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9,000 Years Old Structure Under Lake Michigan

Mark Holley, at Northwestern Michigan University, first came across a rock that he said bears a prehistoric carving of a mastodon. On further investigation, he discovered a Stonehenge-like arrangement of ancient stones.

They stand 40 feet below the water’s surface, and the stones are some 9,000 years old, making this one of the oldest structures ever discovered in North America.

#Native #Indigenous #Mastodon

Cherokee National Treasure Victoria Vazquez was approached by late U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, who took a liking to her artwork. Ginsburg soon purchased a clay shield from Vazquez and a pot a few years later.

In 2022, those pieces were placed into the Cherokee National Collection and are now on display at the Cherokee Nation Anna Mitchell Cultural & Welcome Center in Vinita.

#Native #Indigenous

For those interested in very early #Quebecois #Genealogy, I have just completed a revision of my first 'grandmother' & 'grandfather' married in #NouvelleFrance (#NewFrance). They were: Marie Olivier Sylvestre Manitouabe8ich (Manitouabeouich) & Martin Prévost.

This marriage was the first in Canada between an #indigenous person and a European Canadian immigrant.

#Canada #News #USA #History #Education #FamilyHistory

Imprisoned since 2010 without a sentence, a Oaxaca court sentenced Zapotec environmental defender Pablo López Alavez from San Isidro Aloápam to thirty years in prison on March 6. His crime? Defending his community's forest from illegal logging.

DesinformémonosCondenan a 30 años de prisión al defensor zapoteca Pablo López Alavez

Inside the Schools Alaska Ignored

Two inches of raw sewage. Black mold. A bat infestation. Reporter Emily Schwing shares what she uncovered as she investigated dangerous conditions inside Alaska’s deteriorating public schools.

ProPublicaInside the Schools Alaska Ignored
Veel kasutajalt ProPublica

I'm really not seeing this... thoughts?

How Indigenous engineers are using AI to preserve their culture

Indigenous languages are rapidly disappearing, and AI could help preserve them, according to Indigenous technologists.

#AI #Native #Indigenous

NBC News · How Indigenous engineers are using AI to preserve their cultureIris Kim poolt

#ToxicPeople in #BritishColumbia preying on multiple Indigenous communities in Canada thread. Feel free to add your own, similar toxic shitbuckets of Canada to my list - which will be updated with other pathological liars running their shitgames all over BC.

This one is a mentally unstable, unmedicated bipolar nutjob who abandoned her only child & has lived out of motels/car for several years. Sex work is how she gets money. I have nothing against sex workers except for ones like her who try to traffick vulnerable young native girls & desperate older native women to get into sex work too - when they don't want to. I have a lot against ANYONE who tries to buy people with money & gifts as well - this is her way to get in with multiple naive ppl.

This #pretendian claims to be Cree. She is not #Indigenous whatsoever.

Her IG: