab
This is an image I captured a couple of years ago featuring a female, red-bellied woodpecker. She had just snatched a peanut and was poised to take off toward a nearby tree to enjoy her treat.
Explore more chic woodpecker photos by visiting my photo gallery.
The grain of the wood, the glint from the beaten metal post cap, and the textures of the plumage of this double-crested cormorant all spoke to me and said "How about trying this as a B&W image?". So here you go. What do you think? Lake Fairfax Park, Reston, Virginia, USA 18-MAR-2025 #birds #birdphotography #naturephotography #photography
Eistaucher überwintert auf dem Lippesee #gaviaimmer #birds in #watercolour
Heute in der Mittagspause an der Alme eine Rupfung gefunden: viele kleine sehr blaue Federn und diese gemusterten Schwungfedern. Außerdem kleine runde gestreifte Kopffedern. Da wurde ein blauer Wellensittich zum Fastfood. #birds in #watercolour
A Veritable Aviary of Birds and Pollinators by The Paper Ark Are Small Enough to Perch on the Tip of a Finger via Colossal [Shared]
Nayan Shrimali and Venus Bird, of The Paper Ark, approach conservation and environmental activism on a tiny scale. The artists (previously) create miniature renditions of flora and fauna that harness the textured, buildable potentials of paper to showcase the beauty and singularity of threatened and endangered species.
#art #artwork #paper #birds #pollinators #small #make #artist #endangered #threatened #shared