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Neue Studie, die herausfinden
möchte, wie nicht-binäre Personen die momentane rechtliche Situation

Die Studie ist in sieben Sprachen verfügbar und soll die rechtliche
Lage in Europa und Zentralasien erforschen.

"Europäisches und zentralasiatisches Recht, das über die Binarität hinausgeht

Diese Studie untersucht die Erfahrungen, die nichtbinäre Personen mit dem
europäischen und zentralasiatischen Recht gemacht haben. Die Studie zielt
darauf ab, besser zu verstehen, wie sich nichtbinäre Personen die rechtliche
Anerkennung ihrer Geschlechtsidentität insbesondere auf ihren
Ausweisdokumenten vorstellen."

Die folgende Seite ist nur auf englisch verfügbar. Wenn ihr aber mittig auf der Seite auf "Deutsch" klickt, öffnet sich die Umfrage auf deutsch. Dort könnt und solltet ihr dann auch die "Information für Teilnehmer*innen" öfnnen und lesen können. Beyond the Binary in Europe and Central AsiaThis study explores the experiences of non-binary people with the law in Europe and Central Asia. The study seeks to better understand how non-binary people want their gender identities to be recognised by the law, particularly on identity documents.

Struggling mightily with my hair this morning. Sensory-wise, dysphoria-wise, energy-wise. I want it off but at the same time I know it'll make my dysphoria worse to have it too short as it will to have it too long and I don't know what counts as too short frfr.

It doesn't help that my hair's been thinning for years, so it won't do what I want half the time anyway. Why couldn't I have been one kind of queer to streamline this shit.
#disability #agender #nonbinary

Jätkatud lõim

Please consider supporting my translation work. It's free (libre), released under a cc-by 4.0 license, and can help reduce radicalization, because while Christian Nationalists don't listen to reason, they do (supposedly) read the Bible. A properly translated Bible is much more difficult to weaponize, which is why they tend to cluster around the ESV and CSB.
Even so, all translations currently being published have the stated goal of aligning the Bible to certain dogmas.
I fully intend to let the Bible speak for itself, without censorship. I have always held that, "where the Bible speaks, we speak, where it is silent, we are silent;" add to that, where it is vague, weird, or even self-contradicting.


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"Everyone has two wolves fighting inside them and the one that wins is the one you feed." -Modern proverb

If you are as tired as I am of Evangelical Christian Nationalists perverting the scriptures to spread fascism, then it isn't enough to denounce them. They live in a bubble (like all cults) and you need to affect people in that bubble. Don't just denounce them, but support the competing Christian ideology that embraces love, and the Fruits of the Spirit at its core (you know, true Christianity).

I believe that what is lacking in a lot of Christian circles is a commitment to the truth, no matter where it leads. Please help me make my translation a reality and I will (and do) fight to bring the light of truth to every corner of Christianity, especially those lost in antichristian death cults.

#Bible #Scripture #Translation
#Christian #Christianity #Church
#Judaism #Jewish
#Tanakh #Tanach #Torah
#Transgender #Agender #Nonbinary

Jätkatud lõim

Please help me descend to the depths of nerdery. At least Biblical nerdery. I'm writing a translation of the Bible and trying to crowdfund this to make it my job for the next few years to translate the Bible.

I think we can all agree that among biblical translators there are far too few furry, nonbinary, tabletop gamers and far too much bias.

This translation will be released for free under a CC-BY 4.0 license when it is finished. (It's not like Zondervan or Nelson is going to be interested in an *unbiased* translation anyway.) You can use it for sermons or bible studies without limit, fill it with notes, share it with friends, or even change the parts you don't like. It's yours, do whatever you want with it.


#Bible #Scripture #Translation
#Christian #Christianity #Church
#Judaism #Jewish
#Tanakh #Tanach #Torah
#Transgender #Agender #Nonbinary
#Furry #FurryArt #FurryFandom
#TTRPG #DnD #DnD5e

Please consider supporting my translation of the Bible. It may very well be the first translation by a trans translator (is that a pun? no regrets).

But more importantly, it is a translation that does not seek to impose a theology on the Bible, but read it with an open heart and open mind to what the scripture really means when we listen to the Spirit of Truth instead of letting publishers write over the Word out of a profit motive (Jeremiah 8:8).

I long ago came to realize that I do not stand condemned before God because of a close reading of the scripture. Now I want to share that experience with as many as I can, as many as need to hear that God loves you. It's in God's Word of Life. I'll help you find it.


#Bible #Scripture #Translation
#Christian #Christianity #Church
#Judaism #Jewish
#Tanakh #Tanach #Torah
#Transgender #Agender #Nonbinary
#Furry #FurryArt #FurryFandom
#TTRPG #DnD #DnD5e

"So werden Trans* und Biologie alarmierend verbogen: Wie Wissenschaft für Ideologien missbraucht wird

Haben Sie sich schon einmal gefragt, wie es sein kann, dass in hitzigen Debatten über Geschlecht und Identität immer wieder vermeintlich „harte“ biologische Fakten ins Spiel gebracht werden, obwohl die moderne Forschung ein weitaus komplexeres Bild liefert?

Dieser Artikel zeigt, wie wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse häufig in ein ideologisches Korsett gezwängt werden und warum es so wichtig ist, diese Verzerrungen zu erkennen und zu hinterfragen."

Wissenschaft und Ideologie
dgti e.V. - Deutsche Gesellschaft für Trans*- und Inter*geschlechtlichkeit e.V. · So werden Trans* und Biologie alarmierend verbogen: Wie Wissenschaft für Ideologien missbraucht wirdErfahre, wie Ideologien in der Wissenschaft Fakten über Trans* und Biologie radikal verdrehen.