on üks paljudest sõltumatutest Mastodoni serveritest, mida saab fediversumis osalemiseks kasutada. on mõeldud Eestis üldkasutatavaks Mastodoni serveriks. is meant to be a general use Mastodon server for Estonia.


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8 postitusega7 osalejaga0 postitust täna

🚨 Let’s Encrypt at risk from Trump cuts to OTF: “Let’s Encrypt received around $800,000 in funding from the OTF”

Dear @EUCommission, get your heads out of your arses and let’s find @letsencrypt €1M/year (a rounding error in EU finances) and have them move to the EU.

If Let’s Encrypt is fucked, the web is fucked, and the Small Web is fucked too. So how about we don’t let that happen, yeah?

(In the meanwhile, if the Let’s Encrypt folks want to make a point about how essential they are, it might be an idea to refuse certificates to republican politicians. See how they like their donation systems breaking in real time…)

CC @nlnet

#USA #fascism #OpenTechFund #LetsEncrypt #SSL #TLS #encryption #EU #web #tech #SmallWeb #SmallTech

Mastodonpublictorsten ( Let’s Encrypt plötzlich nicht mehr klappt, wird das halbe Internet aus Zertifikatsfehlern bestehen.

El Jardín Digital es un interesante concepto que hasta ahora no conocía.

Una especie de blog personal de notas y apuntes en constante crecimiento y modificación, eliminando la idea de posts pensados y terminados ordenados cronológicamente. Aunque entiendo que esas notas iniciales se pueden convertir en unos textos más o menos terminados.
También está unido (aunque creo que no de forma obligatoria) al tema de la #websencilla o #smallweb, porque normalmente se usan generadores estáticos y webs simples, concentrándose en el texto y en ideas que en imagen y estética.

Esto me da ánimos para publicar mi propio blog/web/lo que sea, que llevo atrasando por no tener algo definitivo y pulido.

Más info:
- · Digital gardenIn 2020 a movement formed towards quiet personal spaces for writing on the Internet, with various…

Started a website (mainly a #blog) a few months ago using #Eleventy but with a starter template.

I've enjoyed it a lot, tech-wise, but had a new project idea and decided to fire up a super basic blog using Eleventy but from scratch. Just for fun.

And fun it is!

Even though I've enjoyed poking at the template I've been using to see how things work, something about piecing together this lowest-of-low-tech site from scratch is *way* more fun.

So this other project (to be revealed eventually) will probably double as my WebDev playground --- even though I want to keep it pretty minimalist in style and features.

Think I will play with this the rest of the night, as long as the power holds out, to drown out the absolute dumpster that is today's news.

just found a treasure trove of extremely obscure BBS history stashed away on IA

thank you hard-working book scanners for preserving this rarity.

if you're familiar with BBSing in the 90s, you'll remember just how fast the vast majority of boards disappeared in 1995. it went from multinode 24/7 bbses to disconnected phone numbers in just a few months

this book accounts for the very small number of BBSes that made the transition from telco-only to "telBBS" or telnettable/web-accessible boards

3/4 of the book is a carefully curated list of 500 boards with screenshots of their homepages and bbs login/title screens. most importantly, the URLs of these boards is preserved so we have a chance to look them up on WBM some day.

New Kitten release

• Now leaves <style> tags within <template> tags alone when collating and normalising the CSS on a page so as not to interfere with scoped styles in declarative shadow DOM.

(Kitten’s Streaming HTML workflow¹ – which uses htmx and WebSockets under the hood – combined with built-in support for slots, etc., in Kitten components² means the use of declarative shadow DOM is mostly useful if you want scoped styles. Ideally, of course, use classes to scope styles to your components and be specific in your CSS selectors in general so as not to pollute elements in your components. Although that’s a bit like saying you should floss everyday. Yeah, we all know we should…) :)

Update: All that said, I’d highly recommend you don’t use Shadow DOM in your Kitten apps. For one thing, htmx’s WebSocket extension doesn’t seem to play well with it. And for another, you really don’t need it and definitely not just to get scoped CSS.




#Esittely Nyt kun Mastodon alkaa tuntua kotoisalta on varmaan hyvä esitellä itseni.

Olen ylläpitänyt kotisivuja ja lukuisia blogeja 2000-luvun taitteesta. Oli mulla silloin joskus ihan kuunneltu podcastikin. Blogeja olen kirjoittanut töiksenikin, samoin some-alustoja, some-markkinoinnistakin olen vastannut kolmessa työpaikassa. Jaiku oli minulle se ensimmäinen ja rakkain. Facebookista lähdin ensimmäisen kerran, kun muut tulivat. Oli ikävä nähdä itse-tehdyn netin ja blogistanin kuolema. Nyt siis Mastodonissa. Ja kotisivukin löytyy taas, ja kaksi aktiivista #blogi a.

Se netistä. Teen tällä hetkellä työharjoittelua uudelle alalle ja käyn töissä henkilökohtaisena avustajana. Yllättävän antoisaa molemmat. Roudauskeikkojakin runttaan menemään jos tarjotaan. Työluvat saan toivottavasti kesäkuussa. Ai että jos pääsisi taas aikuisten palkoille pitkän kuivuuden jälkeen.

Palkoilla ostaisin lautaa mökkisaunan pintaremppaan ja taimia #metsäpuutarha an, ja nupillisen auton jolla kuskata olkea ja paskaa kasvimaalle. Maakellarikin pitäisi, ja porauttaa uusi kaivo. #puutarhanhoito ja #kasvimaa ovat lähellä sydäntä, ja metsät. Kouluttauduin joskus #metsäekologia maisteriksi työskennellen vuosia ympäristöjärjestössä #metsiensuojelu tehtävissä, ja #permakulttuuri diplomikin löytyy Richard Perkinsin allekirjoituksella. Olen epäaktiivisena tuottajajäsenenä Oma maa luomuosuuskunnassa. Semihippi siis, tai ehkä liian anarkisti skeneilyyn. Toivottavasti en, sillä tavoitteenani on olla ei mitään, saavuttaa Ei-mitään ja kadota. Ja tavoite on este sille.

