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Some good news! Though potential contamination from long-term storage needs to be addressed (what else is new).

#EPA to Relocate Toxic #UraniumMine Waste from #NavajoNation

By Neely Bardwell, January 08, 2025

"The Environmental Protection Agency will move #uranium mine waste from #ChurchrockNewMexico to the #RedRock regional landfill where it can be safely stored forever.

"The federal agency signed an action memo to transport radioactive waste at the Quivira Mining Co. Churchrock Mine to a disposal site at the Red Rock regional landfill about six miles east of the Village of Thoreau. The cleanup will begin in early 2025 and continue for 6-8 years.

"For the Red Water Pond Road Community Association (#RWPRCA), which has advocated for waste removal since 2006, the decision marks a significant shift in addressing #UraniumContamination on Navajo land.

"'Removing the mine waste from our community will protect our health and finally put us back on a positive track to #Hózhǫ (balance),' said Teracita Keyanna, RPWPRCA executive committee member. 'I think this decision empowers #grassroots organizations like ours and our allies to continue to advocate and educate to clean up hundreds of abandoned uranium mines that threaten our #Diné communities every day.'

"RWPRCA President Edith Hood said the community has dealt with the impact of uranium mining since the late 1960s. Commercial mining began at the site under #KerrMcGee Corporation, which later became the #QuiviraMiningCompany. The operation extracted an estimated 1.3 million tons of uranium ore before closing in 1986. The Navajo Nation currently has more than 520 documented #AbandonedMines, with no disposal facilities for uranium waste within 350 miles of #TribalLands.

"'Many of us suffer chronic health problems and a degraded homeland as a result,' Hood said. 'We advocate for a regional approach to addressing remediation of nearly 100 abandoned uranium mines in the Eastern Navajo Agency. We are committed to making sure the removal of mine waste from our community does not threaten the health and safety of our Diné neighbors.'

"Previous attempts to address the waste proved unsuccessful. In 2011 and 2013, the EPA and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission approved a plan to place 1 million cubic yards of waste from NECRM on top of the existing tailings pile located half a mile from RWPRC village. Effectively, neither of those wastes were removed from the communities.

"The #RedRockLandfill currently handles municipal waste from McKinley and Cibola counties and Navajo Nation communities as far away as Tuba City. The planned #UraniumDisposalCell will occupy a separate area of the 640-acre site adjacent to the shuttered #Escalante power plant.

"The Northwest New Mexico Regional Solid Waste Authority (#NNMRSWA), which owns the landfill, must show that its operations can protect #GroundWater, air and soil, while safeguarding public health for decades to come. The New Mexico Environment Department will oversee long-term monitoring of the site.

"Chris Shuey, who has documented mining and #milling impacts in the #Churchrock area for 40 years as an environmental health specialist at Southwest Research and Information Center in Albuquerque, said relocating uranium waste is essential for tribal communities.

"'Removing mine wastes from Navajo communities to engineered, regional disposal sites is a #PublicHealth imperative,' Shuey said, noting that more than half of all Navajo chapters have at least one source of unhealthy uranium exposure. 'The federal government must continue looking for suitable sites for long-term disposal of mine wastes to protect current and future Navajo populations.'

"'This decision will remove over 1 million cubic yards of waste that has haunted the #RedWaterPondRoad and #PipelineRoad communities for too long,' EPA Pacific Southwest Regional Administrator Martha Guzman said in a statement.

"'This solution is a compromise that will get #RadioactiveWaste in this area off of the Navajo Nation as soon as possible,' Navajo Nation President #BuuNygren said in the EPA statement. 'It’s not everything the three affected communities would wish for but it’s action in the right direction now rather than in the future. Most importantly, this will protect our people from harmful exposure.'"

#NoNukes #NoWar #NoMiningWithoutConsent #NoUraniumMining #UraniumMills #NukingTheNavajo #Genocide #WaterIsLife #NativeAmericanNews #HaulNo

Native News OnlineEPA to Relocate Toxic Mine Waste from Navajo NationEPA will move radioactive waste from a former uranium mine near Churchrock, New Mexico, to a regional landfill, addressing decades of contamination on Navajo land.

From 2019: Criminalization of #HumanRights Defenders of #IndigenousPeoples Resisting #ExtractiveIndustries in the United States

Report to the Inter-American
Commission on Human Rights

Prepared by the University of Arizona Rogers College of Law, Indigenous Peoples Law and Policy Program on behalf of the Water Protector Legal Collective



1. Peaceful demonstrations are a catalyst for the advancement of human rights. Yet around the world governments are criminalizing dissent and suppressing public #protest, often as a means to protect #CorporateInterests. In this context, indigenous peoples increasingly find themselves as the subjects of arrests, criminal prosecution and police violence when defending the lands they rely upon for their existence and survival from #ResourceExtraction by industries who are operating without the free prior and informed consent of the affected communities.

2. This report is submitted to the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (#IACHR) in conjunction with a thematic hearing held during the 172nd period of sessions. At the hearing,
Commissioners heard directly from those involved in the indigenous-led resistance to the #DakotaAccessPipeline (DAPL) at Standing Rock, North Dakota. This report addresses the criminalization and suppression of protest by indigenous human rights defenders and their allies by United States (U.S.) federal, state and local governments, working hand-in-hand with private security forces [#Blackwater], specifically in relation to the construction and operation of #DAPL by #EnergyTransfer
Partners and Dakota Access, LLC (Dakota Access) and the connected #BayouBridgePipeline (collectively the “#BakkenPipeline”).

