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#Colombia's #Indigenous Demand #AncestralKnowledge is at Forefront of #COP16 #Biodiversity Convention

Indigenous communities from different regions of Colombia march in the southwestern city of #Cali to demand that their ancestral knowledge on #conservation be taken into account at the #UNBiodiversity summit, COP16, which is being held in the city.

Article by #BrendaNorrell, #CensoredNews, Oct. 24, 2024

"The United States is the only United Nations member state that has not ratified the Convention on #Biodiversity. While 197 countries arrive in Cali, Colombia for the COP16 Biodiversity Convention, the U.S. is engaged in #WarCrimes and #genocide in #Palestine.

"In the U.S., the team of #Biden and Interior Sec. #DebHaaland plans to desecrate the #Hualapai's sacred ceremonial water with a #LithiumMine; is promoting #LithiumMining digging into the #Paiute Massacre Site at #ThackerPass; is allowing #UraniumMining in the #GrandCanyon threatening Havasupai's aquifer and poisoning their #MedicinePlants with #radioactive dust; allowing #dumping radioactive ore and global radioactive waste in #WhiteMesaUte's community; is bulldozing the ancient village sites, burial places and medicine plants of #TohonoOodham and #SanCarlosApache for a wind energy project; plans a massive #CopperMine from San Carlos #Apache sacred #OakFlat; and plans to increase the radioactivity in the #Pueblo homelands with increased #plutonium production and storage at #LosAlamos Labs in northern #NewMexico."

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Watch video by AFP:

bsnorrell.blogspot.comColombia's Indigenous Demand Ancestral Knowledge is at Forefront of COP16 Biodiversity ConventionCensored News is a service to grassroots Indigenous Peoples engaged in resistance and upholding human rights.

Federal Judge #DianeHumetewa, #Hopi, is First to Halt Interior Sec. #DebHaaland's #Lithium Drilling Permits in #Native #Ceremonial Places

By #BrendaNorrell, #CensoredNews, Sept. 18, 2024

"Federal Judge Diane Humetewa, Hopi, is the first federal judge to halt the lithium permits being given out by Interior Sec. Deb Haaland. Humetewa granted a temporary restraining order halting an Australian company's lithium drilling at #Hualapai's Sacred Spring.

"Now, U.S. District Judge Humetewa will rule on whether to make it permanent. Humetewa is the first to ask attorneys to submit arguments concerning the federal laws that protect historic and archaeological sites and the environment.

"Judge Humetewa gave lawyers on both sides until next Tuesday to summarize their arguments and more specifically respond to questions she asked about the government’s compliance with the #NationalHistoricPreservationAct and the #NationalEnvironmentalPolicyAct.

"#Biden's Justice Dept attorneys joined the drillers in court to argue for the drilling to proceed. And the #NavajoTransitionalEnergyCompany, a tribal enterprise in Farmington, NM, plans to do the drilling. CEO #VernLund has joined the board of the Australian-owned company #Hawkstone / #ArizonaLithium of Perth, Australia.

"In a separate case, the #TohonoOodham and #SanCarlosApache have filed a lawsuit against Interior Sec. Haaland for the bulldozers now destroying ancient village sites, #burial places and #MedicineGrounds in southern #Arizona. A Tucson federal judge refused to halt the destruction by the #SunZia Transmission Lines, for a wind energy project that plans to take electricity from New Mexico to California. The wind energy company, #PattenEnergy, is owned by the #CanadianPensionFund.

"The lithium drilling continues at the #Paiute Massacre Site in northern Nevada by the Canadian-owned #LithiumAmericas / #LithiumNevada. #Paiute and #Shoshone elderly and mothers have been charged in a court case for defending the grounds where their ancestors remain. #Haaland said she supports the #LithiumMining.

"#ApacheStronghold filed a case before the U.S. #SupremeCourt [#SCOTUS] this week, to halt the planned destruction of their ceremonial place, #OakFlat in Arizona, targeted for a massive copper mine by Australia's #RioTinto and #BHP, and pushed by the Biden administration. Rio Tinto already blew up 46,000 years of sacred #Aboriginal teachings in caves in #Australia. Rio Tinto was forced to admit widespread sexual attacks in its mines, with the highest number in Australia and #SouthAfrica."


#DefendTheSacred #ReaderSupportedNews #NoMiningWithoutConsent #NoLithiumMining #EnvironmentalRacism #environment #Greenwashing #EVs #WaterIsLife #NoLithiumMiningWithoutConsent #HumanRights #WaterIsLife #HumanRightsDefenders #IndigenousActivists #CorporateColonialism #SaveOakFlat
#CulturalGenocide #EnvironmentalRacism #ExtractiveMining

bsnorrell.blogspot.comHopi Federal Judge First to Halt Desecration from Lithium DrillingCensored News is a service to grassroots Indigenous Peoples engaged in resistance and upholding human rights.

