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I've been journaling a bit of late, and getting ready for my trip to Clover Cup made me think of my first adult trip to Chicago 20 years ago.

I was too poor to stay in the city, so I got a suite near the airport and took the train in every day. I saw Art Chicago, museums, Wicked, Spamalot, and also had a FWB visit and had lots of sex over the three days she was there.

A pretty happy memory. Flying back then was comfortable and fun.

There was a #women's half-#marathon in #Kyiv #Ukraine earlier this month called the Kyiv Pink Run (everyone wears pink)

The runners unexpectedly intersected the funeral procession for a fallen warrior in Ukraine's #war against #ethnofascist #imperialism

And then this happened:

(the text in #Ukrainian at the end references their running friend Natalka Samoilenko, killed by Russia in #Bucha in 2022, they were running in her #memory: )

Herzlichen Glückwunsch, Dorothee Wierling!
Wir gratulieren unserer langjährigen #WerkstattGeschichte-Mitstreiterin zum 75. #Geburtstag & bedanken uns für die tollen Themenhefte, die sie (mit-)herausgegeben hat:

▶ "#Memory", 30/2001,
▶ "#Alltagsgeschichte transnational", 40/2005,
▶ "Globale Waren", 45/2007,
▶ "korrespondenzen", 60/2013,

@histodons @historikerinnen

It may be the pain it causes to your teeth or the gross taste in your mouth, but a news study shows that chewing on a hard substance like wood can increase levels of a naturally occurring antioxidant in the human brain. This isn’t to suggest you gnaw on a 2x4, but perhaps chewing on a pencil may improve a person’s memory. @ScienceAlert has more on what dogs have apparently known for decades:

ScienceAlert · Chewing Wood Could Give Your Brain an Unexpected BoostMaybe dogs who chew sticks are on to something.
Vastatud lõimes

@jkntech @goodthinking tempering is not required if you seed or use the "memory effect". Seeding in short: keep a little bit of your original material solid, rasp it fine and mix it with your liquid chocolate just before filling your moulds. Make sure the liquid is not warmer than 40⁰C.
Memory effect is better but a bit more complicated. Look up my 1999 patent on chocolate manufacturing for details. Expired so free to use.
#Memory #chocolate #FatTechnology

I’d like to learn more about something:

How does a web page that doesn’t weigh 50 KB (compressed) consume 68 MB RAM?

There surely is more going on here, but given that entire browsers used to be smaller than 68 MB, what exactly? Is that excess imagined or real?

(Do you have recommendations on what to read up on?)

Time to go through my bookshelves and bring in some donations. It’s difficult. I like to keep all of my books: the ones I’ve read and enjoyed AND the ones I’ve read and hated. I want to keep them all because they remind me of who I was when I read them. #memory #books #libraries #guelph · Calling all bookworms! Book sale returns in support of literacy in jailsFree to Read Book Sale runs Apr. 26 at Old Quebec Street Shoppes