3. Standing Rock is an emblematic case of #IndigenousResistance to extractive industry that drew attention from around the world as water protectors met on the banks of the #MissouriRiver in peaceful assembly in what was the largest gathering of indigenous peoples in the U.S. in 100 years. Standing Rock is merely one example of how the U.S. government works with industry to approve energy projects carried out without the meaningful participation or consent of
indigenous nations. Indigenous peoples are left with no choice but to peacefully protest and then are criminalized for their efforts to defend their lands and resources.

4. Since Standing Rock, there has been an alarming trend by the United States government and state legislatures to criminalize opposition to pipelines and other energy projects. These #AntiProtest and so-called “#CriticalInfrastructure laws” progress towards criminalizing dissent and implicitly condone the use of excessive force towards human rights defenders, often including indigenous peoples and their allies who are at the forefront of resistance to extractive industries. As the international community has acknowledged, these laws are incompatible with domestic and international law. The governments’ use of excessive force and mass arrests to threaten, intimidate, and silence “#WaterProtectors” seeking to defend their lands, resources, and #culture, and the collusion with private security forces, violate fundamental human rights to #FreeSpeech and Aassembly enshrined in international human rights law and the #USConstitution.

5. The information provided here builds on a 2016 request for Precautionary Measures filed by the #StandingRock, #CheyenneRiver and #YanktonSioux tribes, past Commission hearings on similar matters that remain unsettled, and reports on Indigenous Peoples and Extractive Activities, and the Criminalization of #HumanRightsDefenders. In addition, the United Nations has reported on the situation at #StandingRock through the Expert Mechanism on the Rights of of indigenous peoples. Despite condemnation from these international bodies and mechanisms, water protectors continue to suffer impacts from the criminalization of their dissent, while the United States moves forward permitting new #pipeline projects on indigenous territories.

Read more:

O'odham Woman Becomes Hero When Genocide Joe Comes to Town

By Brenda Norrell, Censored News, Oct. 25, 2024

"In the #GilaRiver Indian Community today, Biden claimed to be issuing an apology to #NativeAmerican children who were victims of U.S. #BoardingSchools. His glory campaign was short-lived.

"As Biden spoke, an O'odham woman held up this sign: 'There Are Still Babies in Mass Graves. Your Apology Means Nothing!! #LandBack!'

"Calling out to Biden, she said, 'What about the people in #Gaza! What about the people in #Palestine?'

"'How can you apologize for a #genocide while actively committing a genocide in Palestine! #FreePalestine.'

"Security removed her."

Read more:

bsnorrell.blogspot.comO'odham Woman Becomes Hero When Genocide Joe Comes to TownCensored News is a service to grassroots Indigenous Peoples engaged in resistance and upholding human rights.

#IndigenousWomen from #Brazil: Calls for Action to Protect #Biodiversity, #IndigenousRights and #Climate

By #BrendaNorrell, #CensoredNews, Oct. 24, 2024

'We are the Guardians of the Planet'

CALI, #Colombia -- "Indigenous women leaders from Brazil defending their rivers, forests and people, spoke with courage and the fire of their ancestors at the United Nations Biodiversity Convention.

"'We sing because when we sing together, we don't feel that we are alone,' said Deputy Célia Xakriabá, Federal Deputy in Brazilian Congress, and co-founder of the National Articulation of Indigenous Women Warriors of Ancestrality.

"'All of our lands, all of our rivers are being murdered,' Xakriaba said during the press conference today of Women's Earth and Climate Action Network.

"Now in Brazil they are trying to make it legal to #mine our lands, and #deforest our lands, but it is not legal, she said. All of this is making Indigenous women sick, and we need to protect Indigenous women. Seventy percent of our women have given up having children. This is why women must be protected.

"Now, we are trying to protect all of nature, because nature has rights. 'When we kill our women, we are also killing the Earth.'"

bsnorrell.blogspot.comLive Brazil's Indigenous Women at Biodiversity Convention in ColombiaCensored News is a service to grassroots Indigenous Peoples engaged in resistance and upholding human rights.

HT @Lilith111 - Judge overturns right-of-way for #CopperWorld across #SantaRita Experimental Range

Sep 19, 2024
by Paul Ingram

"A judge in Maricopa County ruled that state officials violated open meeting law when it approved the value of a right-of-way for the Copper World mine project, located 35 miles southeast of #Tucson in the #SantaRitaMountains.

"Owned by the Toronto-based Hudbay Inc., Copper World has faced a barrage of criticisms and legal challenges from #environmental groups, who have argued the open pit mine would seriously affect the Santa Ritas and the #SantaCruzRiver. Proponents have argued the mine's $1.7 billion investment will generate nearly $250 million in property taxes, and create more than 400 direct jobs and up to 3,000 indirect jobs in #arizona

"#Hudbay originally sought to build the #RosemontMine, planning a half-mile deep pit across nearly 2,500 acres in the Santa Rita Mountains. However that effort faced fierce opposition from environmental groups who argued the mine and its tailings in the #CoronadoNationalForest would bury thousands of acres within the range of the endangered northern #jaguar and the #ocelot, as well as nearly a dozen other #endangered and critical plants and animals."

