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This month's solarpunk hangout will be happening on Thursday, March 13, at 7:15-8:15 Eastern Time on Jitsi!

Come hang out and build solidarity amongst other solarpunks, discuss solarpunk things, express your climate grief/frustration, swap hopeful narratives and tips for how to incorporate solarpunk into your everyday life, and more!

The link will be posted on Patreon, accessible to all paying members (reminder: our memberships start at $1USD).

PatreonGet more from Solarpunk Presents on PatreonPodcasts about people creating the future we'd like to live in

Hello fediverse solarpunks! We’re Solarpunk Presents Podcast, a podcast run on a shoestring budget by two lady solarpunks, one in Canada (@arielkroon) and one in Germany ( We’re not great with technology, but we happen to both be PhDs from the opposite sides of the spectrum between STEM and Humanities/the Arts, and we’re united in our working towards solarpunk futures.

Our podcast is an interview-style podcast where we talk to guests and each other about various aspects of solarpunk, renewable energies, political action, and more. Often, our guests are people who wouldn’t label themselves as solarpunks, but are (and have been, often for years) quietly involved in working towards making the world a better place to live in. We strongly believe that once you get past the aesthetic and hype about renewables, solarpunk at its core promotes compassion, kinship with non-humans and humans alike, and grace for our fellow human beings as we all work together to survive on our shared planet.

You can support the podcast on Patreon, with tiers starting at just $1 USD! We host a monthly solarpunk hangout that all of our patrons are invited to, and all Patrons at the $3 tier and up receive early access to our episodes. There are more tiers with more extras, so head to to see them all. We also take one-time or recurring donations over at our PayPal:
Even if you’re not in the financial position to donate, we really value other forms of support, such as positive reviews on your podcatcher of choice (it helps us be more visible and reach more solarpunks!), or subscriptions to our YouTube channel and comments there. As writers, we thrive on feedback, and we are continually trying to make the podcast better and want to know what you think.

As I’ve said before, it's rough out there for anyone valuing the environment, social justice, compassion, and more, and we want to keep doing our part to keep hope alive. We want to broaden the imagination of what it's possible to do to contribute to a better world, no matter who you are, where you live, or what life stage you're at.

#Patreon #solarpunk #SolarpunkPresents #SolarpunkPresentsPodcast #support #hope #hopepunk #environmentalism #ClimateCatastrophe #ClimateGrief #reviews #ReviewsPlz #SharingIsCaring# compassion #imagination #Future#PositiveFuture #Futurism #PositiveFuturism #SolarpunkPodcast #SolarpunkPodcasting #ClimateHope #MutualAidRequest #MutualAid

PatreonGet more from Solarpunk Presents on PatreonPodcasts about people creating the future we'd like to live in

Hello fediverse solarpunks! We’re Solarpunk Presents Podcast, a podcast run on a shoestring budget by two lady solarpunks, one in Canada (@arielkroon) and one in Germany ( We’re not great with technology, but we happen to both be PhDs from the opposite sides of the spectrum between STEM and Humanities/the Arts, and we’re united in our working towards solarpunk futures.

Our podcast is an interview-style podcast where we talk to guests and each other about various aspects of solarpunk, renewable energies, political action, and more. Often, our guests are people who wouldn’t label themselves as solarpunks, but are (and have been, often for years) quietly involved in working towards making the world a better place to live in. We strongly believe that once you get past the aesthetic and hype about renewables, solarpunk at its core promotes compassion, kinship with non-humans and humans alike, and grace for our fellow human beings as we all work together to survive on our shared planet.

You can support the podcast on Patreon, with tiers starting at just $1 USD! We host a monthly solarpunk hangout that all of our patrons are invited to, and all Patrons at the $3 tier and up receive early access to our episodes. There are more tiers with more extras, so head to to see them all. We also take one-time or recurring donations over at our PayPal:
Even if you’re not in the financial position to donate, we really value other forms of support, such as positive reviews on your podcatcher of choice (it helps us be more visible and reach more solarpunks!), or subscriptions to our YouTube channel and comments there. As writers, we thrive on feedback, and we are continually trying to make the podcast better and want to know what you think.

