#QuestionOfTheDay: If you could go back in time and live in one year in the past that you were alive for (so any time after you were born) what year would it be?
Assume you could live in this year indefinitely if you want to (like just looping), that you'd be your age now, and you're not trapped, you can leave at any time, this is just for your own comfort (you can always come back to now & see ppl you like here, etc).
You don't get to live with your family or whatever life you had back then, I'm just talking general time period/culture/media/etc... Like you're you as you are now,, you just get to live not in this time period.
And why would you pick that period? Mostly I'm looking for cultural/era reasons & not like "to see my dead [X] again" b/c I think that's a given for everybody.