on üks paljudest sõltumatutest Mastodoni serveritest, mida saab fediversumis osalemiseks kasutada. on mõeldud Eestis üldkasutatavaks Mastodoni serveriks. is meant to be a general use Mastodon server for Estonia.


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1 postitusega1 osalejaga0 postitust täna

I got inspired by @grumpygamer and re-made my static site using @publii (because, you know, I'm a Designer, not a Programmer 😅). It's here: So far, it works as intended and it's going to save me a lot of time if everything goes ok. #staticsitegenerator #staticsite #blog

HyperfixationsHomeWelcome! My name is Damian Vila, and I'm a Graphic Designer (and aspiring Painter) from Madrid, Spain. Here you'll find some of my past and…

Okay, a lot of folks gave recommendations for hosts. Codeberg Pages seems nice.

Now I need a quick way to actually generate the site without directly hand-coding HTML. I ideally want a "drag-and-drop" type thing like Google Sites. Multiple people in the quoted thread suggested things like Jekyll, Eleventy, and Hugo, which all seem like command-line programs that are way more work to set up and use. Is there something I can run to generate static HTML that is as easy-to-use as Google Sites?

#StaticSite #StaticSiteGenerator #WebHosting


TransFem Space@183231bcbWhat's fedi's recommendation for a cheap or free hosting provider for static sites for which I can use my own domain? Bonus points for a built-in static site generator. #StaticSite #StaticSiteGenerator #WebHosting

I've been on a quest to find the best #StaticSite out there. Enter Static.Quest, !

This has been a side project of mine for a little while and happy to announce the initial release of Static.Quest. A simple web ring idea to list all the other amazing static websites to highlight the owners, web hosting, and static site generators.

Even have a few resources on how to get started with static sites.

Vastatud lõimes

@b0rk @jakelazaroff
I know you're not looking for advice, but before you abandon #Hugo, you could try using #Pandoc as your MarkdownHandler. Info is in
I'm stuck on Hugo v0.122.0 because of things I don't want to deal with YET. Good luck finding a good #SSG
#GoHugo #StaticSiteGenerator #StaticSiteGen #Markdown #GoldmarkMarkdwon

gohugo.ioConfigure markupConfigure rendering of markup to HTML.