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Stephanie, my trusted & excellent orthotist at Fisher Building, fixed both of my leg braces today. This is the left AFO - added foot cushioning & two new straps were put on to replace older ones that weren't holding up. My right AFO had specialty heel airhole cushioning & back of ankle padding added & I had her replace the top thigh strap too.

She has put in a funding assistance form for one specialty brace for my lower left leg to deal with some floppy foot & pain related issues when I try to sleep. Hopefully I get full funding assistance because orthotics are hella expensive to pay out of pocket for.

#SCOTUS will hear a #FirstAmendment challenge to a #Colorado #law banning professional #counseling services engaged in #ConversionTherapy intended to change a minor’s #gender identity or #sexual orientation.

>20 states have similar laws, which are supported by leading #medical groups. Kaley Chiles, a licensed counselor, challenged the constitutionality of the Colorado law in federal court, saying it violated her rights to free speech & the free exercise of #religion.

The Supreme Court has turned down earlier cases challenging state laws regulating conversion therapy, over the dissents of some conservative justices.
The New York Times · Supreme Court to Hear Challenge to Law Banning Conversion TherapyAdam Liptak poolt

#California #Medicaid #MediCal
When I finally was able to reach my #AlamedaCounty case manager to get my Medi-Cal restored, they said it was a mistake.

The reason given was I bought food with #EBT from Whole Foods, which is Amazon, which is in Seattle, WA ― so I must be living in Washington.

By that logic, since Safeway is an Albertsons Company, then they should have assumed I moved to Boise, fucking Idaho ― ten damn years ago!

Also, all my Medi-Cal bills are here in Alameda County.

Then they repeated every one of Trump's lies about massive fraud in Medicaid and Medicare.

Living in California doesn't mean you are safe as some believe.

#science #medicine #medical #drugs #medicalbreakthroughs #cancer #aspirin #news #scientists
Too many people are spending billions building rockets. These are the headlines that really attract my attention, and could make life better for millions…

Scientists crack how aspirin might stop cancers from spreading

Person tipping white pills out of a brown bottle and into the palm of their hand Scientists crack how painkiller might stop cancers from spreadingThe cheap painkiller seems to help the immune system detect and destroy cancers.

Accompanied my Mom to doctor's appointment this morning. This was mainly for getting another prescription for her recurring gout issue. She got a physical checkup too. Her doctor & his MOA were masked up. None of the other medical clinic staff & no other patients were masked.

Location of masking report: Burnside Medical Clinic - office in lower part of building - there's a different office with same name on main level.

Just had my day-after-cataract-surgery follow-up 5-minute visit with the ophthalmologist and all's fine.

I used a new-to-me driver service (a local one-man operation) to go to that appointment. The driver and the service were great, but it was my first time in a Tesla and I wasn't thrilled about that part of things.