Es geht hier tatsächlich um einen Anti-AfD-Schriftzug mit Sprühkreide……
Regensburger Ermittlungsrichter ordnet DNA-Test an
„Einen solchen Beschluss hat ein Ermittlungsrichter am Amtsgericht Regensburg letzte Woche gegen eine 22-Jährige erlassen. Ohne vorherige Anhörung verfügte er, dass bei der jungen Frau ein sogenannter Mundhöhlenabstrich „und im Falle der Weigerung die Entnahme einer Blutprobe“ vorgenommen werden darf. Ebenso ordnete der Richter an, dass ihre Wohnung „zum Zweck der Entnahme von Körperzellen“ durchsucht werden darf. Dies stehe „in angemessenem Verhältnis zur Schwere der Tat“, heißt es in dem Beschluss…..“
Accuracy! To counter regression dilution, a method is to add a constraint on the statistical modeling.
Regression Redress restrains bias by segregating the residual values.
My article:
I mean, logically, it should have been easier to:
1. map the President's brain
2. intend to learn something from the map
3. progress to a more complex mapping of the brain of Drosophila melanogaster.
Pallab Ghosh (Science Correspondent, BBC) offers an eloquent description of the fruit fly:
"They can walk, hover and the males can even sing love songs to woo mates - all this with a brain that’s tinier than a pinhead."
It's alleged that funding for (1) was not forthcoming due to the previously acknowledged lack of connections between sparse neurons; the consequent likelihood of government-funded research finding nothing useful on the map.
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limited workaround:
― <> @hannu_ikonen
pinhead-size brain-mapping:
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resident Donald Trump not yet a classified disease:
― <> Statistical and data visualization techniques to study the role of one-electron in the energy of neutral and charged clusters of Na39 #Clustering #Data #DataVisualization #DensityFunctionalTheory #Energy #HumanitiesAndSocialSciences #multidisciplinary #Regression #science #SodiumCluster #StatisticalAnalysis #StatisticalPhysics #statistics #TimeSeries
In a shocking #accessibility #regression, the TescoGroceries website no longer uses headings to show products, either in search results or on shelves. Without headings, screen reader users like myself can no longer navigate on a per-product basis. We now have to move by focusable control, which provides a lengthy and inconsistent way around that we've not had to use for the last decade. This can mean pressing "tab" or similar up to 5 times per product before adding it to my basket, reducing my efficiency accordingly. It's 2025 and we're still seeing ridiculous and 100% avoidable barriers to something as simple as the weekly grocery shop as blind people. Someone should be held accountable for releasing stupid code.
Redressing #Bias: "Correlation Constraints for Regression Models":
Treder et al (2021)
"In real life, we weigh the anticipated consequences of the decisions that we are about to make. That approach is much more rational than limiting the percentage of making the error of one kind in an artificial (null hypothesis) setting or using a measure of evidence for each model as the weight."
Longford (2005)
A New Rallying Cry for the Irony-Poisoned Right
It took less than twenty-four hours after #Trump’s reëlection for young #men to take up a slogan that could define the coming era of gendered #regression: “Your body, my choice.”
#ReproductiveRights #WomensRights #CivilRights #BodilyAutonomy #MaleSupremacy
Das ist, was uns wahrscheinlich in den kommenden Jahren mit einer #trumpistischen zügellosen #konservativen #rechte begegnen wird. Sämtliche Errungenschaften der letzten Jahren werden zurückgebaut. Gesellschaftliche Herausforderungen mit stetig steigender #Regression und #gesellschaftlicher #Polarisierung unter dem Diktat von #Leistungsbereitschaft und #wettbewerbsfähigkeit begegnet. Wer nicht mit kann, bleibt auf der Strecke. Siehe #USA
@deutschewellerss I think this is rather a #regression noone should adopt!
Kitten bugfix release:
Please upgrade to the latest release that fixes a regression introduced into sessions object with the latest JSDB¹/JSDF² upgrade:
Persisting arbitrary objects to sessions is a supported workflow and this regression broke that.
e.g., See the Kitten Count Sessions example:
Is this a regression on Fedora 40 that anyone else is seeing? Apps that launch full-screen are launching at @1x resolution even though my screen is set @2x. Un-maximizing the app fixes it.