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Accompanied my Mom to doctor's appointment this morning. This was mainly for getting another prescription for her recurring gout issue. She got a physical checkup too. Her doctor & his MOA were masked up. None of the other medical clinic staff & no other patients were masked.

Location of masking report: Burnside Medical Clinic - office in lower part of building - there's a different office with same name on main level.

Vastatud lõimes

@MegaMichelle They won't do that. They won't even buy N95s so PAPR won't ever be considered. I'm tolerated but feel ostracized at work because I'm still protecting with masks, still keep asking for proactive masking - despite being shut down on that multiple times. I'm in a very tiny minority of covid cautious folks at work & in larger local community.

Unmasked plague spreaders repeat #eugenics crap from #BonnieHenry - our evil #BCPublicHealth officer. I HATE HER.

The first in office appointment with my new family doctor has just been booked for this Friday morning. I have the first appointment of the day & the doctor has assured me that he & staff will be masked up, as I've requested 😷⚕️
I tend to ask for first slot of the morning when booking medical appointments - to avoid running into a bunch of unmasked patients in waiting rooms.

I'll be asking if he will consider taking on my youngest brother as a new patient too because that bro still doesn't have a family doctor. He's been on the government waitlist for 2+ years.

I'm off to get mammogram now & then working on updating client files all afternoon. Remote(safer) work today 👍