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You couldn't write a dystopian novel with a grimmer plot than what we are witnessing in reality.

Here's how the story goes: Capitalism cuts down all the forests in search of profits, strip-mines the Earth in search of profits, pollutes our air and our water in search of profits... and now, what's left?

Oh, wait, say the capitalists, we haven't dug down into the deep sea yet in search of profits, er, um, minerals. And guess what, we can pretend we're doing that for the sake of the climate and environment!

Yeah, that's the idea. We need those minerals to make electric cars. So it's a win-win. We'll make billions more in profits, AND we'll make ourselves look good by promoting Green Growth! 😃


This is so sad. 😢 And I can see no end to the ongoing tragedy...

Whether they hop around the prairie, dabble in wetlands, flit through forests, or forage along the shore, birds are suffering rapid population declines across the United States.

That’s the finding from the latest State of the Birds report, a status check on the country’s avian life published every few years by a coalition of science and conservation groups. The 2025 report shows that birds across most habitats have suffered major losses since 1970. Grassland and aridland species have been dealt the heaviest blow: both groups lost more than 40% of their total populations over that period.

What’s more, the trends for many habitat groups have gotten worse. Even waterfowl, which had previously been a conservation bright spot amid the alarming declines, have seen their numbers drop since the last edition of the report. Overall, around one-third of U.S. birds, or 229 species, are of high or moderate conservation concern, according to the report — dealing with low population levels, declining trends, or other threats that call for conservation action to step up.


The small village of #Rozwarowo in the far north-west of #Poland, nestled in a #moorland landscape, is the setting for a special project. #Reed farmer Alfred Smolczynski has been revitalising the #moor since the late 1980s, despite much resistance. He is now making his land available to a unique initiative to promote #biodiversity and rare #birds in particular.

Moorretter in #Pommern#Artenschutz und Auswilderung
Documentary in Polish and #German

www.rbb-online.deMoorretter in PommernDas kleine Dorf Rozwarowo im äußersten Nordwesten Polens, eingebettet in eine Moorlandschaft, ist Schauplatz eines besonderen Projekts. Reetbauer Alfred Smolczynski hat das Moor seit den späten 80er Jahren, trotz vieler Widerstände, wiederbelebt. Nun stellt er sein Land einer einzigartigen Initiative zur Verfügung.

"Donald Trump’s administration, backed by House Republicans and Elon Musk’s Doge agency, are carrying out an attack on the Endangered Species Act (ESA) and federal wildlife agencies that, if successful, will almost certainly drive numerous species into extinction, environmental advocates warn."

The Guardian · Trump orders likely to drive species’ extinction, wildlife advocates warnTom Perkins poolt

We gaan beginnen! #spring #theNetherlands #bloomscrolling #biodiversity #florespondence
3 pictures in one. To the left in a long rectangle flowering yellow/silver willow catkins against a blue sky backdrop.
To the right: top picture is a delicate pink almond blossom with soft yellow stamens with a bright pink tip on a branch with big buds that aren't open yet. The sky behind it is bright blue.
On the bottom right is a daffodil growing and just forming a bud in front of a beech tree.