RNZ: NZ’s glaciers have already lost nearly a third of their ice – as more vanishes, landscapes and lives change

RNZ: NZ’s glaciers have already lost nearly a third of their ice – as more vanishes, landscapes and lives change
the stuff we leave behind!
#Archaeologists are finding mysterious ancient objects on Norway's melting #glaciers. Take a look. https://buff.ly/4kgIAfJ
Ancient glacier finding reveals clues to how complex life on Earth evolved.
From @CNN: "Research published in the journal Geology suggests the flowing of ancient glaciers may have directly shaped chemical changes in the ocean that were critical for the evolution of complex organisms."
We were able to detect the Pygmy Shrews (Sorex minutus) in the high #alpine up to 3,300 m a.s.l. in #SouthTyrol #Italy, 780 metres higher than known before
New short note in #Hystrix (w/ #ChiaraPaniccia & @Eliag from https://bsky.app/profile/euracalpenv.bsky.social )
https://www.europesays.com/1862598/ Climate change is shrinking glaciers faster than ever #AKStateWire #Alaska #AssociatedPress #ClimateAndEnvironment #EarthScience #europe #GeneralNews #glaciers #Greenland #News #RisingSeaLevels #science #SethBorenstein #TedScambos #WilliamColgan #world #WorldNews #WorldTopics
Even though ‘glacial’ is commonly used to describe extremely slow, steady movement, a new study has found that #glaciers speed up and slow down on a daily – even hourly – basis in response to changes in air temperature, #rainfall and the #tides
#Environmental #EarthScience #sflorg
"A University of Bristol study found that 91% of Svalbard’s #glaciers have significantly shrunk since 1985, losing over 800 km².
#Svalbard is one of the fastest-warming places on Earth. The low altitude of the archipelago’s ice fields and geographical location in the high North Atlantic make it especially sensitive to climate change."
"Glacier" teableau for 12/30/24
I have visited glaciers that are noticeably smaller now than when I was there. My son has photographed polar bears in the wild in places where they are now less likely to be. Meanwhile, the pace at which mitigation of climate change progresses is... glacial.
Where #Glaciers Melt, the #Rivers Run Red
As glaciers of #SouthAmerica retreat, supply of #freshwater is dwindling and its quality is getting worse.
For thousands of years, the glaciers were replenished with ice in the winter. But they have shrunk by more than 40% since 1968, uncovering rocks that, when exposed to the elements, can trigger chemical reactions that leach #toxic metals into the #water and turn it acidic.
https://archive.ph/QO7jd #climatechange #climatecrisis
How the mournful songs of icebergs reverberate around the world
Icebergs produce some of the loudest natural noises in the oceans. Can we learn anything about their birth, life and death by listening in?
By Richard Gray
Caption figure below: Iceberg songs are generated by harmonic tremours that occur when icebergs rub against each other or scrape along the seafloor
"Glacier melt leads to redrawing of the Italian-Swiss border"
#Italy #Switzerland #Glaciers #Climate #ClimateChange
Back to the WMO today (online at least) to discuss the global #Cryosphere watch - a part of @wmo-global.bsky.social - and how we can better share real-tiem and climate data affetcing #glaciers #ice sheets and other parts of hte cryosphere.
I just love trail running! But when I can also be out and about in magnificent landscapes, like here at the Bovalhütte in the Engadin, it's the perfect combination! I just love these glacier landscapes! They never cease to amaze me, even if they're getting smaller and smaller.
After some time of trying mastodon, I quite like it here and will probably stay so it's maybe time for an introduction:
I'm a student in physical #oceanography in northern germany and mainly here for finding interesting research related content. Second interest is just general #opensource stuff & programming and third is politics.
For the research part I'm mostly a fan of #hydrothermalvents , #oceans , #climate , the #arctic , #antarctic , #glaciers , #seaice but also #ships and more.
Sharing some big mountain vibrations. You ever reach a view that is so beautiful you cant stop taking pictures? This was that moment for me, catching the last rays of daylight. Since it was quite cold the group I was with didn't stick around long. I have a hard time leaving these places, especially knowing how rare it'll be to ever return again. If you zoom in you can see some mighty glaciers deep within the Canadian Rocky Mountains. Grateful to be able to share such a memory.
"The whole point of taking pictures is so that you don’t have to explain things with words." - Elliott Erwitt
Switzerland's alpine glaciers have lost 10% of their volume over the last two years alone, the Swiss Academy of Sciences reported, calling the sudden reduction clear evidence of the "very critical state" of the climate. The glaciers have shed as much ice in two years as they did in the 30 years between 1960 and 1990.
The rate of ice loss in 2023 was 4%, the second worst year on record after 2022, when they lost 6% of their volume.