TucsonSentinel.comJudge overturns right-of-way for Copper World across Santa Rita Experimental RangePaul Ingram poolt

The Silent Killers in #IndianCountry: #Copper, #Lithium, #Uranium and #Plutonium

Judge finds plutonium plants in #NewMexico and #SouthCarolina violated environmental laws

By #BrendaNorrell, #CensoredNews, Oct. 10, 2024

"The U.S. government's plan for increased plutonium production at #LosAlamos National Laboratory, in the heart of Pueblo lands in northern New Mexico, has been delayed by a federal judge.

"Continuing the U.S. legacy of poisoning Indian country with #radiation, this comes as the U.S. government is granting leases to foreign #mining companies targeting Native #sacred lands and communities.

"#CopperMining is targeting San CarlosApache's sacred #OakFlat; #Hualapai are suing the US Department of Interior to halt lithium mining at their sacred spring Ha'Kamwe'; and the U.S. government is promoting the ongoing digging into the #Paiute Massacre Site in northern Nevada for #lithium, in violation of all federal laws that protect Native religious and historic sites, the environment and endangered species.
Uranium mining in the Grand Canyon threatens #Havasupai's aquifer, the haul route endangers everyone in the Four Corners region, and the uranium mill at White Mesa Ute in #Utah is poisoning #Utes.

"Interior Sec. #DebHaaland said in Farmington, N.M., that Los Alamos Labs would be the leader in the so-called '#GreenEnergy transition' in the #FourCorners region.

"More than 500 radioactive #UraniumMill sites remain on the #NavajoNation that have not been cleaned up by the U.S. #EPA, which deceives the public by announcing plans and promises to clean up the #ColdWar sites.

"In the current federal lawsuit, a federal judge in South Carolina ruled that U.S. energy officials illegally neglected to study impacts to the #environment in efforts to increase plutonium production for nuclear weapons in New Mexico and South Carolina.

"'South Carolina District Court Judge Mary Geiger Lewis sided with environmental, #AntiNuclear proliferation and community groups last week who sued the National Nuclear Security Administration (#NNSA), which oversees the nuclear weapons stockpile as part of the U.S. Department of Energy [#DOE],' reports Source New Mexico.

"The U.S. is investing billions into restarting the manufacture of #PlutoniumPits, the grapefruit-sized spheres developed for #nuclear weapons. The plutonium is produced from uranium.

"'The federal government halted its manufacturing program at the #RockyFlatsPlant in #Colorado in 1989 after an FBI raid due to safety concerns and #EnvironmentalCrimes,' Source New Mexico reports.

"The U.S. government's #AtomicBombTesting in #Nevada left a trail of cancer and death for #WesternShoshone. The documentary 'Downwind' reveals the truth.

"'This is a very serious issue and that's why I can't let it go. I can't move on. People say, 'oh, why don't you just let it go?' Because it's killing my family. It's killing my land. It's killing my people. And that will not stand. It's being done in secret. And killing Indians in secret will not stand,' said Ian Zabarte, Principal Man of the Western Bands of the #ShoshoneNation of Indians. Zabarte is featured in '#Downwind' about radiation poisoning from U.S. #NuclearTests.

"Currently, foreign companies -- which receive the profits and find it easy to avoid clean up and responsibility for #environmental crimes and deaths from #cancer -- are receiving the mining leases from the U.S. government. The leases are granted by the U.S. Interior's Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and in the case of #UraniumMining in the #GrandCanyon, it is the USDA's Forestry Service. #Biden's attorneys have joined the lawsuit with #RioTinto to devastate #OakFlat.

"Australian and Canadian mining corporations are devastating Native lands and communities, poisoning the water and causing widespread cancer.
Rio Tinto, targeting Apaches #OakFlat, is an Australian company which destroyed 46,000 years of #Aboriginal sacred history in caves in #Australia.

"Another Australian mining company is targeting #Hualapai's sacred site. It is #Hawstone / #ArizonaLithium, in Perth, Australia.

"#EnergyFuels, now uranium mining in the Grand Canyon, and operating the uranium mill at #WhiteMesaUte, is a Canadian company. Another Canadian company is digging into the #Paiute Massacre Site. It is #LithiumAmericas.
#Hopi judge #DianeHumetewa granted a temporary restraining order to halt the lithium mining at #Hualapai's sacred spring."

Read more:

bsnorrell.blogspot.comThe Silent Killers in Indian Country: Copper, Lithium, Uranium and PlutoniumCensored News is a service to grassroots Indigenous Peoples engaged in resistance and upholding human rights.

'We cannot exist if we lose the water': In #Honduras, a community resists a #mine polluting the #RíoGuapinol

"#JuanLópez, representative of the Committee for the Defense of Common and Public Goods, told #RadioProgreso that the activists' next step is advocate for the revoking of Inversiones Los Pinares' mining contracts, the environmental license and the exploitation and exploration permit."

by Soli Salgado
October 18, 2022

TOCOA, HONDURAS - "The Río Guapinol that streams through the Bajo Aguán valley in northern Honduras has long been a source of drinking, bathing, cleaning, irrigation and cooking water for the surrounding community in Tocoa.

"In the last few years, the river has also provided an education: how to resist an international mining operation that they say contaminates the river in the name of development; how to confront a seemingly compromised justice system when that #resistance goes awry; and — for the women in particular — how to become leaders of a movement upon the indefinite imprisonment of their husbands and sons.

