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One of the most useful things I did was to take the Outlier course. Expensive, yes, but I'm a geek when it comes to learning how things work. Understanding this about Chinese characters not only helped me learn better but also helped me understand the logic, philosophical and historical reasons behind why each character was written this way.

There are so many bad #languagelearning immersion videos. It's wild. "Just immerse and you will naturally learn like a child". So stupid, most of us are not children 🤪
If textbook learning and classes would not be beneficial humanity would have abandoned that long ago. As if studied teachers and professors would sit in Universties everyday for fun, not researching this very topic. But okay, Youtube Influencer guru tell me the way 🙄

Hi Fediverse! My #Introduction - new here cause I'm missing the days of seeing art and humor all in one place without so much garbage. Some of my big interests are music (esp Japanese music), journaling/stationery, art...been considering getting into web dev lately as another hobby. I speak Japanese (more or less) and am LGBTQ! If any of that sounds cool, feel free to say hi 😄

Question for my fellow #AuDHD folx: Has anyone found a good anguage learning method you've been able to stick with? I seriously need to re-up and improve my #Spanish skills as sometimes I get folded into work conversations that started out in Spanish, and I'd like to be able to understand them better. I also feel like learning Spanish better would help me to understand the challenges my students face with English. Boosts welcome and appreciated. @ActuallyAutistic @ActuallyADHD

***Hashtags Here***
#Languages #LanguageLearning #Actuallyautistic #ActuallyAdhd #actuallyAuDHD

Some person in a forum claims they got fluent in #Mandarin in 8 months. Possible if you are a genius, not possible for most.

I am Chinese, grew up speaking the 8 tone Hokkien language, so I do have some advantages. I also learned Mandarin in school for a few years. Took HSK classes too. I can read up to Hsk 2/3 depending on the vocab. My listening skills is advanced and my speaking skills are prob hsk 3 or 4.

But if I go to China and claim that I am fluent in Chinese they'd flay me alive for being an arrogant fool 😆. You can have HSK 6 skills, but that's only beggining level for most Chinese. Hsk 6 is just dipping your toe in the waters.

Mandarin has such complexities you can't really be fluent in 8 months. For example, understanding chengyu? That would prob take a year or two to even grasp.

So fluent, perhaps in the West or countries outside East Asia, means being able to read and speak a little. Being conversant. I suppose that's fine. If your reading levels aren't even HSK 3, you can't call yourself fluent because writing and reading is the backbone of the Chinese language. You can't do without it.

In China, and even in South-East Asia fluent means a whooooole other thing.

Intro toot:

-- Supply Chain Systems (24-present)
-- AI Training (23-24)
-- EduTech startup (18-22)
-- Supply Chain Engineer (13-19)
-- Field Organizer Obama (12)
-- Charity Gaming Marathon (10-present)

-- MPA from #UiB 19/21
-- BA History 07/11 #SUNYStonyBrook

Data analytics, MMIS and medical supply chain, US & European History

#Curling #F1 (#LH44) #baseball (#LFGM) #AmericanFootball (#Steelers) #languagelearning

Go tos:
Drink: GnT
Dish: breakfast burritos

From here in Japan I was honored by this tribute from The Worthy Educator in the U.S.: "Steve McCarty gets celebratED for receiving the second annual Veteran Teacher Voices Interview from The College and University Educators research group of the Japan Association for Language Teaching! We celebrate Steve for this recognition of his impressive career in higher education!"

The Web page with links is at

Or I suggest that you go straight to the interview, available to non-members of ResearchGate by just scrolling down, at

The interview is not just about my project initiatives and publications but also about foreign language issues such as the long-term effects of AI on language acquisition.

#Japan #Education #HigherEducation #interview #bilingualism #English #ForeignLanguages #LanguageLearning #career #publications
@linguistics @academicchatter @japan

A passing #LanguageLearning thought:

If you can make and get puns and play language games, you can do ablaut and Semitic-style patterns.

Most wordplay revolves around modifying or replacing parts of words. The same is true for both IE-style ablaut and Semitic-style patterns: you take part of the word and transform it in a predictable manner (usually by replacing, adding, or deleting a vowel). The main difference is that in the latter case, you are doing it to indicate a change in tense, mood, or another grammatical category, rather than trying to be funny.

It's probably no big surprise that word people like wordplay, but if you're trying to become a word person, remember that wordplay isn't just fun — it's also _practice_.

Guys idk what language level this equates to but in Dutch I'm now able to understand most tw and radio programs or at least most of it, same with written news, sarcastic tweets about culture and news (like zwarte piet or vuurwerk), I love Lubach, I can listen to singers interviews, translate songs, read (non)fiction like
Bijna niets gebeurt toevallig or De Avonden by Gerard Reve. My mum told me my Dutch sounded better, too!
#languagelearning #dutch #languages #nederlands #selftaught

Does anybody have any recommendations for online methods of learning French? I knew French once pretty well (probably a lower level B2), but I haven't used the language in years. I'd really like to bring back some of the skill that I used to have, but since quitting Duolingo for firing their linguists and using AI to work on the courses instead, I haven't really found anything basic that meets my needs. Recommendations would be really appreciated!

LanguageJones is the only #linguistics #LanguageLearning YT channel I'm subscribed to. I love that he doesn't hold back from deep dives AND that he only accepts sponsors he personally uses. This video is fascinating & since he last used the sponsor, they've added #Korean which may be of interest to some #KDrama viewers.

New publication: "Interview with Steve McCarty" [on his professorial accomplishments in Japan].

The College and University Educators research group of the Japan Association for Language Teaching has honored me with their second annual Veteran Teacher Voices interview on my teaching career in Japan. I critique the foreign language teaching profession, discuss future trends of increasing foreigners in Japan, the need for English, and long-term effects of AI on language acquisition.

I believe educationalists will find this article interesting:

和訳 - Japanese translation which I edited: スティーブ・マッカーティとのインタビュー(日本での教授としての業績):

Publications on bilingualism and language teaching:

#TEFL #Japan #Japanese #LanguageEducation #LanguageTeaching #LanguageLearning #bilingualism #InterculturalCommunication #FacultyDevelopment #career #retirement #InternationalMarriage #OnlineEducation

@linguistics @edutooters @academicchatter