Hail Freya, it's Friday! Time for a #FridayPaganPoll:
Where did you first hear about Paganism as an actual modern religion?
Hail Freya, it's Friday! Time for a #FridayPaganPoll:
Where did you first hear about Paganism as an actual modern religion?
Have y'all been following this story?
This bookstore needs some love and protection sent their way.
#Witch #Witches #Witchcraft #WitchTrial
Here's the church: https://www.therrocfamily.org/
The pastor speaks out: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HaRJHhG6nKk
Witches & that sort,
You're invited to a social justice hexing discord server.
If adding pictures, please add descriptions. I generally write out the description in the post body.
There is no three fold law, karma, & that sort in this discord so please note, it might not be the place for you & your practice. Everyone is welcome. No trash talk, no criticizing practices, don't claim to be something you aren't.
Read the rules & leave an emoji.
#Witch #Witchcraft #pagan
I'll be offering "Solarpunk Pentacle: A Narrative for Action" at Sacred Space Conference end of this month. So excited to be with hundreds of wise and wonderful people.
Preregistration closes soon. For all the info including jam-packed schedule and dance party: https://www.sacredspacefoundation.org/
Because the news has never been so anxiety-provoking, let's take a look at pictures celebrating one of my favorite Discworld characters, the witch Tiffany Aching (Tiphaine Patraque in FR). Following the books' description, with her "midnight outfit" (I loved tooling leather constellations) and a blue hat for her "hat full of sky", she is an excellent reminder to fight against obscurantism.
Did you know her ?
#cosplay #fantasy #witch #artist #pratchett #discworld #art #mosstodon
Do not offend a witch, for their revenge can be terrible.
#Poland #folktale #folklore #witch #witchcraft @poland @folklore
Need some #hope + ideas for #resistance & #activism?
My #solarpunk novel The Working is on sale this week for US$2.99. https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/1584871
Dear witches of Fedi, do you have any resources to recommend for a budding tarot reader?
Thank The Lady, it's Friday! #FridayPaganPoll number 90:
What phases of the Moon do you regularly celebrate?
(By "celebrate" I mean any ritual act that you are doing because of the moon phase. Not only spells but meditation, writing, art, cleaning, cooking, having tea, or even just going outside and saying, "Hey, moon!")
Witches and that sort,
If you had one month, all expenses paid and all your monthly expenses paid, health in good standing, children well cared for, etc.
what sort of magical / spiritual practice would you jump into? What type of practice are you always saying....I'd totally immerse myself in ___________?
The new moon this week will be in Pisces, along with several other planets. The Pisces New Moon is known for its 'spring cleaning' energy, and all the extra planets in water signs are going to amplify that this year.
I'm gonna let this astral weather give me a boost and choose one physical thing and one spiritual thing that needs cleansing.
#pagan #witch #witchhunt #christiannationalists
Heads up South Carolina: Christian extremists organizing a literal WITCH HUNT:
Stillwater Christian Fellowship isorganising literal witch-hunt in Pickens, S Carolina.They have been infiltrating pagan spaces, hassling people in the streets, the works.
A craft fair was hit by Stillwater Christian Fellowship. Stillwater has called on people to "pick up sticks and chase the wolves out." They are even asking the government to "carry out God's law"-meaning to bring back witchcraft executions.
Well, if these pieces of shit want holy war, war is what they will get!
A WITCH IN ISENSHIRE is a bold cup of coffee made with determination, personal growth, and adventure. Book 2 in The Witch of Emelle series. Magic, technomancy, automatons, oh my.
Those who practice #meditation , please help pick better matt for newbie. I use guided meditations from apps for few months. And want enrich experience beyond sitting in the chair.
What matt is better for such case - 7mm TPE or 12 mm resin?
Asking also in hope for hint from a #witch whose #Witchcraft practice meditation and visualization takes central place.
Hail Freya! Here's my 89th #FridayPaganPoll!
I consider there to be 4 broad categories of Pagans:
*Witch- Eclectic, Wicca, Wheel of the Year, folk magick, god-worship is optional.
*Polytheist- Devotional, religious studies, deity and pantheon worship, prayers and offerings, magick is optional.
*Occultist- Thelema, alchemy, ceremonial magick, trances, summonings, experiments.
*Animist- Nature-worship, seasonal celebration, meditation, spending time outdoors, minimal magick or god-worship.
For this poll, I'm asking, which do you lean most towards? I know, I know, it's difficult, but if you had to pick just one?
Folklore read live!
Ever angered a pet so bad it squeezed you to death while you slept?
Hear folklore about that LIVE right NOW: https://youtube.com/live/dB555qD-vj0
Witches and that sort,
We're discussing offering pagan funeral rites locally.
Are any of y'all doing this?
We're not Wiccan so I wouldn't advertise as such, but what if someone asks for a Wiccan rite and there isn't anyone here to do it? Do you feel it's okay for a pagan, non Wiccan to perform that burial rite for someone?