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Most ancient Europeans had dark skin until 3,000 years ago, study finds

Dark skin was widespread across the continent for a considerably longer period of time than previously believed, according to a DNA study that has completely changed our perception of the appearance of ancient Europeans. In the study, 348 ancient human genomes from people who lived between 45,000 and 1,700 years ago were examined..

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Mystery of the Arnish Moor Man: Belongings of 18th-Century Suspected Murder Victim on Display

A new exhibition showing the personal items of a mystery 18th-century man, known as the Arnish Moor Man, has opened at the Kinloch Historical Society on the Isle of Lewis. The collection, comprising a well-preserved knitted bonnet and other items, represents the first time these items have been exhibited in a generation...

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1.5-million-year-old bone tools discovered in Tanzania are the oldest ever, reshaping early hominin technology

Archaeologists have uncovered a collection of bone tools at Olduvai Gorge in Tanzania, dating back 1.5 million years. This finding has pushed back systematic bone tool production by more than a million years and challenges previous assumptions about the technological capability of early hominins...

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1.4-million-year-old skull fragments linked to mystery human ancestor.

@Gizmodo reports: "The fragmentary facial bones belong to Homo affinis erectus, an esoteric offshoot of our family tree that inhabited Spain more than one million years ago."

Gizmodo · 1.4-Million-Year-Old Skull Fragments Linked to Mystery Human AncestorThe fragmentary facial bones belong to Homo affinis erectus, an esoteric offshoot of our family tree that inhabited Spain more than one million years ago.

The family group/tribe is built on mutual support, but the modern conservative version is transactional, based on membership and loyalty. Actions that look like kindness are in reality actions to reinforce tribal loyalty. I think this is why so many people in conservative communties, who are trapped in entirely conservative information spaces, have a hard time breaking free. They see examples of community support as affirmations of their community goodness, and this narrative is drummed into them constantly. Conservative leaders have the advantage of labeling any disruptive people or ideas as 'foreign' and a threat, even if from within the community, so that they never even have to engage with new ideas on merit.

Kindness isnt a relevant trait to their tribal functioning, because the ability to be unkind and cruel to people who arent toeing the tribal line is necessary to upholding 'family law'. Kindness in others undermines their attempts to police peoples behavior (this is why its so important that men are in charge). Therefore, not only is kindness devalued, it is actively persecuted as a threat to conservative values. And that is only treatment of your in-group. If you reject kindness internally, imagine how easy it is to subject an out-group to cruel inhumanity. You can literally justify anything. What is horrifying is the degree to which everyday members of conservative communities have become willfully blind to the terrible treatment of others in order to hang on to an image of community goodness. I have witnessed far too much of this in my life.

Its worth stating that the left has its own, different kind of tribalism. They embrace kindness but there is a lot of pressure to prove the right kind of worth. It has a distinctly multicultural, anti-authoritarian tribalism, where the rules of the tribe are under constant negotiation. This makes communicating a platform challenging. Its a lot simpler for conservative platforms whose rules come from demagogues and an old book.

The flaw of designing a system without compassion is that the cruelty eventually becomes impossible to hide from the tribe, and the cruelty comes for everyone. #uspol #politics #disability #sociology #anthropology #kindness #geopol

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In research on this talk, drawing on #ReichelDolmatoff's classic #Tukano ethnography, 'Amazonian Cosmos', Chris came across this excellent blog from @TootTropiques back in 2012. This discusses Reichel-Dolmatoff's #Nazi history in relation to his enormous contributions to #Colombian #anthropology and #Indigenous rights. Many anthropologists have taken inspiration from his work.

ethnoground.blogspot.comPutting the Reich back in Reichel-Dolmatoff: Nazi past of legendary Colombian anthropologist revealedNews, photography, research and non-academic writing about indigenous peoples of the Amazon

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🌔Tues Mar 11, 6:30pm (London UTC)🌕
Chris Knight on
'On women and jaguars: why perspectivism got it so wrong'

Across Amazonia, myths hold that in early times it was the jaguars, parrots, tapirs and other animals who first invented bows and arrows, cooking fire, ceremonial buildings, religious ceremonies and other complex cultural accomplishments. Then humans stole these things from the animals, elevating themselves above all other creatures – but at the cost of losing their former ability to engage in easy conversation with the animal world. This mythic view of our origins is the reverse of the Darwinian narrative which our own culture holds up as science.

In this talk, #ChrisKnight will introduce a recent trend in social anthropology – known as ‘perspectivism’ – and discuss whether such radically different ways of perceiving our origins and place in nature can be made to converge.

Chris will be speaking LIVE in the Daryll Forde, 2nd Floor of UCL Anthropology Dept, 14 Taviton St, London WC1H 0BW. Come in good time by 6:30pm before doors close please. You can also join on ZOOM ID 384 186 2174 passcode Wawilak

Vastatud lõimes

"Capitalism and extreme poverty: A global analysis of real wages, human height, and mortality since the long 16th century
• Data on real wages suggests that, historically, extreme poverty was uncommon and arose primarily during periods of severe social and economic dislocation, particularly under colonialism.
• The rise of capitalism from the long 16th century onward is associated with a decline in wages to below subsistence, a deterioration in human stature, and an upturn in premature mortality.
• In parts of South Asia, sub-Saharan Africa and Latin America, wages and/or height have still not recovered."

Sullivan, Hickel, 2022 :

@histodons 🧶

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RAG International Women’s Week special lecture
🌒Tues March 4, 6:30pm (London UTC)🌓
Christine Binnie
'Neonaturist body painting: A red RAG to patriarchy'

Christine will talk about the evolution of her art practice including #bodypainting, #performance #art, #anthropology, experimental #archaeology, #menstrual blood, red #ochre, #protest and pottery.
In 1986 Christine discovered the Radical Anthropology Group. Although she didn’t know it, she was was already part of a female cosmetic coalition, The Neo Naturists, body painted performance artists. This is the illustrated story of her journey, via different disciplines, including the classes, and how they influenced her art and life.

Christine will be LIVE in the Daryll Forde, 2nd Floor of UCL Anthropology Dept. Come in good time by 6:30pm before doors close please. You can also join on ZOOM ID 384 186 2174 passcode Wawilak