on üks paljudest sõltumatutest Mastodoni serveritest, mida saab fediversumis osalemiseks kasutada. on mõeldud Eestis üldkasutatavaks Mastodoni serveriks. is meant to be a general use Mastodon server for Estonia.


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Uteliaisuuttani vaihdoin tyttäreni hylkäämään puhelimeen käyttöjärjestelmäksi supisuomalaisen Jollan. Ihan heittämällä ei mennyt ja käyttölogiikassa moni juttu menee toisin kuin Androidissa, joten vähän täytyy totutella. Tässä on visuaalisesti jotain samaa kuin Windows Phonessa - mutta hyvässä mielessä.

Periaatteessa amerikkalainen Android olisi siis näin korvattavissa kotimaisella vaihtoehdolla. Android-softat myöskin toimivat.

Wanna let go of Google on mobile? JOLLA goes rock 'n' rollout mode ⛵ 🐧 📲

The only independent commercial mobile OS entity served Sailfish OS 5 to all supported devices - incl. new Jolla C2 phone (ordered again via fresh batch) 🙂🤳

Next era for Jolla (and mobile realm in general) - upgraded Android app usage WITHOUT Google +much more.


Jolla Blog · Sailfish OS 5.0 Tampella is here! | Jolla BlogA new era for Sailfish OS The next chapter of Sailfish OS has arrived. Sailfish OS 5.0 is now rolling out to all supported devices, marking a major milestone with more than 300 improvements of various size & like, over 200 bug fixes, the release of Sailfish Core for the new Jolla Mind2 Personal AI …
Vastas kasutajale heise online

@heiseonline Habe #SailfishOS über viele Jahre als daily driver genutzt. Erst auf dem ersten #Jolla Phone (#IAmTheFirstOne as well) und danach auf dem #Sony #Xperia #XA2. Ein tolles Betriebssystem mit einigen Macken damals. Ein paar Fragen meinerseits:

- Gibt es spürbaren Lag im System UI?
- Wie lange hält der Akku bei alltäglichem Gebrauchsmuster?
- Ist es problemlos einhändig zu bedienen (siehe Bildschirmgröße)?
- Wie lange braucht die Kamera zum starten?
- Wie ist die Fotoqualität?

Vastatud lõimes

@whitequark I'm using the alternative smartphone OS called #sailfishos since.. uhmm... 2013 where #Jolla (the company behind that OS) introduced their first phone. I've never used any other mobile OS even if it's not perfect and has not all the fancy bells & whistles the duopoly has but f*** who cares? I want a phone, a browser and a Linux-based OS with root shell. I'm happy with that because it protects my privacy instead of spying on me.

Jolla is proud to announce that the production of our privacy-first AI computer, Jolla Mind2, is starting in Salo, Finland! 🇫🇮

This marks a significant step in our Edge AI strategy, as we bring the manufacturing of this cutting-edge technology to Finland. This move ensures a secure and controlled environment for the production of Mind2, reinforcing our commitment to data privacy and user empowerment.

Read more about this exciting development in the Finnish press release:

Tooting from my shiny new #Jolla C2 phone. A significant number of #sailfishos enthusiasts received a dead phone. I was lucky and can confirm that this is hands down the most beautiful alternative to the iOS-Android-duopoly. This new community phone is still rather buggy and it sucks that I have to use its Android subsystem for - what I consider - some basic functionality. But I look forward to watching it become usable one bug report at a time.

My #Jolla C2 is now in Posti's hands in Tampere. With any luck, it should arrive here in Helsinki and be available for pickup tomorrow! 🥳 Then I shall begin my attempt to daily drive #SailfishOS.

I would like to give it a go for at least a month straight and write up my experience with it in 2024 (having last daily driven it in 2016) compared to Android and iOS.