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Good. The chillies are in the dehydrator. 14 dozen (168 chillies).


They are small Thai chillies so they don't look that many - just 1 dehydrator tray.

I *nearly* made a fermented chilli mash, but the #KirstenShockey ones are a bit faffy - the hot chilli sauce I made the other day is simple and awesome and without messing around.

No seeding or peeling chillies for me, altho next time I make the sauce I will roast some. (These chillies are two small to remove the seeds anyway, and last time I just blended everything up in the Vitamix. We're not scared of a few seeds*).

* I read the other day that it is not the seeds that hold the most heat, but the white membrane parts of the chilli. I am not testing this.

🇨🇦 🇺🇸 🇨🇦 🇺🇸 🇨🇦 🇺🇸
Whether you live in a city or rural area,
🥫 Food Prices will Increase due to Tariffs, or the threat of such, so learning how to preserve food safely is important.
**If you are a city dweller, you can save money buying by the case and preserving produce. Living in an apartment? Yes you can, can!
👉 Here's an excellent website from a source that I know from years of experience provides instructions about how to safely can meat, veggies, fruit and more...With recipes!

#Food #Tariff #Canning #Preserving #Homesteading #Gardening

www.bernardin.caBernardin Home Canning: Because You Can: Recipes

Cookbook browsing today.... Part 1

Being a Lazy Day, I am browsing 2 cookbooks today.

The first one I got down from the shelves this morning because of a convo I had yesterday after I posted about the green almonds. I wanted to check some things. It is a book of Lebanese preserves.

🌟 #Mouneh, by Barbara Abdeni Massaad

This is the most beautiful of books, large, glossy, beautiful photos, full of stories of life in Lebanon, and full of recipes. I adore it, and it is beautiful to browse today and read more of the stories. They include personal stories of past strifes in Lebanon and how it impacted family life. There will be quality time spent with this book today.

You can tell I adore this book. They have another, #Manoushe, also excellent, but not quite as stunning as this book.

Hoshigaki season in Southern California. Hoshigaki (Japanese dried persimmons) are made from hachiya persimmons, which are peeled before soft, with their stems preserved in a "t" shape and hung--traditionally outside in Japan--and regularly massaged. They come out extremely, extremely sweet -- with a layer of sugar that forms on the outside. #gardening #preserving #hoshigaki

Jätkatud lõim

We now have several kilos of green tomatoes. (Also a small collection of green chillies/peppers and slightly under-developed, but I reckon usable, tomatillos.)

So... we wandered over to the community orchard and scrumped some apples. Definite plans to do some green tomato chutney.

Some of the tomatoes have a blush and will ripen, many won't, some may become chutney, but probably half this is going to end up #compost

Dried 12 lbs of clearance apples (well, minus a few bad ones) over night. The $5 estate sale apple corer/peeler made short work of the bags of apples, and the $$$$ expensive Bass Pro Shops dehydrator did all the hard work overnight. This batch went into some mylar bags w/oxygen absorbers to replace my 2019 era dried apples, which I am going to open and snack on for the next 2 seconds (err... hopefully, next 2 weeks). #apples #preserving

Jätkatud lõim

I mentioned my research on citrus ginger marmalades a couple of days ago. After reading quite a few recipes I put together a batch I think is pretty tasty even if I did forget the crystallized ginger I meant to add. Next time, next batch. I'll post my proportions on my blog and drop a link here when it's up, with my "I'm not a food writer" consumer warning. I write rambly posts about the whole process, not simple recipes.
#recipes #food #cooking #preserving #canning #marmalade

Guess what! I harvested another 400g of gorgeous habanero chillies today. I put them in the oven at 60° for 10 hours to dry them out. I'd already pickled the first batch (also 400g) in oil, and they were so good!

I'd absolutely love to hear any great ideas or recipes on how to make a large quantity of chillies keepable.

#habeneros #chilli #chili #chillies #chilipeppers #chilisaison #harvest #haltbarmachen #conserveren #preserving
