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🧵 2/2 insulation layer for nests. But it's also an absorbent for pooping baby #birds. Humans copied nature and used moss for nappies or bandages.

If you don't like the chaos, turn the moss around and step on it. Until the birds have fun again. 😉 They will stop when they find insects elsewhere again and no nesting material is needed.

By throwing around #moss cushions, they help multiply the moss, which cannot walk to other places.
More #mosstodon in my next podcast episode! #NatureMatchCuts

"What I see seems like a second-rate James Bond plot, except that James is bogged down somewhere over his martinis and not around when you need him."
Yay, I'm back with blogging! :apartyblobcat: And you can get my blogposts as a newsletter via mail: A new episode for my #podcast is in research. It feels so good to write again! :BlobhajHeart:

SteadyI’m Back Despite Or Because Of Absurd TimesI know many of you missed new episodes of my podcast NatureMatchCuts, but before the next episode with my comeback, I can say : the forced break has benefitted the…
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Well, it has hatched from the brain egg ... 🤫

And of course, you can listen to the old episodes and subscribe to my podcast!

For new fans: The star of my podcast went to the eternal hunting grounds a year ago. My nature content remains, but I needed a new hook, and also want to combine nature with new topics. This will take some time because I don't have a radio station structure helping me.

🧵 1/8 Why you have to wait for another episode of my #podcast #NatureMatchCuts

No one has yet dared to ask where the next episode is. I already have a guilty conscience. But it's not working yet. Why?
I try to summarise the causes as briefly as possible. I like the word "turmoil" for this.

First, the star of my podcast had died. Even though I'm over it now (I still miss him a lot): I'm missing something fundamental

Apple PodcastsNatureMatchCutsNature Podcast · 11 Episodes · Updated Monthly