Affaire Orlinski: Christian Estrosi visé par une enquête pour corruption
Les bureaux du maire de #Nice ont été perquisitionnés mardi 18 mars dans le cadre d’une enquête judiciaire ouverte à la suite de révélations de Mediapart sur les cadeaux que le «sculpteur des stars», par ailleurs largement promu dans sa ville, lui a offerts.
How Are Madrid and Barcelona Shaping Spain’s Reputation Among the World’s Top One Hundred Travel Destinations? #AmericaTravelNews #amsterdam #AustraliaTravelNews #barcelona #FranceTravelNews #FrenchCity #Hawaii #honolulu #Madrid #Milan #NewYork #nice #Rome #singapore #SingaporeTravelNews #Spain #SpainTravelNews #Sydney #Tokyo #TourismNews #TravelAndTourism.
I finally saw Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III from 1993 today. I had never seen it before! It has been bothering me for years and years. The 11-year-old me has been nagging me for years to see it. I'm getting stuff accomplished! That was a big one to check off of my list.
Mellies operation went well. She now has a metal piece in her right leg.
Going to pick her up at 4:30pm today.
Have to get a taxi home because I can't get her home with public transportation.
I'm really worried about her. But hopefully she will be able to run again and be happy.
Nice, France, Wants to Ban Cruises and Their ‘Low-Cost Clientele’ #Cruises #France #News #nice #overtourism Royal warrants: King Charles’ eye-watering Kate gift worth ‘nine figures’ #2025 #been #BritishRoyalFamily #charles #CharlesIII #deserve #enough #eyewatering #figures #gift #good #have #Kate #king #KingCharles #lovely #Nice #Nine #royal #RoyalFamilies #RoyalFamily #shiny #start #that #thing #treat #very #warrants #worth
Today’s playlist is about seeing you when you’re sleeping, and knowing when you’re awake. I am Santa and I have the receipts.
I am at a Carrefour supermarket near Nice that has, no word of a lie, 45 checkouts. Pray for me #AdventuresOfCass2024 #Nice #Carnage
Just sayin
I am going to state the obvious.....I like nice people.
@pragprog @herberticus i dunno, but that's a badass album cover!
Whether you’re #naughty or #nice, these #GaySanta #pics are ready to #sleigh
You better watch out, you better not cry, you better not pout, we’re telling you why—Gay Santa posts are going around.
#Women #Transgender #LGBTQ #LGBTQIA #Christmas #Representation #Culture
#CreepoftheWeek: #AntiTrans #Hate.
It has come to my #attention that some #Democratic #lawmakers and #talkingheads are #blaming #VicePresident #KamalaHarris’s #loss on #transgender #folks. Or, more specifically, #Democrats being too #nice to #transgender #people.
#Women #Transgender #LGBTQ #LGBTQIA #DemocraticParty #Allies #Conservatives #Extremism #Fascism #DINOS #Hate #Bigotry #Transphobia
"He's making a list
He's checking it twice
He's going to find out
Who's naughty and nice..."
Two-headed, festive naughty and nice bookseller spotted in the EB today!