#AntiFa They can run but they cannot hide! I get a feed from @euronews
European fascism was and has always been a response to the siren call of USA plantation #slaveocracy, #ManifestDestiny and post-Civil War #JimCrow. if capitalists have to pick between enriching themselves thru slavery or the labor of free citizens, they will go with slavery.
Karl Marx told us as much back in 1861:
do you get why #BlackLivesMatter is the most #antifa shit you can say in USA?
#MAGA is the negrofication of the white middle classes.
deal with it.
that Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. didn’t walk around with an #antifa flag all the time, doesn’t mean he was not working from an anticapitalist and antifascist stance.
on the contrary, he was keenly aware of the historical moment he was living in and saw #Vietnam as the pivot for American fascism’s flourish.
there is no Fred Hampton overtly calling for an all out war on fascism without MLK Jr explicitly making the connection with Jim Crow, colonialism and fascism…
Have I mentioned that this is my theme song and mantra? You can either join or we'll cover your escape. No hard feelings either way.
I've Been All Around This World (Live) - Jerry Garcia
At the time of liberation of the ghettos, ~90% of the Jews had already died or been killed by the Nazis. Sara Ginaite’s mother and sister were already forced to a concentration camp.
It was not until 1945 & the end of the war, when Sara found out the fate of her family. Her mother died in the concentration camp. All of her family was dead, except her sister & a young niece. (8/9)
#WW2 #Resistance #Lithuania #WomensHistoryMonth #antifa #Holocaust
In 1944, the Russian Red Army advanced on Vilna & Kovno. As the Allies approached, the Nazis liquidated the ghettos of Lithuania. The partisans joined forces with the Russians & Sara & Misha took part in the liberation of Vilna & Kovno. The iconic photo of Sara with her rifle was taken by a Jewish Soviet major who was surprised to see a female, Jewish partisan standing guard in Vilna. (7/9)
Sara Ginaite & others helped Jews escape from the ghettos. Once, in order to smuggle weapons into the ghetto, she pretended to be a German nurse claiming she was there to escort 4 sick Jews who needed to be detained. Flirting with the Nazi guard she was able to distract the Germans & managed to get the armed partisans through the gate. (5/9)
The partisans in the Rudninkai Forest included ~40 fighters & included Poles, escaped Soviet POWs, Lithuanian paratroopers, & 11 Jews from the ghettos. Over time, the detachment grew to number 300 fighters with the majority Jews. (4/9)
Sara Ginaite’s family & 40,000 other Jews were forced into the Kovno Ghetto. In the ghetto, a 17 y/o Sara joined the Anti-Fascist Organization, met & married her husband Misha Rubinson, & the two decided to flee the ghetto to fight the Nazis. Her mother did not want Sara to leave the ghetto, fearing for her daughter’s life. Ultimately, Sara’s sister promised she would not leave her mother’s side if her mother allowed Sara to escape. (2/9)
25% wealth tax/year, dropping to 5% when they're down to $78m
Just in the first year, those 3 alone would pay us$100b
That is a lottttt of cheese
Well, based on just these facts, buh-bye #mairikkka.
Nicht in unserer Stadt!
In Nürnberg haben Faschist*innen nichts verloren!
Gegendemo 22.3.25 um 13:30 Hallplatz, Nürnberg