As I’ve said before, it's rough out there for anyone valuing the environment, social justice, compassion, and more, and we want to keep doing our part to keep hope alive. We want to broaden the imagination of what it's possible to do to contribute to a better world, no matter who you are, where you live, or what life stage you're at.

#Patreon #solarpunk #SolarpunkPresents #SolarpunkPresentsPodcast #support #hope #hopepunk #environmentalism #ClimateCatastrophe #ClimateGrief #reviews #ReviewsPlz #SharingIsCaring# compassion #imagination #Future#PositiveFuture #Futurism #PositiveFuturism #SolarpunkPodcast #SolarpunkPodcasting #ClimateHope #MutualAidRequest #MutualAid

PatreonGet more from Solarpunk Presents on PatreonPodcasts about people creating the future we'd like to live in

Hey friends, Christina and I met earlier this month and decided that we'll be taking things a bit easier on the episodes this season - instead of every two weeks, we will be releasing them every three weeks. We're still planning for the same number of episodes, as well as special bonus content and dispatches for our Patrons, but no full-length bonus chats between us for the next few months. We're both a little strung out from events in our personal lives this past fall and need a bit of time to recuperate.

Heyo followers and friends and fediverse solarpunks, here’s your reminder for the day that we need your support! This podcast is run by two people who are actively trying to figure out the very technology that we’re trying to use to broadcast solarpunk content out to the world, and that means we’re pretty busy and paying for this out of our own pockets. We are currently able to cover our hosting fee, but we aren’t able to like, actually properly compensate ourselves or pay for better equipment yet. It’s a goal we’re working on.

So if you like what we do, or you want some of that sweet sweet bonus content and early access to episodes, or just want to support solarpunk work in the present, please support us financially through Patreon (starting as low as $3USD / month) or make a donation through PayPal. If you’re hard up for cash, but still would like to support us and solarpunk in general but just can’t financially right now, it would still go a long way if you could take a moment to write us a review on your podcatcher of choice, or subscribe to our YouTube channel and leave us a comment on your favourite video so we can get seen by more people. Sometimes we feel like we’re shouting into the void, and as writers we do thrive on feedback. If you really liked a certain episode, please share it with someone you know who you think would like it too.

As I’ve said before, it's rough out there for anyone valuing the environment, social justice, compassion, and more, and we want to keep doing our part to keep hope alive. We want to broaden the imagination of what it's possible to do to contribute to a better world, no matter who you are, where you live, or what life stage you're at.


#Patreon #solarpunk #SolarpunkPresents #SolarpunkPresentsPodcast #support #hope #hopepunk #environmentalism #ClimateCatastrophe #ClimateGrief #reviews #ReviewsPlz #SharingIsCaring# compassion #imagination #Future#PositiveFuture #Futurism #PositiveFuturism #SolarpunkPodcast #SolarpunkPodcasting #ClimateHope #MutualAidRequest #MutualAid

PatreonGet more from Solarpunk Presents on PatreonPodcasts about people creating the future we'd like to live in

Episode 5.7: Building Dual Power, with Andre Rosario [aka HydroponicTrash]

André Rosario (aka HydroponicTrash) joins us this week on the podcast to tell Ariel all about dual power - what it is, how it fits in with solarpunk, and how people can mobilize it in their daily lives. Their conversation ranges from the history of the term dual power, to examples from André’s own life, to the concept of mutual aid, the importance of imagining a better world, how to build relationships as an introvert, and even includes a discussion of human nature.

#Episode #Season5 #YouTube #SolarpunkPresentsPodcast #podcast #solarpunk #DualPower #HydroponicTrash #Hydroponics @hydroponictrash #MutualAid #SolarpunkFiction #BetterWorlds #SocialJustice #SocialChange #Neighborhood #Neighbourhood #CivicPower #Cities #UrbanSolarpunk

Episode 5.6: Low Carbon Methods for Doing and Communicating Research With Dr Anne Pasek

This episode’s guest is Dr Anne Pasek, Canada Research Chair in Media, Culture, and Environment, and an Assistant Professor in the Department of Cultural Studies and the School of the Environment at Trent University. Dr Pasek is co-founder of the Low Carbon Research Methods Group, and she talks to Ariel all about what Low Carbon Research is (and can look like!), the “carbon footprint” of academic research, new innovative ways for research to respond to the climate crisis, the importance of zines, and even hosting her own solar server in her backyard!