"Vilma Cruz raised her five children using the river, including a son who wound up spending almost two and a half years in jail for protesting the mining as part of the #Guapinol8, a group whose 2019 arrests and long detentions drew international outrage.

"'We don't feel at peace because our water has been endangered,' she said. 'Now, when I go to the river, I feel my chest swell, like I'm not free.'

A mine emerges, a community responds

"About a decade ago, #InversionesLosPinares, formerly the Honduran #EMCO Mining Company and based in #Tocoa, applied for a concession to build an iron oxide mine in the protected #CarlosEscaleras #NationalPark. Then-President Juan Orlando Hernández authorized the request in 2013, a decision locals said was made without following protocol of consulting residents of the area.

"The #OpenPit #mining project was upstream of the #RíoGuapinol, a channel that stems from the larger #RíoAguan, a river that flows through tropical mountains from the Atlantic on the northern side of the #CentralAmerican country.

"When the Río Guapinol in 2018 started to turn a chocolate brown, locals took that as a cue to act against Inversiones Los Pinares.

"#GuapinolResiste, the local community's movement in response to the mining, said in a 2020 report that even before mining began, the construction of the facilities and roads had polluted both the Guapinol and #SanPedro rivers, affecting 14,000 residents who rely on the water for consumption and domestic purposes.

"'Losing the river would mean buying water, and you can't buy water for everything,' said Leonel George, who serves on the Municipal Committee for the Defense of Common and Public Goods, founded in 2018 in response to the mining project.

"The river, he added, is 'closely linked to life and the existence of everything that surrounds us,' noting that the committee's concern goes beyond the effects that contaminated water would have on human beings to the river's surrounding #forests and #biodiversity."

Read more:

#JusticeForJuan #GuapinolRiver #WaterDefender #SaveTheForests #DefendTheSacred
#NoMiningWithoutConsent #WaterIsLife #SaveTheRivers #EMCO #InversionesLosPinares

National Catholic Reporter'We cannot exist if we lose the water': In Honduras, a community resists a mine polluting the Río GuapinolHonduras community defends life-giving river from destructive pollution from an iron oxide mine in the protected Carlos Escaleras National Park.

Honduras: Anti-mining activist Juan Lopez shot dead

#JuanLopez is the fourth member of an #environmental #activism group based in in #Tocoa to be killed since 2023.

President #XiomaraCastro condemned the murder and has ordered an investigation.

September 16, 2024

"An #AntiMining #EnvironmentalActivist in #Honduras who protested to preserve #TropicalForests and rivers was killed over the weekend, even after warnings to better ensure his safety.

"Juan Lopez, 46, was gunned down as he left church Saturday in the northeastern town of Tocoa, police said on Sunday.

"Honduran President Xiomara Castro condmened the apparent murder of Lopez, a member of the Libre party she's allied to, in comments online.

"'We condemn the vile murder of our comrade and environmental leader Juan Lopez in Tocoa, Colon,' she said. 'I have ordered that all the capabilities of law enforcement be used to clarify this tragedy and identify those responsible.'

Multiple members of Lopez's enviromental organization killed

"Lopez belonged to the Municipal Committee for the Defense of Common and Public Goods, an environmental organization in Tocoa on the country's Atlantic coast.

"Three other members of the group were killed last year in what the organization saw as retaliation.

"The group had suffered threats and harassment for years amid efforts to preserve the #Guapinol and #SanPedro rivers, and the #CarlosEscaleras #Nature Reserve, as the presence of #mining and #hydroelectric companies increased.

"Honduran Attorney General Johel Zelaya said the 'reprehensible' murder would not go unpunished, and paid tribute to Lopez's #activism.

"'His life was an example of struggle. He never gave up in his incessant battle, hand-in-hand with the people to preserve natural resources,' Zelaya said on X.

Lopez aware of risks of his activism

"An outspoken member of the ruling #LibreParty, Lopez had recently publicly called for the resignation of Libre officials caught on video negotiating bribes with drug traffickers in 2013.

"Carlos Zelaya, a brother-in-law of president Castro, was caught up in that video. He resigned his seat in congress after admitting he took part in that meeting with drug gangsters.

"'If you leave home, you always have in mind that you do not know what might happen, if you are going to return,' Lopez had said in 2021 when speaking of his activism with AFP.

"Lopez had also raised the alarm himself earlier in the year, saying he had noticed two people on motorbikes observing him in locations around his home.

Activist deaths high in Latin America

"Global Witness, a British NGO, says Honduras is one of the world's most dangerous countries for environmental activists.

"#LatinAmerica accounted for 85% of all the world's environmentalists who were killed last year, with 18 deaths registered in Honduras, according to #GlobalWitness.

"The United Nations resident coordinator in Honduras, Alice Shackelford, said Lopez had been threatened for his activism and praised his determination to stand up to powerful interests.

