As an example:
~ Deportation of Ohio's Haitians could spark economic turmoil ~
#USA #immigration #deportations #trump
#Ohio #Haitians

As an example:
~ Deportation of Ohio's Haitians could spark economic turmoil ~
#USA #immigration #deportations #trump
#Ohio #Haitians
~ “They entered their cold cells, 80 men per cell, w/ steel planks for bunks, no mats, no sheets, no pillow. No television. No books. No talking. No phone calls & no visitors… It was exile to another world, a place so cold and far from home they may as well have been sent into space, nameless and forgotten… it was as if I watched them become ghosts.”
/6 of 6
~ What the #Venezuelans Deported to El Salvador Experienced~
#USA #USGov #trump #immigration #deportations
“After being shaved, the detainees were stripped naked. More of them began to whimper; the hard faces I saw on the plane had evaporated. It was like looking at men who passed through a time machine. In two hours, they aged 10 years. Their nice clothes were not gathered or catalogued but simply thrust into black garbage bags to be thrown out with their hair.”
/5 of 6
~ What the #Venezuelans Deported to El Salvador Experienced~
#USA #trump #immigration #deportations
“Inside the intake room, a sea of trustees descended on the men with electric shavers, stripping heads of hair with haste. The guy who claimed to be a barber began to whimper, folding his hands in prayer as his hair fell. He was slapped. The man asked for his mother, then buried his face in his chained hands and cried as he was slapped again.”
/4 of 6
~ What the #Venezuelans Deported to El Salvador Experienced~
#USA #USGov #trump #immigration #deportations
“The men were pulled from the buses so fast the guards couldn’t keep pace. Chained at their ankles and wrists, they stumbled and fell, some guards falling to the ground with them. With each fall came a kick, a slap, a shove. The guards grabbed necks and pushed bodies into the sides of the buses as they forced the detainees forward.“
/3 of 6
~ What the #Venezuelans Deported to El Salvador Experienced~
#USA #USGov #trump #immigration #deportations
“The intake began with slaps. One young man sobbed when a guard pushed him to the floor. He said, ‘I’m not a gang member. I’m gay. I’m a barber.’ I believed him. But maybe it’s only because he didn’t look like what I had expected—he wasn’t a tattooed monster.”
/2 of 6
~ What the #Venezuelans Deported to El Salvador Experienced~
#USA #USGov #trump #immigration #deportations
“Around 2 a.m., the convoy of 22 buses, flanked by armored vehicles and police, moved out of the airport. Soldiers and police lined the 25-mile route to the prison, with thick patrols at every bridge and intersection… for a Venezuelan plucked from America, it must have appeared dystopian—police and soldiers for miles and miles in woodland darkness.”
/1 of 6
~ What the #Venezuelans Deported to El Salvador Experienced~
#USA #USGov #trump #immigration #deportations
~Why was the proclamation… signed in the dark on Friday night or early Saturday morning and people rushed onto planes? Seems to me the only reason to do that is if you know it’s a problem and you want to get them out of the country before a suit’s filed.
#HowardLutnick is claiming he has sold 1,000 permanent US residence permits for $5 million each (Trump's "Gold Cards") to the world's wealthiest kleptocrats, oligarchs, and crypto bros.
note that these people will be able to live in the US but (unlike US citizens) will not have to pay taxes on their foreign income.
you should expect america's billionaires to start "emigrating" to other countries and "coming back" as Gold Card holders for tax reasons.
Earlier, from Francesca D'Annunzio: Texas law enforcement agencies and others around the nation are reviving a long-dead "task force" program that led to racial profiling in the past. https://www.texasobserver.org/local-state-police-ice-287g-task-force/
"It's not immigrants buying up our care homes, privatising our schools, or hiking up our energy bills."
"#Labour and #Tories got us into this mess, they're not the ones who are going to get us out."
#DOJ is back up briefly for a hypothetical presented by Boasberg about whether the #AlienEnemiesAct could apply to Chinese fishermen under their interpretation of the #AEA. They agreed it could.
Court is adjourned for the day.
#law #Constitution #immigration #DueProcess #Judiciary #Trump #AbuseOfPower
#Boasberg says he is also concerned that those targeted were not working for foreign governments, but adds that the question of his ability to review the proclamation itself is unclear.
"There's still a lot of language in #SCOTUS cases that gives me pause"
#law #Constitution #immigration #AlienEnemiesAct #DueProcess #Judiciary #Trump #AbuseOfPower
#Boasberg interjects to say that a big question here is about TdA membership, determining who is covered by the #AEA.
Boasberg to #ACLU: I agree that the policy implications of this are incredibly troubling, problematic, concerning....it's an unprecedented & expanded use of the Act
#law #Constitution #immigration #AlienEnemiesAct #DueProcess #Judiciary #Trump #AbuseOfPower
#ACLU: "It can't just be you're put on a plane in 2hrs"
ACLU says that unless there's a review process, "anyone could be taken off the street." He adds that the plaintiffs see another question: whether the proclamation itself is reviewable by the courts; he says it is.
ACLU: "This is a very dangerous road we're going down where the #AlienEnemiesAct can be invoked against a gang" [not a foreign nation or government]
#law #Constitution #immigration #DueProcess #Judiciary #Trump #AbuseOfPower
Plaintiffs turn
#ACLU says they're not seeking to stop the govt from deporting people in normal course, under the #Immigration & Nationality Act, & argue that challenging the proclamation wouldn't work via individualized #HabeasCorpus cases.
#Boasberg asks what the plaintiffs think they have to do to show that they're not members of TdA.
ACLU says that during the WWI invocation, there weren't removals. And even during the WWII removals, the govt "set up a hearing board" to review cases.
#DOJ argues that, hypothetically, people subject to #AlienEnemiesAc could contest that via a habeas claim. But says that the current suit (a class action) shouldn't be allowed (not brought by individual)
#Boasberg asks about #torture claims: Why can't the plaintiffs bring that related to the #AEA removals?
DOJ says that such a claim needs to be brought as part of a #HabeasCorpus petition.
[again, not easy to do from #CECOT)
#law #Constitution #immigration #Judiciary #Trump #AbuseOfPower
#Boasberg reminds the #DOJ that #Congress created a court for exactly this -- the Alien Terrorist Removal Court. It has never been used.
FYI: Boasberg was Chief Judge of The Alien Terrorist Removal Court 2020–2025 →
Boasberg asks about #DueProcess rights to aliens within the #US
DOJ argues their rights are "quite limited"
#law #Constitution #immigration #AlienEnemiesAct #Judiciary #Trump #AbuseOfPower
#Boasberg: let's talk about whether #HabeasCorpus is the sole avenue of review
[hopefully we will soon hear about #judiciary #power & the #Trump admin’s defiance of the courts]
#DOJ keeps trying to argue that the challenge in this case would strip the govt, somehow, of its authority to detain people.
[not if they do it without breaking the law]
Boasberg, incredulous: this is about removal, isnt it? [not detention]
#law #Constitution #immigration #AlienEnemiesAct #DueProcess #Judiciary
#DOJ returns to the idea that individual people can raise challenges under #HabeasCorpus.
[not exactly an option for people who are already in an El Salvadorian terrorist detention center!]
#Boasberg compares this to the old #Guantanamo cases, in which the courts were able to review whether a detainee was a member of Al Qaeda even if "they had never even set foot in the United States"
#law #Constitution #immigration #AlienEnemiesAct #DueProcess #Judiciary #Trump #AbuseOfPower