#Episode #Season5 #YouTube #SolarpunkPresentsPodcast #podcast #solarpunk @Aepasek @academicchatter #solar #SolarServer #LowCarbonMethods #Research #ResearchGroup #Humanities #Petrocultures #LowCarbonMethodsResearchGroup #Academic #Academia #AcademicResearch #scholarship #scholar #interview

Episode 5.5:Tech and the Power of Solarpunk Narratives, with Paweł Ngei

In this episode, Christina talks with hacker and enthusiastic solarpunk Paweł Ngei about the power of solarpunk narratives to open our eyes to the ways in which we do things and invite us to critically examine them. Why is tech built this way? Who are we disenfranchising by not having more or different designs for things? Who are we handing over too much power over our lives to mindlessly letting them thrust their tech into our lives without us knowing how it works?

For more info about and thoughts from Paweł, can check out his blog (, be inspired by his podcast (, read his short story about a disabled inventor at, or read his review of Kim Stanley Robinson’s The Ministry for the Future (

Other links Paweł recommends are about the book A Half Built Garden by Ruthanna Emrys and Appropodeia, a great solarpunk engineering wiki.

alxd - solarpunk hackeralxd - solarpunk hacker

Episode 5.4: Behind the Scenes with the Solarpunk Conference Organizers

In 2023, the inaugural Solarpunk Conference was held in virtual space, bringing together over 150 attendees, 18 presenters, and creating a palpable sense of the solarpunk community. This episode, Ariel chats with conference organizers Charles Valsechi, Lindsay Jane, and Kees Schuller about the genesis of the conference, the inspiration for its theme, as well as a little preview of what they are hoping to see at the 2024 Solarpunk Conference: Rays of Resilience.

You can go to to check out The Solarpunk Conference, access The Solarpunk Conference Journal, and buy tickets. You can also check out the channel ‪@solarpunkconference‬ on YouTube for recordings of last year’s presentations, and stop by Lindsay Jane's channel ‪@TheSolarpunkScene‬ for more solarpunky content!

#Episode #Season5 #YouTube #SolarpunkPresentsPodcast #podcast #solarpunk @Char #solarpunkconference #RaysOfResilience #Conference #Presenting #Workshops #VirtualAttendance #2023 #COnferenceArchives #Archives @academicchatter

Solarpunk ConferenceSolarpunk Conference

5.1: Let's Talk Tech, Solarpunks! With Ariel & Christina

If tech wasn’t such a central aspect of solarpunk, we’d all just be hippies redux. Yet not all tech, right? Because solarpunk is also about living the good life while building a just, inclusive, and sustainable society. So, what is solarpunk’s attitude toward and relationship with tech? How do solarpunks decide what’s worth it and what’s beyond the pale? And what’s all this about appropriate technology?

Season 4 episode 9: The Fantasies of Post-apocalyptic Dystopian Fiction, with Ariel Kroon

Classic, post-apocalyptic, dystopian fiction is a type of fantasy where we’re dreaming of starting over in an empty landscape from a societal and cultural slate wiped clean by some devastating event that we don’t have to feel guilty about having happened—at least, it is according to our very own Ariel Kroon, who does, yes, have a PhD in it.* Yet, at the same time, these fantasies generally suffer from a strange lack of imagination, wherein the characters use the “fresh new start” to recreate the same old society, albeit with themselves at the top, with the same old systemic socioeconomic, environmental, and structural problems.

It’s almost as if it is easy to dream up apocalypse but next to impossible to envision a different way of living. Although a failure of imagination would most likely look different for solarpunk, can solarpunk creators and dreamers of a positive future avoid falling into the same sort of trap?

*Post-apocalyptic Canadian science-fiction 1948-1989, she wants to clarify. She’s even got the thesis to prove it.