"'We condemn the terrible murder of Juan Lopez, a human rights defender threatened for his work,' she said in a post."

km/msh (AFP, Reuters)

#JusticeForJuan #GuapinolRiver #SaveTheForests #DefendTheSacred
#NoMiningWithoutConsent #Greenwashing #WaterIsLife #SaveTheRivers #EMCO #InversionesLosPinares

Deutsche Welle · Honduras: Anti-mining activist Juan Lopez shot deadDeutsche Welle poolt

Federal Judge #DianeHumetewa, #Hopi, is First to Halt Interior Sec. #DebHaaland's #Lithium Drilling Permits in #Native #Ceremonial Places

By #BrendaNorrell, #CensoredNews, Sept. 18, 2024

"Federal Judge Diane Humetewa, Hopi, is the first federal judge to halt the lithium permits being given out by Interior Sec. Deb Haaland. Humetewa granted a temporary restraining order halting an Australian company's lithium drilling at #Hualapai's Sacred Spring.

"Now, U.S. District Judge Humetewa will rule on whether to make it permanent. Humetewa is the first to ask attorneys to submit arguments concerning the federal laws that protect historic and archaeological sites and the environment.

"Judge Humetewa gave lawyers on both sides until next Tuesday to summarize their arguments and more specifically respond to questions she asked about the government’s compliance with the #NationalHistoricPreservationAct and the #NationalEnvironmentalPolicyAct.

"#Biden's Justice Dept attorneys joined the drillers in court to argue for the drilling to proceed. And the #NavajoTransitionalEnergyCompany, a tribal enterprise in Farmington, NM, plans to do the drilling. CEO #VernLund has joined the board of the Australian-owned company #Hawkstone / #ArizonaLithium of Perth, Australia.

"In a separate case, the #TohonoOodham and #SanCarlosApache have filed a lawsuit against Interior Sec. Haaland for the bulldozers now destroying ancient village sites, #burial places and #MedicineGrounds in southern #Arizona. A Tucson federal judge refused to halt the destruction by the #SunZia Transmission Lines, for a wind energy project that plans to take electricity from New Mexico to California. The wind energy company, #PattenEnergy, is owned by the #CanadianPensionFund.

"The lithium drilling continues at the #Paiute Massacre Site in northern Nevada by the Canadian-owned #LithiumAmericas / #LithiumNevada. #Paiute and #Shoshone elderly and mothers have been charged in a court case for defending the grounds where their ancestors remain. #Haaland said she supports the #LithiumMining.

"#ApacheStronghold filed a case before the U.S. #SupremeCourt [#SCOTUS] this week, to halt the planned destruction of their ceremonial place, #OakFlat in Arizona, targeted for a massive copper mine by Australia's #RioTinto and #BHP, and pushed by the Biden administration. Rio Tinto already blew up 46,000 years of sacred #Aboriginal teachings in caves in #Australia. Rio Tinto was forced to admit widespread sexual attacks in its mines, with the highest number in Australia and #SouthAfrica."


#DefendTheSacred #ReaderSupportedNews #NoMiningWithoutConsent #NoLithiumMining #EnvironmentalRacism #environment #Greenwashing #EVs #WaterIsLife #NoLithiumMiningWithoutConsent #HumanRights #WaterIsLife #HumanRightsDefenders #IndigenousActivists #CorporateColonialism #SaveOakFlat
#CulturalGenocide #EnvironmentalRacism #ExtractiveMining

bsnorrell.blogspot.comHopi Federal Judge First to Halt Desecration from Lithium DrillingCensored News is a service to grassroots Indigenous Peoples engaged in resistance and upholding human rights.

#ApacheStronghold Asks #SupremeCourt to #SaveOakFlat

By Becket Law, via #CensoredNews
Sept. 11, 2024

WASHINGTON – "A coalition of #WesternApaches, other #Native peoples, and non-Native #allies asked the #SupremeCourt today to protect their sacred site at #OakFlat from destruction by a multinational mining giant. In Apache Stronghold v. United States, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals refused to stop the federal government from transferring Oak Flat to #ResolutionCopper, a foreign-owned mining company that plans to turn the site into a massive mining crater, ending #Apache religious practices forever (Watch video linked below to learn more).

"The Apaches and their allies hosted a day of prayer outside the Court as they asked the Justices to save the spiritual lifeblood of their people.
Since time immemorial, Western Apaches and other Native peoples have gathered at Oak Flat, outside of present-day Superior, Arizona, for sacred religious ceremonies that cannot take place anywhere else. Known in Apache as Chi’chil Biłdagoteel, Oak Flat is listed in the National Register of Historic Places and has been protected from mining and other harmful practices for decades. These protections were targeted in December 2014 when a last-minute provision was inserted into a must- pass defense bill authorizing the transfer of Oak Flat to the Resolution Copper company. Resolution Copper is a foreign-owned mining company that plans to turn the sacred site into a two-mile-wide and 1,100-foot-deep crater. The majority owner of Resolution Copper, #RioTinto, sparked international outrage when it deliberately destroyed 46,000-year-old #Indigenous rock shelters at one of #Australia’s most significant cultural sites.

“'Oak Flat is our Mt. Sinai—the most sacred place where generations of Apache have come to connect with our Creator, our faith, and our land,' said Dr. Wendsler Nosie Sr. of Apache Stronghold. 'We pray the Justices will protect Oak Flat and ensure that our place of worship is not treated differently simply because it lacks four walls and a steeple.”
Apache Stronghold—a coalition of Apaches, other Native peoples, and non-Native allies—filed this lawsuit in January 2021 seeking to halt the proposed mine at Oak Flat. The mine is opposed by 21 of 22 federally recognized tribal nations in Arizona and by the National Congress of American Indians. Meanwhile, national polling indicates that 74% of Americans support protecting Oak Flat. The Ninth Circuit ruled earlier this year that the land transfer is not subject to federal laws protecting religious freedom. But five judges dissented, writing that the court 'tragically err[ed]' by refusing to protect Oak Flat. After unsuccessfully asking all 29 judges on the Ninth Circuit to rehear the case, Apache Stronghold has filed their appeal to the Supreme Court.

