on üks paljudest sõltumatutest Mastodoni serveritest, mida saab fediversumis osalemiseks kasutada. on mõeldud Eestis üldkasutatavaks Mastodoni serveriks. is meant to be a general use Mastodon server for Estonia.


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@noblefeu also das mit Farbe ist ne Frage des Panels.

  • Bei #eInk gibt's nur wenige ACeP panels die 7 Farben können.

Wasserdichtigkeit geht notfalls per Hülle (gibt reputable Hersteller die sogar Druckwasserdichtigkeit für's Tauchen garantieren, brsucht halt buttons)...

  • Mensch muss in jedem Falle bei jedem Hersteller und Gerät einzeln nachfragen, ob diese entsprecjende Features haben.

Sowas wie "#ePub-Dateien ohne #DRM von #microSD lesen und anzeigen" sollte jeder halbwegs taugliche #eReader können. Ansonsten ist es allenfalls nen "#ThinClient für geschlossene Systeme" (vgl. #Amazon #Kindle)!

Ditching corporate USA has not been inexpensive, but it has bone my heart good.
My latest victim is #Amaon's #Kindle service.
The move to #Kobo means that in a few weeks*, I'll be able to lose my Paperwhite and Amazon altogether
Now, I can read with a clear conscience.
Added advantage, the reader hardware is made from recycled, and ocean bound plastic, and it is repairable.

*A few weeks because I'll need time to gather my library together in its new home.

TIL: Whatever #ebooks or documents you put on a #Kindle, they're being indexed & uploaded automatically to the #Amazon server if the device has an internet connection. Just found out with an unpublished #manuscript that someone wanted to read on their Kindle and it ended up on the Amazon server, although it was put onto the Kindle manually via cable. Whatever you do with Amazon devices, you're adding everything to Amazon's data collection. #Enshittification #AuthorRights #IntellectualProperty

"While Lycette’s novel about the threat of...AI could not be more timely, the story’s realistic portrait of the humans seeking to control it is what makes it memorable" -, "The Best Medical Thriller Books of the 21st Century"

Two yrs ago I became a published novelist! I still pinch myself! I double pinch myself that some other people said good things about it!!

#ebook on sale $0.99 (I'm sorry that only avail on #kindle; working w/publisher to try to change)

(paperback avail wherever online books sold; support an #indiebookstore! (pb & audiobook not on sale tho))

Jätkatud lõim

To set your #Smashwords account to deliver your ePubs to direct to your #Kindle, start by getting your Kindle's email address from Amazon.

In Smashwords:

Click the account icon at the top right of the screen and select Manage Account

Under Buying and Reading Books, select Manage eDelivery

If not checked, select Deliver to my email address

Under Deliever to my email address, click the Change Address button

Paste the Kindle email address into the field and click the Change Address button to Kindle - Email

Step Into the Rift—The Adventure Begins! 🚀

The first book in the Rifters series is FREE, and you don’t have to buy from a big store! Get it directly from me or borrow from Hoopla. 📚✨

If you love eerie small towns, unexpected twists, and a battle against the unknown, the Rifters series is for you.

🔗 Grab your free book now:

#Kindle #Kobo #Nook #iBook #GooglePlay More #books #scifi #fantasy #steampunk

Pssst….all you folks fighting with #Kindle bulk downloader and #DRM removal: you can just download pirated copies. It’s much quicker and easier! 🏴‍☠️

In the eyes of the copyright holders you’ve already crossed the Rubicon by stripping their precious DRM from the files. Might as well go full Jolly Roger and make life easy on yourself.

Sind hier #Amazon #Kindle User?

Ab dem 26.02. ist der Download der Bücher nicht mehr möglich.

Da sich die Book Bans in den USA immer mehr ausweiten, ist es sicher sinnvoll, wenn ihr eure Bücher sichert.

Der Artikel enthält einen Link zu einem Downloader.

Ach ja, in Zukunft solltet ihr, wenn irgend möglich, auch keine Bücher mehr bei Amazon kaufen, versteht sich von selbst ;-)

Ars Technica · PSA: Amazon kills “download & transfer via USB” option for Kindles this weekAndrew Cunningham poolt