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#Cambodia’s Hun Sen, #Myanmar Junta Celebrate Closure of US-Funded Media Outlets: The US-funded broadcasters #RadioFreeAsia and #VoiceofAmerica have long been a thorn in the side of the region’s repressive governments. “The effusive response extended also to…China’s state-backed Global Times…” | Sebastian Strangio, The Diplomat /1

The Diplomat · Cambodia’s Hun Sen, Myanmar Junta Celebrate Closure of US-Funded Media OutletsSebastian Strangio poolt

Will Trump Seek to Engage With the #Myanmar #Junta? “In view of the recently forged Moscow-Washington Axis—&…the #junta’s cordial relationship with #Russia—…many…fear…changes to the #US’ Myanmar policy. …[as] an outspoken critic of the junta…[&] a major supporter of Myanmar’s pro-democracy movement [& independent media]. …the Trump administration has terminated all such support… The question is whether Trump will…begin “engaging” the [junta]?” | Bertil Lintner, Irrawaddy

#UnitedNations #food agency said on Friday that more than 1 million people in the war-torn nation of #Myanmar will be cut off from food assistance in April due to critical funding shortfalls. The WFP said it would need $60 million to continue ... not immediately clear if the WFP’s decision was directly related to US President Donald Trump's recent moves to stop most foreign aid and dismantle the US Agency for International Development. [via email from The World]

Farcebook - an insiders tale

The review of the book (the author is married to an FT Editor) does not mention that she was personally responsible for getting the platform accepted in Myanmar - where it was responsible for the disinformation and hatred that led to many deaths on top of ethnic cleansing. It exposes the targeting of the young and vulnerable well.

"Huione Pay, the banking arm of what’s been called the world’s 'largest ever illicit online marketplace' (#HuioneGuarantee) has been stripped of its banking license, the National Bank of #Cambodia confirmed to RFA this week."

There's been previous reports of tens of billions of dollars moving through Huiones "anything goes" marketplace for weapons, drugs, slaves, etc. so this is possibly an interesting escalation in the crackdown on Chinese organized crime in southeast asia that seems to have been orchestrated by the #PRC (though some are sceptical if it will end up making any real difference give Huione connections to the Cambodian government).

Befreit aus den Scam-Fabriken Myanmars

In Myanmar sind in den vergangenen Wochen tausende Menschen aus Zentren für Online-Betrug befreit worden. Dazu war brachialer Druck der Nachbarstaaten erforderlich. Und Hunderttausende werden weiter wie Sklaven gehalten. Von J. Johnston.

➡️ · Befreit aus den Scam-Fabriken MyanmarsJennifer Johnston poolt