#Bonsai t ovat uusi innostuksen ja uudenoppimisen lähteeni. Samoin #smallweb eli #smolweb. Tee-se-ite eikö vain.

Muuten tykkään lukea ja kirjoittaa, eli #kirjamastodon ja #Kirjoittaja kai sitten. Sain juuri lähetettyä ensimmäisen romaanini kustantamoille.

Kaksi semiaikuista muksuakin löytyy.

Kaikki mitä teen on osa henkistä harjoitustani. Käännyin muslimiksi reilu kaksi vuotta sitten, kun löysin itseni #Kadiri suufiveljeskunnan kokoontumisesta Keravalta. Tunsin suufirunoilijoiden runot pitkään lähimmiksi ja kauneimmiksi tavoiksi kuvailla sitä kaiken syleilevää hiljaisuutta ja armoa, mikä todellisuus itsen tarinoiden takana on. Olen valtavan kiitollinen, että saan seurata 1400 vuotta vanhan mestariketjun opetuksia kohti Ykseyttä ja, inshallaah, lopulta hukkua siihen, jos Hän suo. Kuolla ennen kuolemaa Häneen. Siksi ehdottomasti #islam #suufilaisuus ja #tasawwuf. Alhamdulillaah 🌹🌹🌹

Kotisivulta löytyy linkit blogiin, pixelfediin ja blueskyhyn. Roikkuu instalinkkikin siellä vielä.

Kiva olla täällä 🐒 ❤️

New Kitten release

• Socket routes now have precendence in the router.

This stops wildcard page routes from capturing the default socket routes that Kitten creates to enable the Streaming HTML workflow.

e.g., Previously, the following route:


Could not connect to its default socket (/videos/default.socket) because default.socket would be captured by the [slug] parameter.

Now, it will work as intended as the /videos/default.socket (a socket route) has precendence over index_[slug].page.js (a page route).

Learn more about Kitten’s Streaming HTML workflow here:



What I absolutely adore about the indie/ personal/ small web: Everybody's approach is very different. There are super modern looking websites and there are the ones who seem to come straight out of the 1990's/ early 2000's. There are ones that are specially made to work on the oldest computers. There are ones with and ones without Java Script. Ones made by pro web devs and ones made my people who are just starting to learn the basics. There are people who've been there from the beginning and those who are very new. And everything in between. People of all ages, backgrounds, and walks of life.
In visiting personal websites you are seeing and experiencing the diversity of the world. And it's glorious!

#indieWeb #personalWeb #personalWebsite #smallWeb

New instance, so time for a re #introduction post!

Hi all, I'm Phillip! 👋 I just moved from (I still love you Jerry 🫶) I'm a 20-something guy living with my gf somewhere in the U.S. unfortunately.

Professionally, I am a solo #it admin/automation engineer at a smaller company.

Unprofessionally, I am into #discgolf, #music, #reading, #houseplants, #homelab, #gaming, #SmallWeb, and more. Check out my page in my bio if you'd like. Feel free to say hi!

The problem of closed walls on the Internet isn't due to big tech being "greedy", of course. Big Tech is just responding to the economical system in which it operates: namely, capitalism.

Under capitalism, you need to grow or else you'll succumb, and you need to keep generating profits for your shareholders. It follows almost logically that you will trick your users into giving you free data, you will treat them with contempt, and you will eventually dehumanise them. Pointing fingers at, e.g., Meta (and suggesting Signal as an alternative) doesn't solve the real issue.

It's similar to how criticising BP for making a u-turn on their green ambitions doesn't address the real issue:

The Guardian · BP dropping its green ambitions is a travesty. But that’s exactly how capitalism worksBrett Christophers poolt

While working on porting the Small Technology Foundation web site¹ to Kitten², I took the opportunity to pull out base Model and Collection classes that I’ll likely end up including in Kitten proper:

• Model:
• Collection:

To see them in use, here’s the base Posts class (with RSS generation) that extends Collection:

And here’s the concrete EventPosts collection class that extends Posts:

And the EventPost (showing an implementation of a calculated property):

So all this is possible (persisting and reading back typed model collections, etc.) thanks to JSDB¹ (JavaScript database), a zero-dependency, transparent, in-memory, streaming write-on-update JavaScript database I wrote for the Small Web that persists to a JavaScript transaction log and is included as as first-class citizen in Kitten.

And if you want to know how the magic mapping of classes happens, see the Database App Module:

PS. For a much gentler introduction to persistence in Kitten, see the Kitten Persistence tutorial:

Enjoy! :kitten:💕


Jätkatud lõim

And then it seems like most major websites block me outright. I'm a fan of the #smallweb movement, but this can get frustrating when it's not of my own choosing.

I've installed #librewolf as a backup secondary for those sites and for steaming services. Is this the best answer?

I can deal with the reduced speeds but the larger access issues are a bugger.


Running DependencyTrack requires a full-blown multi-container docker setup:

Are they serious?

To run something that basically parses a well-defined JSON- or XML-File and then compares a list of strings with lists of strings from online lists and generates graphs from that, I have to fire up multiple containers?

I think I finally understand what people mean when they say that "modern" #software scales up, but it fails to scale down.

Dependency-Track · Deploying Docker ContainerDeploying with Docker is the easiest and fastest method of getting started. No prerequisites are required other than a modern version of Docker.