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when i castigate #nonvoters i hear:

"you're turning them off"

fuck that

if someone lacks the capacity to see the stakes, that's on them

it's not our job to soothe and trick them with emotional appeal. that's #MAGA tactics

what's happening now is they are learning consequences

the hard way

*even then* they will shift blame. never taking ownership of their #alienation

the problem is them

not how insensitive we are to their fucking precious feelings

#vote #midterms2026 you fucks

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@FranceskaMann @ohmu @Kierkegaanks


#plutocracy amplifies #hate on the right and #alienation on the left on purpose

the problem is we live in a #democracy (if we can keep it) so the average person matters. their choice to #vote #maga, or not vote matters

and the reasons they don't vote or vote maga is the #plutocrat influence machine, yes

but *why* does that influence work?

#socialMedia and #media #psyop work because hate and alienation is organic

we need to fight that too

#Neoliberalism and #neofeudalism are the dominant ideologies of the current era. Both are ultimately predicated on strategies and tactics that can be summarized as, "divide and conquer".

I do not think it is a stretch to posit that the number one problem that is precipitating the existential crisis that all of humanity is facing is the #alienation and #loneliness that these ideologies are designed to inculcate.