"'Blasting the birthplace of Apache religion into oblivion would be an egregious violation of our nation’s promise of religious freedom for people of all faiths,' said Luke Goodrich, vice president and senior counsel at Becket. 'The Court should uphold its strong record of defending #ReligiousFreedom by ensuring that the Apaches can continue worshiping at Oak Flat as they have for centuries.'

"In addition to Becket, Apache Stronghold is represented by Erin Murphy of Clement & Murphy PLLC, Professor Stephanie Barclay of Georgetown Law School, and attorneys Michael V. Nixon and Clifford Levenson.
For more information or to arrange an interview, contact Ryan Colby at or 202-349-7219."


Legal document:


#SCOTUS #CopperMine
#Ecocide #NativeAmericanNews

bsnorrell.blogspot.comApache Stronghold Asks Supreme Court to Save Oak FlatCensored News is a service to grassroots Indigenous Peoples engaged in resistance and upholding human rights.

#Ghana hollows out #forests and green protections to advance #mining interests

Malavika Vyawahare
28 Aug 2024
via @mongabay

Key points:

- The Ghanaian government has significantly ramped up the approval of mining permits under legislation passed in late 2022, intensifying concerns about runaway environmental damage.

- The country is already the top #gold producer in #Africa, but much of the mining is done in #forest reserves and other #biodiverse #ecosystems.

- The government has long cracked down on artisanal illegal #GoldMiners, but activists say the real damage is being wrought by #industrial operations, both legal and illegal.

- A debt default in 2022 has seen #Ghana lean even more heavily on its gold to mitigate the crisis, prompting warnings that such a policy is neither #economically nor #environmentally #sustainable.

Read more:

#ApampramaReserve #HeritageImperial #WaterIsLife #SaveTheForests #NoMiningWithoutConsent #CorporateColonialism #C&GAleska #GoldMining #GSBA #LithiumMining #BodiForestReserve #IMFLoans #WorldBank #IMFLoanSharks

Mongabay Environmental News · Ghana hollows out forests and green protections to advance mining interestsIn 2022, the West African nation of Ghana lost 18,000 hectares, or 44,500 acres, of forests — an area the size of 30,000 football fields. But instead of strengthening restrictions, that November, the Ghanaian government decided to further expose the country’s protected woodlands to the corrosive effects of mineral extraction. The legislative changes allowed mining […]

So, many years ago, I came across a meme with the late #CorbinHarney, spiritual leader of the #WesternShoshone, and #IndigenousActivist against #YuccaMountain and #NuclearDisarmament. The only copies of the meme are very low resolution, so I decided to re-do the meme with a new image and type at a higher resolution.

“It’s in our backyard… It’s in our front yard. This #nuclear contamination is shortening all life. We’re going to have to unite as a people and say no more! We, the people, are going to have to put our thoughts together to save our planet here. We only have One Water… One Air… One #MotherEarth.”

- Corbin Harney (1920 - 2007), 
 Western Shoshone Spiritual Leader.

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[Thread] The next installment from #KleeBenally 's book, #NoSpiritualSurrender

“The devastation of #NuclearColonialism, which permanently destroys #Indigenous communities throughout the world, is outright ignored by some of the most devout #ClimateJustice advocates. They claim #NuclearEnergy production is also a #GreenSolution to the #ClimateCrisis. More than 15,000 abandoned #UraniumMines are located within the so-called US, mostly in and around Indigenous communities, permanently poisoning #SacredLands and waters with little to no action being taken to clean up their deadly toxic legacy. There are currently 93 operating #NuclearReactors in the so-called US that supply 20% of the country’ electricity. There are 60,000 tons of #HighlyRadioactive spent waste store in concrete dams at #NuclearPowerPlants throughout the country with the waste increasing at a rate of 2,000 tons per year.

“In 1987 the ‘US’ Congress initiated a controversial project to transport and store almost all of the US’s #ToxicWaste at #YuccaMountain located about 100 miles northwest of so-called #LasVegas, #Nevada. Yucca Mountan has been held holy to the #Paiute and #WesternShoshone Nations since time immemorial. In January 2010 the #ObamaAdminstration approved a $54 billion taxpayer loan in a guarantee program for new nuclear reactor construction, three times what Bush previously promised in 2005. In April 2022, the #BidenAdministration government bailout to ‘rescue’ nuclear power plants at risk for closing. A #Colonial government representative stated, ‘US nuclear power contributes more than half of our #CarbonFree electricity, and President Biden is committed to keeping these plants active to reach our #CleanEnergy goals.’

“They, along with Climate Justice activiists, cite nuclear energy as necessary to combat #GlobalWarming, all while ignoring the devastating percent impacts #IndigenousPeoples have faced. There is nothing clean about energy produced from nuclear colonialism. From its weapons (including #DepletedUranium) to its #Mining and its waste; Indigenous bodies, lands, and waters continue to be sacrificed to heat water with radioactive materials which creates steam that moves generators to change batteries made from #Lithium extracted from other Indigenous sacred lands so #Teslas can mo you forward into a ‘just’ climate future.

