WRITER FUEL: Teeny tardigrades can survive space and lethal radiation. Scientists may finally know how, and it could help in devising better protection for astronauts on long missions.
WRITER FUEL: Teeny tardigrades can survive space and lethal radiation. Scientists may finally know how, and it could help in devising better protection for astronauts on long missions.
WRITER FUEL: Is there life on Titan? A 6-mile-think shell of methane ice on Saturn's moon could assist in the hunt for life signs arising from this moon's vast subsurface ocean.
WRITER FUEL: A new NASA-led study suggests that photosynthetic microbes could thrive in hidden bubbles of meltwater below patches of ice on Mars. This could be one of the easiest places to search for extraterrestrial life "anywhere in the universe," the team says.'
WRITER FUEL: Here's what it's like to rappel into the solar system's largest canyon, Valles Marineris on Mars.
WRITER FUEL: Material harvested from asteroids could be used to sustain astronauts during long-duration space missions.
WRITER FUEL: Scientists at the University of Alberta have traced the origins of 200 meteorites to five impact craters in two volcanic regions on Mars, known as Tharsis and Elysium.
WRITER FUEL: Planning a trip to Mars? Here are eight tourist sites you shouldn't miss...
WRITER FUEL: Scientists just found the 'front door' to a massive cave on the moon - the Sea of Tranquility is home to at least one lunar lava tube, which could preserve a pristine and unweathered record of lunar volcanism.
WRITER FUEL: New photos from the European Space Agency's Mars Express orbiter give us our best look yet at a giant ravine on the Red Planet. The dark "scar" was likely birthed by a gigantic blob of magma hidden beneath a massive nearby volcano millions of years ago.