@ustralien Sadly no, and that's my big disappointment!
@frameworkcomputer decided to choose the #Apple-esque "flat cells below #trackpad" design in the unreasonable #THINN-ness race instead of doing what even the #EeePC and #Sony's #Vaio #P11Z did and have a slot at the back to chug in batteries!
- I know why they did it, as a closed aluminium pan aka. "#lunchbox" design is easier to fabricate, but I'd rather some #ToolfreeSwappableBattery which are IMHO of more practicality than having the ability to swap out every port.
Not that I don't like those #modules, but I'd rather wish for a "#THICC-er" device if that gets me essentials like #Ethernet, #USB-A & -C as well as a #TRRS #HeadphoneJack / #HeadsetJack.
That being said the #Framework is still by a long margin the "least #enshittified" device on the market, and same goes for the #Fairphone devices...
Not to mention they don't have an #UltraNav-Style #Trackpoint and I do use that instead of a Trackpad.