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Being homeless was better than living in the house I grew up.

I was free, and roamed the world as I saw fit, and most shelters were cleaner. You have no idea how sad of a statement that is if you've never been.

I was alone mostly as a child, and covered in fleas, and lived in filth. I couldn't leave either, and just had to suffer. Was beat daily for being sick.

Begging for help, and nobody would so I stopped talking entirely.

I will never stop speaking now.

Hello from Dublin!

Yesterday we went to Marsh’s Library, a reference library with some of the oldest printed books in the world! We couldn’t touch the books, but photos were allowed.

This library was also caught in the crosshairs of the rebellion in 1916, so some of the books have bullet holes in them (none shown).

Such a cool place! 😍

Other things we did:
-Dublin Castle
-St. Patrick’s Cathedral
-Various gardens
-Tasty food

#library #OldBooks #Books #Ireland #WritingCommunity

Hey you! Yes, you! We are shooting a psychological thriller titled, The Woman Who Knows. In the lens of a chronically and mentally ill woman thrown into a murder mystery after her husband’s mistress is found killed.

We will launch a crowdfunding campaign. Back us! Back black women and BIPOC in film! We need it now more than ever.

Subscribe to my newsletter to know when we launch! 🚀

#writing #writingcommunity
