But Morgan’s voice — her livelihood — would soon be altered by COVID-19. Five years ago this month, the Oak Brook-raised singer contracted the virus, which she believes happened during an Okeechobee, Florida festival where she performed with Vampire Weekend.
“We saw the news that coronavirus was raging through nursing homes in Italy, and there was just a deep sense of foreboding. But it didn’t feel like we were immediately threatened,” she said. “I trusted that we were in safe hands, choosing to play this festival.”
In her forthcoming memoir The Lost Voice (HarperOne), Morgan chronicles how the disease left her voice impaired. “The top half of my range became inaccessible,” she said, “and I began to feel like a stranger in my own body as well.” Now a participant in the Mayo Clinic’s long COVID treatment program, Morgan says is still navigating all of the ways that COVID has shaped her art and life writ large.
If you're in Australia and have long covid the National Centre for Neuroimmunology and Emerging Diseases at Griffith uni are after research participants. I spoke to one of the Drs involved yesterday, i'm volunteering for stuff, and he mentioned that they are struggling to get enough participants
Edit: since someone asked and this has gone outside my usual circles, they're able to handle those of us who are housebound. People involved have experience treating ME/CFS people
UK: Dr. Alexis Gilbert, 41, from Burley in Wharfedale in West Yorkshire, caught COVID in July 2022 and still suffers from fatigue, pain, and brain fog. Long Covid affects the daily lives of 1.5 million people in England and Scotland.
“We focus on common phrases that clinicians often tell patients, but which can be nonproductive, inappropriate, and frankly, damaging to the physician-patient relationship.”
“Who is the target audience for the paper?
Physicians of all specialties and other healthcare practitioners, such as psychologists, physical therapists, social workers, nutritionists, and others.”
#MedEd #Mastodon #mecfs #longcovid
@mecfs @longcovid @dysautonomia
“For people with complex chronic diseases such as long COVID, myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS), and dysautonomia, a clinician’s inadvertently hurtful language can compound suffering and derail effective communication.”
#Dysautonomia #PwME #mecfs #longcovid
@mecfs @longcovid @dysautonomia
New by me: US measles updates, a bad bird flu development, #LongCovid cost to US $2-6.5 billion annually, 3 vaccine doses cut Long Covid risk over 60%, Australia: 1 in 5 have Long Covid, Ensitrelvir prevents Covid after exposure (!!!), cat photos to delight you, more
From Medscape (widely read by health professionals):
"What Not to Say to People With Complex Chronic Illness"
(may require free registration)
#MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #ChronicFatigueSyndrome #MEcfs #CFS #PwME @longcovid
#LongCovid #PASC #PwLC #postcovid #postcovid19 #LC #Covidlonghaulers #PostCovidSyndrome #longhaulers #COVIDBrain #NeuroPASC
Ik maakte laatst een grapje over een “koken met COVID”-kookboek en toen dachten een paar mensen dat dat echt bestaat en voelde ik me schuldig
UK: Amber Richards from Brighton caught COVID-19 in March 2020 and was diagnosed with long Covid in November 2021. Once active, enjoying walks, festivals, and clubbing, she now struggles with extreme fatigue, sleeping 14 to 18 hours daily.
It brings me zero joy to be able to say that this was predictable and predicted in 2020.. and every day since
“The rising cost of sickness and disability benefits is "devastating" for the public finances,”
Man kann nicht oft genug das Thema #Longcovid ansprechen. Der Politik scheint das ja weitestgehend egal zu sein.
Fünf Jahre nach Beginn der #Corona-Pandemie sind die gesundheitlichen Folgen weiter präsent. Schwere akute Verläufe sind zwar für die meisten kein Thema mehr. Problematisch sind aber Langzeitschäden, auch nach milden Verläufen und Reinfektionen.
You know what might actually help some of us work? A council-run trades service.
I need a weekly cleaner who will actually turn up. I need a plasterer without the ringing round trying to get quotes. I need a decorator without the searching and trying to get recommendations. I need someone I can call to change lightbulbs I can't safely reach and hook the curtain back on its rings.
I'd happily pay the going rate for the work if it got rid of the headaches.
"Those of us who want to take any extra steps to protect ourselves have been largely abandoned. Wearing masks in crowded spaces is rare, mocked, and in some cases even banned. Any kinds of commonsense precaution like air filtration have been shoved on the back burner or worse. The vulnerable are on their own—and there’s little reason to believe that our ranks won’t grow."
Still mourning what could have been, while everyone mocks me for my caution.
Labour are brutally gutting diability benefits while allowing many more to become disabled.
Research shows that roughly 1 in 10 people in UK have Long Covid, with many more to follow.
Each infection carries risk, not only for LC but many other sequelae.
Covid is an *ongoing* mass disabling event.
Kennt jemand Arzt oder Ärztin, der / die OM #Saarland bei einer jugendlichen Person #LongCovid / #ChronicFatigue diagnostizieren bzw. ausschließen kann?
#Covid19 hospital acquired infections still a major problem, yet precautions are not protecting vulnerable patients.
"We seem to ignore the people at the centre of this. We're dealing with people losing their lives. [The proposal] might benefit the system, but what harm are we causing to patients?"
#Covid19NZ #CovidIsNotOver #MaskUp #LongCovid #ChronicIllness