Mennonites join #ApacheStronghold on #PrayerJourney to Supreme Court

Anabaptist World
September 6, 2024

"#Mennonite congregations and individuals from the Coalition to Dismantle the Doctrine of Discovery are supporting Apache Stronghold’s two-month prayer journey across the United States to deliver their appeal directly to the #USSupremeCourt.

"The #SanCarlosApache and their allies argue that a land swap tucked into a defense spending bill that gave away their sacred location of Oak Flat to create a copper mine violates their religious freedom. The journey culminates Sept. 11 in #WashingtonDC.

"The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled against Apache Stronghold earlier this year in a 6-5 ruling. The group is represented by the Becket Fund for Religious Liberty, which will petition the high court to hear the case.

"'Obliterating the birthplace of #WesternApache religion would be a tragic betrayal of our nation’s promise of #Religious Freedom for all,' said Luke Goodrich, Becket vice president and senior counsel. 'We will ask the Supreme Court to take this case, #ProtectOakFlat and ensure that #IndigenousPeoples receive the same protection for religious freedom that all other faith groups enjoy.'

"Mennonites congregations involved in supporting the journey through prayer and hospitality included First Mennonite Church of San Francisco, Pasadena Mennonite Church in California, Shalom Mennonite Fellowship in Tucson, Ariz., Albuquerque Mennonite Church in New Mexico, Joy Mennonite Church in Oklahoma City, Raleigh Mennonite Church in North Carolina and Hyattsville Mennonite in Maryland. Acts of solidarity with the Apache ranged from preparing food to offering space to sleep to arranging public gatherings of prayer.

"'I asked myself: what does it mean to Dismantle the #DoctrineOfDiscovery? I have learned that the Apache Stronghold is not just fighting for Oak Flat, but for #MotherEarth, the greatest gift we have received. They are fighting for all of us,' said Frances Loberg, a member of Salem Mennonite Church in Oregon and the Coalition to Dismantle the Doctrine of Discovery. She has been on the prayer journey for its full course. 'I am being healed as I have seen how Mother Earth is alive. We have seen the pain and struggles all across the country. This fight for mother earth is for all of us.'"

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Anabaptist World · Mennonites join Apache Stronghold on prayer journey to Supreme Court | Anabaptist WorldMennonite congregations and individuals from the Coalition to Dismantle the Doctrine of Discovery are supporting Apache Stronghold’s two-month prayer journey across the United States to deliver their appeal directly to the U.S. Supreme Court.

In the Dirty Business of Faking Green, a Third #Arizona Tribe Sues #DebHaaland for Desecration

By #BrendaNorrell, #CensoredNews
August 13, 2024

"In the dirty business of faking #GreenEnergy, Interior Department head Deb Haaland is being sued by the #Hualapai Tribe for approval of a #LithiumMine targeting their #SacredSpring. It is the same lithium mine where an Australian company has hired the head of a #NavajoNation enterprise to lead the drilling for lithium and violating the sacred.

"Deb Haaland, #LagunaPueblo, is now being sued by three tribes in Arizona for ongoing destruction of religious and historic places, sacred places where #TohonoOodham, #SanCarlosApache , and Hualapai have offered their prayers since time immemorial.

"In the lawsuit, Hualapai tell of the drilling for lithium, and the way the Interior's Bureau of Land Management concealed the plans for the lithium mine."


"The Tohono O'odham and San Carlos Apache Nations filed for a restraining order on Haaland, which was denied by a Tucson federal judge, but the tribes continue the legal battle. Haaland, present at the groundbreaking of #PatternEnergy's wind project, is promoting the #SunZia transmission line to take wind energy from New Mexico to California, now cutting a path of destruction across pristine regions of the Southwest. Pattern Energy in San Francisco is owned by the #CanadaPensionFund.

"The mainstream media is also concealing the fact that the CEO of the #NavajoNation enterprise which claims to be transitioning to green energy is heading the project to desecrate Hualapai's sacred ceremonial place. The so-called #NavajoTransitionalEnergyCompany also owns #CoalMines in Wyoming and Montana.

"The Navajo Transitional Energy Company stated in March that it had signed the mining agreement and its CEO #Vern Lund would lead the mining operation for the Australian company."

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bsnorrell.blogspot.comIn the Dirty Business of Faking Green, a Third Arizona Tribe Sues Deb Haaland for DesecrationCensored News is a service to grassroots Indigenous Peoples engaged in resistance and upholding human rights.

[Thread] The next installment from #KleeBenally 's book, #NoSpiritualSurrender.

“The proposition of unplugging from a ‘dirty’ power source and plugging into a ‘green’ one does nothing to address the underlying power relations. It reinforces them.

