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Spring is finally here! These little friends bring their babies to ‘graze’. #Woodlice feed on rotting plant matter, as well as bacteria and fungi on rotting plants. Like gourmets they have very sensitive olfactory receptors to find tasty treats. They are an important part of #soilLife. As a child, I was happy about their #trilobite -like look.

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🧵 2/2 insulation layer for nests. But it's also an absorbent for pooping baby #birds. Humans copied nature and used moss for nappies or bandages.

If you don't like the chaos, turn the moss around and step on it. Until the birds have fun again. 😉 They will stop when they find insects elsewhere again and no nesting material is needed.

By throwing around #moss cushions, they help multiply the moss, which cannot walk to other places.
More #mosstodon in my next podcast episode! #NatureMatchCuts

(To my US followers 🤫 ) I wrote: "Obviously, the immensely rich #diversity of choices offers evolutionary advantages for a wide variety of environments." I'm just writing about #moss sex. 😁 Without Newspeak. 💪

I'm proud to use the so-called "flagged" words ▶️

Yes, my podcast comeback episode will be about #Moss!

"What I see seems like a second-rate James Bond plot, except that James is bogged down somewhere over his martinis and not around when you need him."
Yay, I'm back with blogging! :apartyblobcat: And you can get my blogposts as a newsletter via mail: A new episode for my #podcast is in research. It feels so good to write again! :BlobhajHeart:

SteadyI’m Back Despite Or Because Of Absurd TimesI know many of you missed new episodes of my podcast NatureMatchCuts, but before the next episode with my comeback, I can say : the forced break has benefitted the…
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Well, it has hatched from the brain egg ... 🤫

And of course, you can listen to the old episodes and subscribe to my podcast!

For new fans: The star of my podcast went to the eternal hunting grounds a year ago. My nature content remains, but I needed a new hook, and also want to combine nature with new topics. This will take some time because I don't have a radio station structure helping me.

🧵 1/8 Why you have to wait for another episode of my #podcast #NatureMatchCuts

No one has yet dared to ask where the next episode is. I already have a guilty conscience. But it's not working yet. Why?
I try to summarise the causes as briefly as possible. I like the word "turmoil" for this.

First, the star of my podcast had died. Even though I'm over it now (I still miss him a lot): I'm missing something fundamental

Apple PodcastsNatureMatchCutsNature Podcast · 11 Episodes · Updated Monthly