“A green economy sustains and advances colonial progress, which means mitigated selective and ongoing destruction of #MotherEarth.”

Pages 139-140

#Ecosystem #HaulNo #DefendTheSacred
#CorporateColonialism #NoDAPL #CriminalizingDissent #WaterIsLife #ClimateDefenders #NoCopperMiningWithoutConsent #NoLithiumMining #CorporateColonialism #NoMiningWithoutConsent #LithiumMining #CopperMining #Greenwashng #NuclearWeapons #RestInPowerKleeBenally #RIPKleeBenally

Update on Fundraisers for #kleebenally -- via #IndigenousAction

The family of Klee Benally thanks you for the donations!

"The family extends their appreciation for the fierce outpouring of support. We cannot thank you enough. Ahééhéé. If you would like to support some of the work that still continues, please consider a donation to #HaulNo. And we know you really want to go out and do some rabble-rousing. Don’t just do it for Klee, do it for you! Do it for the future. All our lives depend on it.

Donations for Haul No!

Klee was deeply involved in Haul No! to stimulate actions of resistance against #EnergyFuels #PinyonPlain / #CanyonMine #UraniumMine, Energy Fuels’ #WhiteMesaMill, and related transport.

Continue the protection and fight for #MotherEarth & #HumanRights that Klee passionately fought for.

To donate:


#RestInPowerKleeBenally #RIPKleeBenally #IndigenousActivist
#MutualAid #LandBack #Fundraisers #UraniumMining
#NoUraniumMining #NoUraniumProcessing #EnvironmentalRacism #DefendTheSacred #NoMiningWithoutConsent

Haul No! · DonateDirect support for outreach and organizing along haul route Haul No! is volunteer-based and donation-supported. Donations support Haul No!’s work to raise awareness in indigenous communities …

#Protests Against #GrandCanyon #UraniumMine Continue

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Coalition statement, via #CensoredNews

GRAND CANYON, #Arizona — "#Conservation advocates will join Tribal leaders and members Saturday, Aug. 24, to demand the closure of the #PinyonPlain uranium mine that threatens the waters of the Grand Canyon and the #Havasupai Tribe.

What: Protest near #RedButte and the Pinyon Plain Uranium Mine calling on #GovHobbs and federal officials to close the mine.

When: 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., Saturday, Aug. 24.

Where: Junction of Highway 64 and Forest Service Road 320, 10.5 miles north of Grand Canyon Junction (Valle, Arizona). Here is a map.

Who: Staff and members of the #CenterForBiologicalDiversity, #SierraClub, #ChispaArizona, #WildArizona, National Parks Conservation Association [#NPCA] and other groups will join Havasupai Tribal leaders and members of other Tribes in solidarity and will be available for interviews.

"The mine, which began extracting uranium ore on Jan. 8, is 7 miles south of Grand Canyon National Park, at the foot of sacred Red Butte (Wii'i Gdwiisa in Havasupai), and inside the newly designated Baaj Nwaavjo I’tah Kukveni – Ancestral Footprints of the Grand Canyon National Monument.

"Saturday’s protest will come after weeks of recent actions opposing the mine and the hauling of radioactive #UraniumOre across the #NavajoNation, which has called the transportation of uranium across its land an infringement on Tribal sovereignty.

"Earlier this month Navajo Nation President #BuuNygren issued an executive order banning shipments of uranium from the mine across the Nation; hauling is now paused. Soon after Arizona Attorney General Kris Mayes called for an updated environmental study on the mine, warning of potential risks of allowing the mine to proceed under the authority of a nearly 40-year-old Environmental Impact Statement.

"In June, Tribal members and conservation groups delivered a petition with more than 17,000 signatures urging Gov. Hobbs to use her authority to close the mine. In January, 80 groups and scientists called on her to do the same. New research indicates that the best way to protect the waters of the region is to shut down the mine."

#HaulNo #NoMiningWithoutConsent #NavajoNation #PinyonPlainUraniumMine #ReaderSupportedNews #WaterIsLife #BlackMesa #NoUraniumMining #Navajo #InformedConsent
#EnvironmentalRacism #ShutDownPinyonPlain #ProtectTheSacred #Diné #Dinébikeyah #dinetah #NoUraniumMiningWithoutConsent

bsnorrell.blogspot.comProtests Against Grand Canyon Uranium Mine Continue Saturday, August 24, 2024Censored News is a service to grassroots Indigenous Peoples engaged in resistance and upholding human rights.

Interior Sec. #Haaland Speaks on #ProtectingTheEarth at the #DemocraticNationalConvention, Apparently Forgetting that She is Destroying It

#Genocide takes me many forms: Genocide in boarding schools; the production of weapons for genocide in #Palestine; and the genocide of poisoning and destroying the #Sacred #Ceremonial Places, where the prayers and songs keep the people alive. -- #CensoredNews

By #BrendaNorrell, Censored News, August 23, 2024

"Interior Sec. Deb Haaland spoke about protecting the planet at the Democratic National Convention -- apparently forgetting her support for #LithiumMining into the #Paiute Massacre Site Peehee Mu'huh in Nevada, and the fact that she is being sued by three #Native!merican Tribes in #Arizona for destroying the sacred."

