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👉The #DumbingOfAmerica: The #StultificationOfThePeople👈 1)


After #Reagan successfully started with the dismantling of higher education for the not-well-to-do as part of #Reagonomics 2), the extremist part of #Republicans called #AmericaFirst in the 1930's and 40's, and now #MAGA are now going a step further by axing primary/2ndary ed., and the #Alignment (#Gleichschaltung) 3) of the #Education system through #MAGA-controlled state bodies.


As with many bad things in politics and government, and now with the Trump/GOP/MAGA chaos, incompetence, and corruption, some good things will very painfully come out of it.

- 1. Being a Pariah around the world means that the US will no longer be able bully other countries.
- 2. Canada, the EU, and other countries are going to build more open and better competing products, social media, and other technology platforms.
- 3. Canada, the EU, and other countries are going to impose regulations and rules on US companies in order for the US to export to those countries.
- 4. The eventual economic collapse will force corporate America to focus on making good products at fair prices.
- 5. The GOP and religious right will collapse under their chaos and infighting of which we’re witnessing the start.
- 6. And finally, the rest of us are mad as hell and aren’t going to take this anymore and are going to demand real positive change in our institutions.

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@RonSupportsYou I know I'm old and need not be listened to... but.

The Democrats are as dysfunction as the #MAGA crowd. We need NEW INNOVATIVE and REAL leadership. There may be a few but until the people get behind a truly visionary, powerful leader the votes will be counted in the street. It has always been thus. It is coming here. Stand, Lead, or Get out of the Way... is the old quote

I highly advise people to not travel to the United States for the time being. A French scientist was denied entry to the US and expelled because his phone had messages decrying scientific policies put forth by the Trump Administration. More disturbingly these messages were being equated with terrorism because it was "hateful towards the Trump Administration". This person at least didn't have to deal with weeks wasn't disappeared and suffer through torture like other tourists have been at the hands of ICE for absolutely no reason whatsoever. When I was a kid my school was trying to arrange a trip to the USSR. They would talk about all the precautions to take to not get in trouble with authorities and then god knows what would happen. I hated the idea of setting foot in a country like that. Now we are living in it. Thanks MAGA supporters and Trump voters! Sadly, as of this date the majority of them say they like what he's doing on immigration, in other words they like this shit. Fuck you all for that too. #uspoli #maga #rant…
Le Monde · Etats-Unis : un chercheur français refoulé pour avoir exprimé « une opinion personnelle sur la politique menée par l’administration Trump »Le Monde avec AFP poolt
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the pridefully #ignorant ones will endlessly blame shift away from their own #entitled #privileged indolence

the question is do they outnumber the ones who can have their eyes opened via the suffering they bring onto us by not #voting/ voting for #bigoted #plutocrat #malice

some have the bare minimum of heart to go "i was wrong"

if they are not enough? too late?

then we are truly fucked

#maga #voters, #nonvoters: i absolutely despise you

See this ICE vehicle loitering in the partking lot of a popular PNW Ukranian grocery store in Fife, WA.

Turns out these were not ICE officers at all, instead these are believed to be impostors impersonating federal officials.

An official statement from ICE indicates that this was not one of their patrols and is a federal crime.

Send tips on this ICE impersonator to WAISN's immigrant-led tipline:

(844) 724-3737

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@inthehands @StillIRise1963 @tarheel

why i'm posting this now

#midterms2026 means enough #democrats to stonewall #trump

but as the time draws near you will hear the same old whiny lies:

"both sides the same"

"corruption is everything"

"nothing matters"

"waah waah"

some of it is real #toxicidealism

some of it is #geopolitical #trollfarm #psyop

advertising their fake #leftist bonafides, like an american flag profile on #twitter injecting a #maga #kremlin agenda

people fall for it