on üks paljudest sõltumatutest Mastodoni serveritest, mida saab fediversumis osalemiseks kasutada. on mõeldud Eestis üldkasutatavaks Mastodoni serveriks. is meant to be a general use Mastodon server for Estonia.


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Affaire Orlinski: Christian Estrosi visé par une enquête pour corruption

Les bureaux du maire de #Nice ont été perquisitionnés mardi 18 mars dans le cadre d’une enquête judiciaire ouverte à la suite de révélations de Mediapart sur les cadeaux que le «sculpteur des stars», par ailleurs largement promu dans sa ville, lui a offerts.

I finally saw Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III from 1993 today. I had never seen it before! It has been bothering me for years and years. The 11-year-old me has been nagging me for years to see it. I'm getting stuff accomplished! That was a big one to check off of my list.


Mellies operation went well. She now has a metal piece in her right leg.

Going to pick her up at 4:30pm today.

Have to get a taxi home because I can't get her home with public transportation.

I'm really worried about her. But hopefully she will be able to run again and be happy.