@ustralien Sadly no, and that's my big disappointment!
@frameworkcomputer decided to choose the #Apple-esque "flat cells below #trackpad" design in the unreasonable #THINN-ness race instead of doing what even the #EeePC and #Sony's #Vaio #P11Z did and have a slot at the back to chug in batteries!
- I know why they did it, as a closed aluminium pan aka. "#lunchbox" design is easier to fabricate, but I'd rather some #ToolfreeSwappableBattery which are IMHO of more practicality than having the ability to swap out every port.
Not that I don't like those #modules, but I'd rather wish for a "#THICC-er" device if that gets me essentials like #Ethernet, #USB-A & -C as well as a #TRRS #HeadphoneJack / #HeadsetJack.
- I mean, I understand they won't make space for a underslung #Dock, a #Slimline - #ODD or god forbid #ExpressCard, and in terms of #tech I'd welcome #Thunderbolt over #OCuLink, but there's a reason I've not canceled the #NUCbook and if I didn't have to buy/procure #COTS products I'd likely just buy a #Pi500 with a #Powerbank and screen slapped on...
That being said the #Framework is still by a long margin the "least #enshittified" device on the market, and same goes for the #Fairphone devices...
- I just wished #FrameworkLaptop and Fairphone were just refusing the #Enshittification trend entirely, cuz I'd rather have a #Toughbook-Style device made out of #Thinkpadnium or even better #Nokianite than some fancy Aluminium stuff if that makes it more #repairable, #upradeable and espechally doesn't result in a #Downgrade.
Not to mention they don't have an #UltraNav-Style #Trackpoint and I do use that instead of a Trackpad.
- The only reason I'm not daily driving my #P11Z anymore is because until I got @OS1337 into a useable state it's hardware, which was already #LowEnd at launch, can barely run @bunsenlabs and thus is not an option for #DailyDriving #Linux #Desktop workflows anyways...