“‘#GreenEnergy’ sustaining a Green Economy still demands resource #colonialism. From sacred #OakFlat in so-called Arizona where #SanCarlosApache are resisting a massive mine that is estimated to contain enough #copper ore to produce 275 million electric vehicles [#EVs], to sacred #ThackerPass in so-called Nevada where #Shoshone are resisting #LithiumMining, which is necessary for electric vehicle and ‘green’ energy battery production. A single car #LithiumIon battery pack contains 18 pounds of lithium. To electrify every vehicle throughout the world, an estimated 10.4 billion tons of lithium is needed, that is approximately 13 times the existing lithium reserves. The Thacker Pass lithium one is mismated to produce 60,000 tons annually. The proposed project spans approximately 28 square miles that would hold an #OpenPit and a #sulfuricacid processing plant to extract lithium from mined ore.

"The operation is estimated to release 152,713 tons of #CarbonDioxide [#CO2] annually and 400,000 gallons of #water is required for each ton of lithium meaning it will use 1.7 billion gallons annual. The Thacker Pass sulfuric acid processing plant will convert sulfur to leech lithium from raw ore, turned in from sources such as the #AlbertaTarSands, which are 1,500 miles away. The tar sands, located in so-called Canada, are known as the world’s most destructive oil operation.”

Page 138-139

#Ecosystem #DefendTheSacred
#CorporateColonialism #NoDAPL #CriminalizingDissent #WaterIsLife #ClimateDefenders #NoCopperMiningWithoutConsent #NoLithiumMining #CorporateColonialism #NoMiningWithoutConsent #LithiumMining #CopperMining #Greenwashng

[Film] The #ApacheStronghold defending #sacred #OakFlat land from a #CopperMine

The Real News Network
May 21, 2024

"In the heart of the #Arizona high desert lies a battle for the soul of the land. The ancient, sacred grounds of #Apache #Native territory are under threat from a looming giant — a massive copper mine that promises riches for the locals, and a pathway to the so-called green transition. But, as is often the case, it comes at a cost.

"The #SanCarlosApache tribe calls it Chi’chil Bildagoteel; English speakers call it Oak Flat. It sits on a mountainous plateau within a 17.3-kilometer oasis in the #TontoNationalForest. #RioTinto and #BHP, two of the world’s biggest mining companies, have staked their claim here through a joint venture called #ResolutionCopper. For over 10 years they’ve been lobbying governments for the right to build a colossal mine that would cover roughly 7,000 acres of surface area, and extend more than a mile into the ground.

"The only thing that stands in their way is the #resistance of the Apache Stronghold, a nonprofit community organization of #Natives and non-Natives uniting to counter ongoing #colonization, defend holy sites and protect freedom of religion, which was created to protect Chi’chil Bildagoteel.

"A short film by #BrandiMorin and #GeordieDay for #RicochetMedia. Support for this journalism provided by #CulturalSurvival."

#ChichilBildagoteel #RioTinto #CopperMine #SanCarlosApache #Arizona #ProtectOakFlat #protectthesacred #DefendTheSacred #IndigenousActivism #SCOTUS #SaveOakFlat
#WaterIsLife #SacredSite #CopperMining #RecycleCopper #MiningWithoutConsent
#ProtectTheSacred #CulturalGenocide #Ecocide #NativeAmericanNews
#Greenwashing #NoMiningWithoutConsent #CorporateColonialism

via #CensoredNews

New Film! #ApacheStronghold Protecting #OakFlat from #CopperMine

The #Apache stronghold standing in the way of a copper mine that would desecrate a #SacredSite

By Ricochet Media
Watch now:

"In the heart of the #Arizona high desert lies a battle for the soul of the land. The ancient, sacred grounds of Apache Native territory are under threat from a looming giant — a massive copper mine that promises riches for the locals, and a pathway to the so-called green transition. But, as is often the case, it comes at a cost.

"The #SanCarlosApache tribe calls it Chi’chil Bildagoteel, English speakers call it Oak Flat. It sits on a mountainous plateau within a 17.3-kilometer oasis in the #TontoNationalForest. Rio Tinto and #BHP, two of the world’s biggest mining companies, have staked their claim here through a joint venture called #ResolutionCopper.

"For over 10 years they’ve been lobbying governments for the right to build a colossal #mine that would cover roughly 7,000 acres of surface area, and extend more than a mile into the ground. The only thing that stands in their way is the resistance of the Apache Stronghold, a nonprofit community organization of Natives and non-Natives uniting to counter ongoing colonization, defend holy sites and protect freedom of religion, which was created to protect Chi’chil Bildagoteel.

Read the full story on Ricochet Media. way-of-a-massive-copper-mine/
at May 14, 2024