on üks paljudest sõltumatutest Mastodoni serveritest, mida saab fediversumis osalemiseks kasutada. on mõeldud Eestis üldkasutatavaks Mastodoni serveriks. is meant to be a general use Mastodon server for Estonia.


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I'm not fully happy with this one yet, but it works and I'm using it. I've been sitting on it for a while now and I need to just publish it because I'm not sure when I'm going to get to the V1.5 improvements I want to do.

Here's my take on a simple fume extractor that uses a couple of easily obtainable and off the shelf parts.

If you're sucking solder fumes and have a printer and about $15 for materials. Here you go:

Libre License, FreeCAD source files included.


FreeCAD Freddy

For our 3d print workshop I've created FreeCad Freddy.
This is a cute cube like character.
I was trying to create a simple but fun project for others to make when they use FreeCAD for the first time.

The design is just a basic cube with legs and from there you can customize it the way you like!
I gave this one curly hair and a big smile.
Curious to see what you are able to create, enjoy!

#FreeCAD #FreeCADFriday #freeCADFreddy #technicaldrawing #cad
#makerspace #3dprinting

Vastas kasutajale FreeCAD

@FreeCAD Yesterday, a local #HamRadio friend asked for help 3D printing brackets for stacking two radios, and a hook to hang a microphone.

Really, combining the parts made a lot of sense. So I imported both into a FreeCAD document, translated them together to the desired superposition, did the usual mesh → shape → solid, Part Boolean to join them, changed the boolean's refine to true, and now I have a bracket with a known-to-work hook the right size for the microphone.

If I had wanted to make this design more flexible, I could have re-created the design and made it parametric, but as a quick "could you print this for me?" improvement to an existing design it was very quick — most of the time was from re-orienting to Part since I operate in Part Design by preference. It took longer to arrange support exclusions to support the hook and not support the holes in the slicer than it did to combine the models in FreeCAD.

If I were modeling this from scratch, I would have designed the hook to print without supports, but then I might have had to have iterated to get to a shape known to work well with the actual microphone in practice. So this was the quick win.