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That time I went kayaking in the Atlantic Ocean. When I went out east in 2015, I hauled my kayak with me. This was the first time kayaking in salt water. The buoyancy difference from fresh to saltwater is amazing! I felt a hundred pounds lighter! This is off the coast of Maine. For awhile it looked like the sailboat was going to run into the lighthouse, but it went behind the lighthouse island.

Cool article about a wind-powered, transatlantic cargo ship now taking passengers. I love the idea of a return to wind-powered sailing as an option for the global commute. A comfortable, lo-fi way to travel, with a carbon footprint 100x smaller than catching a plane. And apparently, you can bring unlimited luggage.

#Sustainability #CleanEnergy #ClimateAction #Travel #Sailing

CNN · Carbon-conscious travelers can now sail across the Atlantic in a wind-powered cargo shipNell Lewis poolt