Season 3 Episode 3: Carbon Capture and Storage with Prof Mike Bickle

In this episode, Christina talks to Professor Mike Bickle about what methods for carbon capture and storage are the most promising (and the most likely for us to engage in), what some of the dangers are, what it would take to deploy carbon capture and storage at the scale required, and how long it might take us to bring an end to the global warming we’ve created. Prof. Bickle is professor emeritus at the Earth Sciences Department at the University of Cambridge.

Conquering climate change for our survival and that of much of the rest of the biosphere calls for more than attaining net zero emissions of greenhouse gasses to the atmosphere. We also need to actively remove much of the 140 extra parts per million of carbon dioxide currently up there in the atmosphere thanks to our burning of fossil fuels and destruction of so much of Earth’s biosphere. Both attaining net zero and going beyond it will take carbon capture and storage. This means capturing carbon dioxide from power plants and other point sources and from our agricultural activities before it gets into the atmosphere, as well as capturing carbon dioxide already in the atmosphere. Then, we need to store that carbon somewhere safely away from the atmosphere for at least a few thousand years.

Season Two Episode Six: Gentle Gardening on Limited Spoons with Erin Alladin

Erin Alladin’s new e-book “Gentle Gardening: A Guide for Uncooperative Bodies” is transformative, specifically covering the issues of gardening with chronic fatigue and the other complex disabilities that can accompany it, and reframing gardening as an accessible and fun activity. Ariel talks to Erin in this episode about her journey with gardening to where she is now, the book, a bit about gardening on Turtle Island as a settler, and tackling the gardener’s mindset and impostor syndrome that may come with it.

You can visit Erin’s blog at to learn more, and check out GENTLE GARDENING: A GUIDE FOR UNCOOPERATIVE BODIES. You can connect with her at TikTok, X, and Instagram @ErinAlladin.

On some very serious level, it’s just not solarpunk if it’s not about a community taking action to make the world a better place. Individualism: it’s just so wrong. It’s fair to say that, not just in solarpunk, but in our cultures, “community” is right up there with “children” as an idea of something inherently good, moral, and wonderful. Community is worshiped as an answer to our problems. But Christina gets a sinking feeling every time she reads a solarpunk story that idolizes community.

In this episode, Christina tries to figure out why she’s so suspicious of community and so afraid of being suffocated by the rules, regulations, and norms of community. Join us for our Season 5 closer in which she and Ariel peek at community’s darker sides, like infighting, conformity, the potential for ostracizing people who don’t conform, and the fact that the existence of a community automatically creates a them.


Important announcement: We will be going on a short break for August, but stay tuned for season six in September!

Hey solarpunks, we’re truly sorry for having riled people up over our latest podcast interview. We realize now that we provided no context for the conversation and that is totally our bad. It wasn’t our intention to stir up controversy or to wave the flag for cryptocurrencies. We’re a team that values open discourse and inquiry, and we are already looking into having an episode with someone who can tell us (and listeners who may not be aware of the issues with crypto) about why they are critical of crypto technologies and have a conversation around that. We’ve heard concerns from a number of you and we’re glad that some of you took the time to let us know. Going forward we’re going to be more mindful of contextualizing our conversations when necessary, and in response to feedback from our listeners.

Here is a blog post which replicates a post from our Patreon that @xtinadlr made back in March, which includes her thoughts specifically on the energy and resource costs of cryptocurrencies and might help give a bit of background to where she was coming from in the interview.

Meanwhile, please don’t forget that we’re imperfect human beings who are doing our best and that we’re volunteering a considerable amount of our own time and energy to create the podcast.

Solarpunk PresentsHow Do We Power Down? — Solarpunk PresentsICYMI, here’s a post I put up on our Patreon back in March that, in anticipation of Season 5 (which we’re now partway into), considers the environmental problems posed by the use of cryptocurrencies and generative AI and the general problem of how do we power down our societies a bit without bein

In this bonus chat, Ariel and Christina talk about the 1984 Studio Ghibli film - and solarpunk inspo par excellence - Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind. Does the film live up to its significant reputation and deserve its cred? Is Nausicaä a solarpunk role model, or is this more of a princess-on-a-mission-style of legend? Tune in as we discuss this and more!