Hello fediverse solarpunks! We’re Solarpunk Presents Podcast, a podcast run on a shoestring budget by two lady solarpunks, one in Canada (@arielkroon) and one in Germany (@xtinadr@wandering.shop). We’re not great with technology, but we happen to both be PhDs from the opposite sides of the spectrum between STEM and Humanities/the Arts, and we’re united in our working towards solarpunk futures.
Our podcast is an interview-style podcast where we talk to guests and each other about various aspects of solarpunk, renewable energies, political action, and more. Often, our guests are people who wouldn’t label themselves as solarpunks, but are (and have been, often for years) quietly involved in working towards making the world a better place to live in. We strongly believe that once you get past the aesthetic and hype about renewables, solarpunk at its core promotes compassion, kinship with non-humans and humans alike, and grace for our fellow human beings as we all work together to survive on our shared planet.
You can support the podcast on Patreon, with tiers starting at just $1 USD! We host a monthly solarpunk hangout that all of our patrons are invited to, and all Patrons at the $3 tier and up receive early access to our episodes. There are more tiers with more extras, so head to https://patreon.com/solarpunkpresents to see them all. We also take one-time or recurring donations over at our PayPal: https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=4QYBB8LGBC6FS
Even if you’re not in the financial position to donate, we really value other forms of support, such as positive reviews on your podcatcher of choice (it helps us be more visible and reach more solarpunks!), or subscriptions to our YouTube channel and comments there. As writers, we thrive on feedback, and we are continually trying to make the podcast better and want to know what you think.
As I’ve said before, it's rough out there for anyone valuing the environment, social justice, compassion, and more, and we want to keep doing our part to keep hope alive. We want to broaden the imagination of what it's possible to do to contribute to a better world, no matter who you are, where you live, or what life stage you're at.
#Patreon #solarpunk #SolarpunkPresents #SolarpunkPresentsPodcast #support #hope #hopepunk #environmentalism #ClimateCatastrophe #ClimateGrief #reviews #ReviewsPlz #SharingIsCaring# compassion #imagination #Future#PositiveFuture #Futurism #PositiveFuturism #SolarpunkPodcast #SolarpunkPodcasting #ClimateHope #MutualAidRequest #MutualAid