Hummingbird in Winter Tree Limbs by Debra Martz
Buff-bellied Hummingbird at Estero LLano Grande State Park in Weslaco, TX
Hummingbird in Winter Tree Limbs by Debra Martz
Buff-bellied Hummingbird at Estero LLano Grande State Park in Weslaco, TX
Kingbird and Warbler Surprise by Debra Martz
I had been focused on and watching this Couch's Kingbird fly out for an insect and return repeatedly, so I was quite surprised when this Orange-crowned Warbler flew in, too!
Hoy la Lavandera Cascadeña (Motacilla cinerea)
28 Nov 2024
Zeitún, Marruecos
Perched Dark Eyed Junco in Winter by Debra Martz
Captured this image in February at the Great Salt Plains State Park in Oklahoma. These migratory birds will be heading north to their breeding grounds in a month or so.
#Birds #BackyardBirds #Aves #Iowa #Snow
Female Northern Cardinal and lil' friends adorning the snowy redbud tree.
El bec de corall (Estrilda astrild) és un petit ocell exòtic originari de l'Àfrica subsahariana. A Catalunya, com en altres parts d'Europa, s'ha introduït principalment a través del comerç d'aus ornamentals. La seva expansió requereix vigilància per evitar impactes negatius en la fauna local.
Bald Eagle Nest Remodeling by Debra Martz
Seen in northern Oklahoma in February
#BaldEagle #Nest #nesting #bird of prey #USANationalBird #birds #aves #avian #BirdLovers #featheredFriends #ornithology #photography #PhotographyIsArt #BuyIntoArt #AYearForArt #birdsOfMastodon
Trinca-ferro/Green-winged Saltator
Saltator similis
#animal #animais #animals #fotografias #photo #photograph #fotos #photos #birdwatching #birding #santamaria #santamariars #riograndedosul #bird #birds #Ave #aves #asavesqueeuencontro #patricianicoloso
Sparrow On A Wire by Debra Martz
White-crowned Sparrow on a winter day in Oklahoma
Merlin Checking Its Surroundings by Debra Martz
I captured this image in February at the Great Salt Plains State Park in Oklahoma.