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Transfeindliche Verschwörungstheoretiker greifen alles auf wovon sie besessen sind und machen die Opfer zu Tätern, die an ihrer Verfolgung durch Trump selber schuld seien: eingebildetes „Grooming“ und sexueller Kindesmissbrauch, Ängste vor Unfruchtbarkeit und „Verstümmelung“, die angebliche „Auslöschung“ von Frauen, „soziale Ansteckung“ und sexuell abartige „Männer“, die von „Autogynophilie“ getrieben seien und eine geheime Verschwörung einer Medzinindustrie.

Reminder that Bible passages which have been weaponized against homosexuality using bad English translations, were actually about pedophilia. The bigots began to equate pedophilia with homosexuality, which is not accurate to other language translations of the Bible, nor the previous 2,000 years of Christian theology. This lie is completely in line with Conservative ideology, which is always claiming that "queers are targeting our children" and that "drag is pedophilia", and the existence of queer kids is used as proof of "grooming" instead of proof of natural diversity.

Note: This source is the United Methodist Church, a fundamental, traditionalist denomination which used to ban homosexuals from ministry, and only changed their stance last year (though this article is older than that, it has been a point of division in the church for a while). Just to show that this is not biased.

United Methodist Insight · Has 'Homosexual' Always Been in the Bible?A scholar uncovers evidence that the Greek word translated as "homosexual" in modern versions of the Bible actually meant something quite different to its originators.

Man kann von Jens Spahn wirklich nicht allzu viel halten. Ich persönlich verachte diese Person zutiefst, aus sehr vielen Gründen. Als ich ihn vor ein paar Wochen in einer Talkrunde sah, hatte er recht, als er sagte, dass er die Überraschung über Trump nicht versteht.⬇️

#intersectionalfeminism #Inkluencer #disability #behinderung #trans #transrightsarehumanrights #queer #humanrights #lgbtqia #LAUTgegenRechts #wirsindmehr #antifa #noafd ##nonazis #demokratie

Jätkatud lõim

Wie das britische Netzwerk #TransKidsDeserveBetter durch Störaktionen und Community-Building das transfeindliche System bekämpft

"Im Oktober letzten Jahres sabotierte die britische Gruppe Trans Kids Deserve Better (TKDB) die jährliche Konferenz der LGB Alliance – eine der einflussreichsten transfeindlichen Lobbygruppen im Vereinigten Königreich –, indem sie 6.000 Heuschrecken in den Konferenzraum schmuggelte. Mit einer auch in Deutschland immer angespannteren Situation für transgeschlechtliche Menschen und einer in der Luft hängenden Transgesundheitsversorgung kann ein Blick auf die britische trans Militanz lehrreich sein."

Pride is a riot!

EMRAWI · Revolting ChildrenEMRAWI poolt

"The putative feminist intent of the declaration is belied by the fact that trans men are not worth even a mention. Neither are intersex people, who from birth do not fit neatly in either category & who constitute, on some definitions, 1.7% of the US population . . . it is 1 thing to target a specific pop., as this declaration targets trans women, & another to efface the reality of another group by failing to name them @ all. " #JudithButler

London Review of Books · Judith Butler · This Is WrongWe need a better understanding of the fears exploited by authoritarians: who is this ‘migrant’, so dangerous they...

"The putative feminist intent of the declaration is belied by the fact that trans men are not worth even a mention. Neither are intersex people, who from birth do not fit neatly in either category & who constitute, on some definitions, 1.7% of the US population . . . it is 1 thing to target a specific pop., as this declaration targets trans women, & another to efface the reality of another group by failing to name them @ all. " #JudithButler

London Review of Books · Judith Butler · This Is WrongWe need a better understanding of the fears exploited by authoritarians: who is this ‘migrant’, so dangerous they...

#Trump is such a pathetic, petty man-child (much like his first buddy). Stand strong, #GovernorJanetMills !

Petulant Trump Demands Groveling From Governor Who Stood Up to Him

by Liam Archacki, Sat, March 22, 2025

"President Donald Trump suggested he would continue to punish #Maine until the state’s governor offers a 'full throated apology' for standing up to him on #TransRights and promises never to 'challenge' him again.