Read more:

#PeeheeMuhuh #ProtectTheSacred #CulturalGenocide #EnvironmentalRacism #ArizonaLithium #WaterIsLife #HaKamwe #SacredSite #CulturalGenocide
#LithiumMining #NoLithiumMining
#EarthJustice #BigSandyRiver
#WesternMiningActionProject #CorporateColonialism #DebHaaland

bsnorrell.blogspot.comInterior Sec. Haaland Speaks on Protecting the Earth at DNC, Apparently Forgetting that She is Destroying ItCensored News is a service to grassroots Indigenous Peoples engaged in resistance and upholding human rights.

#Lithium drilling project temporarily blocked on sacred #TribalLands in #Arizona

The case is among the latest legal fights to pit #NativeAmerican tribes and #environmentalists against President Joe #Biden’s administration.

By Scott Sonner, Associated Press

"A federal judge has temporarily blocked exploratory drilling for a lithium project in Arizona that tribal leaders say will harm land they have used for religious and cultural ceremonies for centuries.

"Lawyers for the national environmental group #Earthjustice and Colorado-based Western Mining Action Project are suing federal land managers on behalf of the #HualapaiTribe. They accuse the U.S. Bureau of Land Management of illegally approving drilling planned by an Australian mining company in the #BigSandyRiverBasin in northwestern Arizona, about halfway between Phoenix and Las Vegas.

"The case is among the latest legal fights to pit Native American tribes and environmentalists against President Joe Biden’s administration as green energy projects encroach on lands that are culturally significant.

"U.S. District Judge Diane Humetewa granted a temporary restraining order late Monday, according to court documents. Humetewa is suspending the operation until she can hear initial arguments from the tribe, #ArizonaLithium Ltd., and the bureau at a hearing in #PhoenixArizona on Sept. 17.

"The tribe wants the judge to issue a preliminary injunction extending the prohibition on activity at the site pending trial on allegations that federal approval of the exploratory drilling violated the National Historic Preservation Act and National #Environmental Policy Act.

"'Like other tribal nations who for centuries have stewarded the lands across this country, the #Hualapai people are under siege by #mining interests trying to make a buck off destroying their cultural heritage,' Earthjustice lawyer Laura Berglan said in a statement Wednesday.

"The tribe says in court documents that the bureau failed to adequately analyze potential impacts to sacred springs the Hualapai people call Ha'Kamwe,' which means warm spring. The springs have served as a place 'for healing and prayer' for generations.

"The tribe and environmental groups also argue that a 2002 environmental review by the bureau and the U.S. Energy Department determined that the land was eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places as a traditional cultural property.

"Arizona Lithium plans a total of 131 drilling sites across nearly a square mile (2.6 square kilometers) to obtain samples to help determine if there's enough lithium to construct a mine and extract the critical mineral needed to manufacture batteries for electric vehicles [#EVs], among other things."

Read more:

#ProtectTheSacred #WaterIsLife #HaKamwe #SacredSite #CulturalGenocide
#LithiumMining #NoLithiumMining
#EarthJustice #BigSandyRiver
#WesternMiningActionProject #CorporateColonialism

news.azpm.orgLithium drilling project temporarily blocked on sacred tribal lands in Arizona The case is among the latest legal fights to pit Native American tribes and environmentalists against President Joe Biden’s administration.

In the Dirty Business of Faking Green, a Third #Arizona Tribe Sues #DebHaaland for Desecration

By #BrendaNorrell, #CensoredNews
August 13, 2024

"In the dirty business of faking #GreenEnergy, Interior Department head Deb Haaland is being sued by the #Hualapai Tribe for approval of a #LithiumMine targeting their #SacredSpring. It is the same lithium mine where an Australian company has hired the head of a #NavajoNation enterprise to lead the drilling for lithium and violating the sacred.

"Deb Haaland, #LagunaPueblo, is now being sued by three tribes in Arizona for ongoing destruction of religious and historic places, sacred places where #TohonoOodham, #SanCarlosApache , and Hualapai have offered their prayers since time immemorial.

"In the lawsuit, Hualapai tell of the drilling for lithium, and the way the Interior's Bureau of Land Management concealed the plans for the lithium mine."


"The Tohono O'odham and San Carlos Apache Nations filed for a restraining order on Haaland, which was denied by a Tucson federal judge, but the tribes continue the legal battle. Haaland, present at the groundbreaking of #PatternEnergy's wind project, is promoting the #SunZia transmission line to take wind energy from New Mexico to California, now cutting a path of destruction across pristine regions of the Southwest. Pattern Energy in San Francisco is owned by the #CanadaPensionFund.

"The mainstream media is also concealing the fact that the CEO of the #NavajoNation enterprise which claims to be transitioning to green energy is heading the project to desecrate Hualapai's sacred ceremonial place. The so-called #NavajoTransitionalEnergyCompany also owns #CoalMines in Wyoming and Montana.

"The Navajo Transitional Energy Company stated in March that it had signed the mining agreement and its CEO #Vern Lund would lead the mining operation for the Australian company."

Read more:

bsnorrell.blogspot.comIn the Dirty Business of Faking Green, a Third Arizona Tribe Sues Deb Haaland for DesecrationCensored News is a service to grassroots Indigenous Peoples engaged in resistance and upholding human rights.