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I seriously cannot deal with some #covid ignorant knobheads who don't mask up.
Just had someone I know confess they caught 'something' bad but it's not covid(it is fucking covid) - from working a crowded local dance competition event. She is still sick & going to go work last day, catering at this multi days event. People attending will be infecting each other & then others in our community.
Freaking unnecessary madness!

All of your political 'heroes' will be dead or disabled by #LongCovid or just #Covid in general because none of them are #CovidCautious & campaigning in massive #unmasked crowds.

Fucking criminal. Fucking shitass brains. Fucking #EugenicsEnablers. Fucking ignorant, selfish #PlagueSpreaders.

If you feel offended - you are fucking guilty of being a #eugenics enabler. Mask the fuck up.

The entire staff at #Agora, in #ViewRoyal, #VictoriaBC won't mask up so I'm not going In there. Changed my appointment today to phone appointment instead.

They're a privatized franchise with locations in #Vancouver, #Brampton & #Kingston - #Ontario. You should know that their staff don't wear #CovidSafety masks.

Lifestyle Medicine ClinicContact - Lifestyle Medicine Clinic

It really irks me when people who got covid because they stopped masking up - unless it was demanded - try to tell me that I'm lucky to not get it or any other cold or flu for over 5 yrs. That's longer than before covid hit here but these reckless fools don't pay attention to factual details. Several have been infected more than once.

Full fucking STOP. I'm not lucky. I've just never stopped masking. I changed my lifestyle. I don't attend unsafe indoor events - no matter how much I'd love to go. I dropped friends - when many showed me, through selfish choices - my health & other vulnerable peoples' health, matters less to them than being able to keep on pretending everything is just fine. It's not luck. It's fucking personal commitment to protect myself, my family, my remaining friends & community at large.

They're lucky they're not in a fucking bodybag for continuing to act/speak like covid is 'just a bad cold/flu.