on üks paljudest sõltumatutest Mastodoni serveritest, mida saab fediversumis osalemiseks kasutada. on mõeldud Eestis üldkasutatavaks Mastodoni serveriks. is meant to be a general use Mastodon server for Estonia.


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#distrans will be changing its name to #stigmerge. This pull request explains more about why.

You'll already see this change in latest main. Crates have been published but it's the same latest v0.3.19 otherwise.

0.4.0 is in development and will support trackers and simultaneous upload/download.

Renaming distrans to stigmerge for a few reasons:
It's not original; distrans is a secret messaging system from Frank Herbert's Dune series. While I borrowed it as someone deeply inspired b...
GitHubchore!: rebrand this project as stigmerge by cmars · Pull Request #238 · cmars/stigmergecmars poolt

Good morning, fellow nerds. Working on some fun stuff. Not sure how practical, but fun nonetheless. Seeing if I can build an http server that only listens over #veilid. Not sure if that's possible, but I guess we'll find out. But first, coffee.

Vastatud lõimes
@dalias @lauren @monocles @signalapp @kkarhan @pixelschubsi Not that either #Tor or #Veilid (or #I2P, for the closest similar network by design) are really all that resilient to malicious global observers with malicious nodes running timing analysis.

Batching, delays and cover traffic are varying degrees of unimplemented in all of those.

(And of course, even when implemented long-running always-available/low-latency services are subject to deanonymization by active interference and passive observation of downtime correlated with power outages & natural disasters.)

@VeilidNetwork Has Arrived!

The Internet was supposed to be a place of freedom and connection — not a marketplace for your personal data. Veilid is here to change that.

In a world where privacy feels like a luxury, Veilid brings hope. It’s a platform built to empower everyone with private, distributed applications that don’t trade your information for profit.

What makes Veilid different?

True privacy: No tracking. No data collection.
No hidden agendas: Built with passion, not profit.
An official CULT OF THE DEAD COW projekt.

Veilid isn’t just technology — it’s a movement to take back control of how we connect online. No compromises, no surveillance. Just freedom.

Artwork by @Banshee

Did the whole update / upgrade thing to my #Veilid server (It's running Ubuntu in Azure). How do people get years of uptime on servers these days? I have to reboot TWICE!!

(Sorry, programmer not sysop remember).