@kim_harding I'd rather want to ban #NSAbook from collecting any data about me, by any means…
@gedankenhal_de @AbyssCannonball #NSAbook nutzen ist auch nix anderes als #IM für's #Trump-Regime zu sein!
@lizzy #LinkedIn is just a #SFW #Circlejerking forum these days...
@700Sachen @Bingenberger @groso dann doch lieber auf #XMPP+#OMEMO über #Tor migrieren, weil da funzen Sprachnachrichten nicht statt #NSAbook mit extea #Stimmdaten zu füttern.die dank #CloudAct US-Regierungseigentum werden und/oder dann für #Deepfakes genutzt werden können.
@katja nodds in agreement #NSAbook got caught #leeching and literally.configuring their #BitTorrent nodes.not to seed a single bit of data, thus be a #ValueRemoving #NetNegative.
@Mik3y @samhainnight @karlauerbach @alex_p_roe @Nonilex not to mention all the #GAFAMs and #TechBros who get to know that #CloudAct means they'll have to integrate more #Govware #Backdors and enable #BulkSurveillance or get shut down & jailed faster than they can say #EncroChat or #SkyECC...
@Sustainable2050 they have already been used in the past, including private messages, as #NSAbook / #StasiBook does forward them automatically to #ICE & #CPB.
Refusal to decrypt storage and provide access to accounts can lead to being rejected at the border and being denied entry with no appeal possible!
@levampyre @aral @AuswaertigesAmt @Bundesregierung I've seen stories of people being denied entry based off #NSAbook chats that say someone would be aboe to look after someone, thus making CPB claim they seeked illegal employment as babysitter...
@mossyfoot I never used #LinkedIn because of that.
As much as #XING is enshittifying by cancelling well-liked features, I'll stay off #NSAbook and anything related to it...
@Diluvium1976 simpel:
#Abgoebben funktioniert bei "#bildungsfern|en Menschen" besser als die #Wahrheit zu erklären!
@briankrebs yeah, espechally #NSAbook illegally crawls contact info and creates literal "shadow profiles" to stalk and harrass people who explicitly chose not to use their services.
Also the blatant dismissal of absolitely basic #OpSec & #ComSec is just flabberghasting.
Only #decentralized, #OpenSource & #OpenStandards can actuall survive long-term and remain #secure.
It's the same reasons we use #PGPG/MIME & #SSH and not #X400 & #X25!
IOW: Think "How can you weaponize Signal?" and see what you csn do just holding key people in contempt...
The less #info a provider has, the less they can be forced to snitch upon customers.
"#JustUseSgnal!" is a form of dangerous "#TechPopulism" aimed at bamboozling #TechIlliterates who don't know better, abusing information asymetry to pull rank instead of investing the time and effort to *explain "how" and "why" this is indeed a good or bad idea.
The only ones that have a chance to beat that are @delta / #deltaChat but that's just #PGP/MIME #eMail in a nice UI...
@Beggarmidas @Em0nM4stodon depends.
@delta @k @kookie @yhvr@wetdry.world @yhvr@quest3.yhvr.me were it not mandatory to use with #NSAbook accounts I'd buy one.