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He had a harrowing 2 month journey fleeing to neutral Sweden. Along the way, he was buried in an avalanche, amputated his own frostbitten toes, battled starvation, & went snowblind. He eventually made it to safety. (4/5)

#SOE #WW2 #Norway

Explorersweb · Great Survival Stories: Jan Baalsrud Evades Nazi Dragnet » ExplorerswebOne of the greatest escapes of all time.

Tervetuloa tietoturvapäiväämme 15.4! Käydään läpi miten turvataan IT ympäristöt, devauksen aikaisesta toimitusketjun tietoturvasta GitOps kautta tuotannon aktiiviseen valvontaan. Niin fyysisessä, virtuualikoneissa (Linux) ja konttimaailmassa.

events.redhat.comRed Hat Security Day in HelsinkiRed Hat Event - Red Hat Security Day in Helsinki
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On the night of April 26, 1944, Fermor and Moss, together with 2 members of the Resistance, George Tirakis & Manoli Paterakis, they kidnapped Nazi Gen Heinrich Kreipe, then drove him through 22 German checkpoints in his own car before abandoning it & disappearing into the mountains. (2/5)

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Henri Laussucq was the oldest OSS agent in the field. He operated as an advance underground agent in France in preparation for D-Day. He was awarded the Silver Star & recognized by President Truman for his work leading to the success of the D Day landings. He died in 1975. (2/2)


Photo at this link shows Pres Truman & OSS chief Major General William J. Donovan when Truman gave his personal congratulations to Laussucq for his work.

www.trumanlibrary.govD-Day Advance Agent Honored by President Harry S. Truman | Harry S. TrumanPresident Harry S. Truman (left) talks with Henry Laussucq, 62-year-old Pittsburgh artist (right), during an interview at the White House. Also present is Major General William J. Donovan (center), Office of Strategic Services chief for whom Laussucq operated as advance underground agent in France in preparation for D-Day. The President gave Laussucq his personal congratulations on a job well done.

Jan 12, 1882: On this date, Henri Laussucq was born in Bordeaux, France. He immigrated to the US, naturalized as a US citizen, & lived in Pittsburgh. He served with the OSS & SOE F Section, Code name Arimis. Laussucq was delivered to France by submarine on March 22, 1944 (accompanied by fellow OSS operative Virginia Hall). He worked in the SAINT Circuit with an alias of Henri Lassot. (1/2)