"Gov. #JanetMills went viral after she took on Trump in a fiery verbal exchange at a meeting of the National Governors Association last month. After the president called her out for not complying with an executive order against transgender athletes, Mills retorted, 'We’ll see you in court.'

"On Saturday, Trump—who has sicced multiple federal agencies on Maine as retaliation—took to Truth Social to demand that Mills grovel."

Read more:
#TrumpIsABully #USPol #MaineResists #MaineResistance #SeeYouInCourt #ProtectTransYouth #FuckTrump
#TransRightsAreHumanRights #Resist #Authoritarianism

Yahoo News · Petulant Trump Demands Groveling From Governor Who Stood Up to HimLiam Archacki poolt


1. My husband went w/ me to his first #TeslaTakedown protest & we met someone who was also there for the first time.

2. One of the organizers at the #TeslaTakedown protest noticed my #Moe's bookbag, told me he went to Berkeley, majored in philosophy, and #Spinoza was his favorite, and he talked about the relevance of Spinoza to today's crumbling world.

3. 3 people said they liked my T-shirt, including a woman at H Mart.



1. My husband went w/ me to his 1st #TeslaTakedown protest & we met someone who was also there for the 1st time.

2. One of the organizers @ the TeslaTakedown protest noticed my #Moe's bookbag, told me he went to Berkeley, majored in philosophy, & #Spinoza was his favorite, & he talked about the relevance of Spinoza to today's crumbling world.

3. 3 people said they liked my T-shirt, including a woman @ H Mart.


Solidarity Statement.

Trans Pride Southampton stands in solidarity with the queer community in the USA. Who are facing growingly more blatant hostility towards particular trans people. We never thought we’d have to say this so quickly, but we must assert it is in no way fraudulent for one to embrace their queer identity and transition.

We also send our thoughts to Hungary, who has recently banned Pride events to combat “woke ideology”. Pride is a protest, and it can be a celebration of battles already won - we wish the queer communities in Hungary the best in this new battle to overcome.

These sentiments regarding queer people, or “wokeness”, are already rife in the UK. Our media already floods people with the statement being trans is an “ideology “ - we assert this has never been the case, trans people have always existed and is only political because we are politicised by the hatred and ignorance we face.

#Pride #PrideIsAProtest #Trans #TransRightsAreHumanRights

Nochmal zum mitschreiben, Transfeindlichkeit ist nicht erst dann schlimm, wenn sie cis Frauen trifft.
Wenn man einer Frau schaden will, erzähle sie ist trans und hätte einen Penis und unterstelle sexuellen Missbrauch.
Dabei spielt die Wahrheit keine Rolle.
Auch Kommentare wie "Abschieben!" zeigen was Menschen am liebsten mit trans Frauen wie mir machen wollen.

queer.deBerichte über kriminelle trans Polizistin in "Bild" und "Nius": Alles nur erfundenSie soll Kollegen brutal mit einer Penispumpe missbraucht haben und außerdem trans sein, so Berichte im rechten Boulevard. An dieser Geschichte stimmte aber so gut wie gar nichts. (Kunst & Kultur - Medien)

Here's something easy to do, and comments have had an impact in the past. The Musk/Trump administration wants to strip gender-affirming care out of Affordable Care Act (ACA) plans.

To skip down to read the section about this, search the page for "sex-trait".

This proposal also is about denying the care to DACA folks. I recommend submitting two separate comments, one about each of these cruel proposals.

1) Click "Submit a Public Comment" at the top of the page.

2) Type in your comment.

3) There's a question "What is your comment about?" with a long drop-down list to select from. That seems to be a way to narrow down what your comment is about, which isn't appropriate for this kind of treatment. That question doesn't require an answer, so I skipped it.

4) Check Individual. You can make your comment anonymous or provide more info.

You can upload files with supporting information, too, if you'd like.

In my comment, I touched on:
- gender affirming care is required for a lot of people. For example, I’m on HRT after menopause. Many men with gynecomastia have breast-reduction surgery.

- gender affirming care for people who are transitioning is important healthcare, critical to their wellbeing. I talked about rates of suicide in people who cannot transition.

- The Executive Order that is the basis for this claims to be about protecting women. The EO is biological nonsense, legally incoherent, and as I woman I have absolutely no need to be “protected” from women who are trans.

www.federalregister.govFederal Register :: Request Access